Debilitated example sentences

Related (10): weak, frail, feeble, enfeebled, incapacitated, powerless, drained, exhausted, infirm, vulnerable

"Debilitated" Example Sentences

1. His illness left him debilitated and weak.
2. She suffered from chronic fatigue that debilitated her for years.
3. The disease slowly debilitated his body over time.
4. War had left the nation debilitated and in ruins.
5. The soldier returned home debilitated and traumatized by his experiences.
6. The storm left many debilitated citizens in its wake.
7. The car accident left him physically and mentally debilitated.
8. The patient was debilitated due to years of poor health.
9. The demanding job had debilitated her over the years.
10. Post-viral syndrome can leave sufferers debilitated for months or years.
11. His arthritis had debilitated his body over the past decade.
12. The lack of nutrients had debilitated them during their long journey.
13. The refugees arrived in camp debilitated and malnourished.
14. The severe burns severely debilitated the victim.
15. The long famine debilitated the population.
16. Prolonged use debilitated his body and mind.
17. His addiction debilitated his health and marriage.
18. The old woman was severely debilitated and needed constant care.
19. The patient's weak immune system left him debilitated.
20. The cancer had seriously debilitated his body.
21. The extreme weather left many travelers debilitated and stranded.
22. She felt emotionally and physically debilitated after years of abuse.
23. The prisoner was badly debilitated after years spent in solitary confinement.
24. The power outage left many elderly and debilitated citizens at risk.
25. Disease and deprivation debilitated the population for decades.
26. Her depression had debilitated her for the past two years.
27. Poverty had severely debilitated their way of life.
28. The debilitated survivors were in dire need of food, water and medical attention.
29. The storm caused severe damage and left many residents debilitated.
30. She arrived at the hospital severely debilitated and dehydrated.
31. The aging population in developed nations includes many debilitated individuals.
32. The tsunami left thousands of people severely injured and debilitated.
33. Decades of smoking had debilitated his lungs.
34. The chemotherapy had left him severely debilitated.
35. The explosion left many soldiers severely injured and debilitated.
36. The infection quickly debilitated the elderly patient.
37. The debilitated patient required constant assistance.
38. His immune disorder had debilitated him since childhood.
39. The conditions in the refugee camp left the inhabitants severely debilitated.
40. She felt emotionally and physically debilitated after the ordeal.
41. The victims were starving and severely debilitated.
42. The years living on the streets had debilitated his health and mind.
43. The lack of medical care debilitated the remote village.
44. The effects of the mine explosion severely debilitated his legs.
45. The debilitated survivors were evacuated from the disaster area.
46. Malnutrition left the orphan severely debilitated.
47. Decades of manual labor had severely debilitated his body.
48. The debilitated inmate required 24-hour care.
49. The virus quickly spread through the debilitated population.
50. His immune system had been severely debilitated by AIDS.
51. She felt emotionally and physically debilitated after the breakup.
52. The aging body is often prone to becoming debilitated.
53. The lack of access to healthcare severely debilitated poor communities.
54. The combination of disease and poverty severely debilitated the population.
55. The elderly patient required transportation due to being debilitated.
56. Years of abuse had debilitated her physically and emotionally.
57. The massive earthquake left thousands severely injured and debilitated.
58. The poor living conditions had severely debilitated their health.
59. His body was severely debilitated by the time he reached middle age.
60. The polluted environment had severely debilitated their way of life.

Common Phases

left (someone) debilitated
become debilitated
be debilitated
be severely/seriously debilitated
render (someone) debilitated
cause (someone) to be debilitated
leave (someone) debilitated
result in debilitating (something)
suffer from debilitating (something)
experience debilitating (something)
face debilitating (conditions)
undergo debilitating (treatment)
For example:
The disease left him debilitated for the rest of his life.
Years of chronic pain caused her to become debilitated.
The elderly patients were debilitated and in need of care.
The explosion severely debilitated many of the soldiers.
The chemotherapy rendered her debilitated and unable to work.
Malnutrition left the children seriously debilitated.
The fire left dozens of residents debilitated and in the hospital.
His injury resulted in debilitating chronic pain.
She suffers from debilitating fatigue and weakness.
Soldiers experienced debilitating injuries during the war.
Refugees in the camp faced debilitating conditions.
The treatment may undermine and debilitate the patient.
Hope this helps give you some useful phrases! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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