Decouples example sentences

Related (10): dissociates, detaches, unlinks, disengages, disassociates, uncouples, severs, disentangles, unhitches, disconnects

"Decouples" Example Sentences

1. The design decouples the interface from the implementation.
2. The abstraction layer decouples the application from the hardware.
3. The interface decouples the logic from the view.
4. The event bus decouples event producers from event consumers.
5. The message queue decouples the sender from the receiver.
6. The buffer memory decouples the fast producer from the slow consumer.
7. The framework decouples business logic from the user interface.
8. The plug-in architecture decouples core functionality from extensions.
9. Dependency injection decouples objects from their concrete implementations.
10. Components are decoupled by making them location transparent.
11. By decoupling components, changes affect fewer parts of the system.
12. Microservices architecture aims to decouple services from each other.
13. The facade design pattern decouples subsystems from clients.
14. Stateless session beans decouple business logic from client state.
15. Function components decouple stateful business logic from components.
16. The observer pattern decouples objects by notifying observers of changes.
17. Abstracting layers decouples higher layers from lower implementation details.
18. Asynchronous calls decouple callers from lengthy or undetermined tasks.
19. Interfaces and contracts decouple clients from the inner workings of code.
20. Reusable components decouple functionality into independent parts.
21. Object-oriented design principle decouples classes from each other.
22. The adapter pattern decouples classes with incompatible interfaces.
23. The strategy pattern decouples an algorithm from its client.
24. Event-driven architecture decouples event producers from consumers.
25. Remote procedure calls decouple processes executing on different machines.
26. Loose coupling decouples modules that have minimal interdependence.
27. Messages decouple interacting components of distributed systems.
28. The proxy pattern decouples the real server object from its client.
29. Asynchrony programming model decouples thread of control from data flow.
30. Service-oriented architecture aims to maximize reuse through decoupling.
31. Generic components decouple clients from implementation details.
32. Data abstraction decouples data representation from its usage.
33. Ports and adapters decouple architecture from external influences.
34. Inheritance decouples a parent class from child class changes.
35. Encapsulation decouples an object's implementation from its usage.
36. Layers of abstraction decouple high-level concepts from low-level details.
37. Application insulation decouples specific applications from each other.
38. Exposing an API decouples clients from implementation internals.
39. Interfaces decouple clients from implementations of functions.
40. Object composition decouples objects by combining their functionalities.
41. Unit testing decouples development of discrete units of code.
42. Parallelization decouples tasks by executing them simultaneously.
43. Exceptions decouples error handling by propagating exceptions.
44. Versioning decouples dependent entities from each other changes.
45. Build automation decouples development from integration.
46. Iterative development decouples planning from execution.
47. Modular programming decouples components through interfaces.
48. Multithreading decouples concurrent operations.
49. Concurrency control decouples processes that access shared resources.
50. Virtualization decouples application from hardware.

Common Phases

1. Loose coupling - A system design principle where modules have little interdependence. Loose coupling decouples modules so changes to one module do not greatly impact others.
2. Decouple/decoupled - To disconnect or make independent. Interfaces and layering often decouples components in software architectures.
3. Decouple components - To design software components so they have minimal dependencies and interconnections. Decoupling allows individual changes without impacting the whole system.
4. Design for decoupling - An approach to software design that aims to minimize interconnections between modules. This makes the system more flexible, reusable, and maintainable.
5. Abstracts away/abstracting away - Creates a layer that decouples lower level details. Abstraction decouples clients from implementation, exposing only required functionality.
6. Break/broke the coupling - Made two formerly coupled elements independent. A design change may break the coupling between components.
7. Maximizes decoupling - An architecture or design that seeks to minimize interdependencies and dependencies between components. This provides benefits of loosely coupled systems.
8. Promotes decoupling - A design pattern, principle or technique that helps achieve looser coupling between components.
9. Strive for decoupling - During design, architects aim for loose coupling between system elements. Decoupling is a major goal in achieving reusable, maintainable systems.
10. Sever the coupling - To split a formerly dependent connection between components. Redesign efforts may aim to completely sever the coupling between two modules.

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