Decree example sentences
Related (12): edict, order, mandate, ruling, proclamation, command, directive, fiat, judgment, verdict, pronouncement, rescript
"Decree" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The king decreed that all citizens must pay higher taxes.
2. The government decreed new environmental regulations.
3. By royal decree, all citizens were ordered to celebrate the king's birthday.
4. The city council decreed that all buildings over five stories must install sprinkler systems.
5. The judge decreed that the couple was to be divorced.
6. The United Nations decreed economic sanctions against the rogue nation.
7. Fate seems to have decreed that we meet again after all these years.
8. Destiny had decreed their paths would cross.
9. The Founding Fathers decreed freedom of religion in the Constitution.
10. Congress decreed new tariffs on imported goods.
11. The papal decree excommunicated all dissenters.
12. By fiat the dictator decreed martial law.
13. The new president decreed stricter immigration policies.
14. Nature decreed the tides would rise and fall each day.
15. History decreed a new era had begun.
16. The pope decreed that the couple's marriage would be annulled.
17. The commander decreed that the troops march at dawn.
18. The emir decreed that women must wear veils in public.
19. The sultan decreed new sumptuary laws restricting luxuries.
20. The Supreme Court decreed that segregation was unconstitutional.
21. The council decreed stiffer penalties for criminal offenses.
22. The corps commander decreed all officers must attend the briefing.
23. Fate decreed our paths would cross once again.
24. The high court decreed a new trial was warranted.
25. The minister decreed that the church bells would ring to summon townspeople.
26. The parliament decreed new election rules.
27. The executive branch decreed a hiring freeze for all government positions.
28. Destiny seemed to have decreed they would meet.
29. The chieftain decreed that the prisoners be set free.
30. The board of directors decreed a dividend for shareholders.
31. The monarchy decreed new succession rules for the throne.
32. The emperor decreed that all citizens move to the countryside.
33. The mayor decreed an emergency curfew in response to the riots.
34. The legislature decreed new laws regulating campaign finance.
35. Lady Fate decreed they meet once more.
36. The regime decreed that all church property be confiscated.
37. The administration decreed new rules regarding student housing.
38. The council decreed new membership requirements.
39. The queen decreed a national day of mourning following the disaster.
40. The alderman decreed a ban on certain types of vehicles in the city center.
41. The court decreed that the property belonged to the eldest son.
42. The elders decreed harsh punishment for the young offender.
43. The prophesies decreed a time of tribulation and strife.
44. The regime decreed bans on certain types of speech deemed subversive.
45. The tribal leaders decreed new laws for the settlement of disputes.
46. Fortune seemed to have decreed their paths would cross once again.
47. The oligarchy decreed new restrictions on political opposition.
48. The gods decreed a terrible punishment for those who displeased them.
49. The agency decreed new safety requirements for all products.
50. The senate decreed themselves the final arbiters on matters of war and peace.
51. The dictator decreed himself leader for life.
52. Policy was decreed from on high with little opportunity for input or debate.
53. The garden seemed to have decreed a state of wild, unkempt beauty.
54. The committee decreed a new chairperson at their last meeting.
55. The magistrates decreed a sentence of banishment for the convicted criminal.
56. Fate seemed determined to decree their paths would cross once more.
57. The leader decreed peace among all followers of different faiths.
58. The ruling class decreed laws that oppressed the lower classes.
59. The elders decreed a bountiful harvest was upon them.
60. The manifesto decreed a vision of a more just and equitable society.
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