Judgment example sentences

Related (10): assessment, decision, discernment, evaluation, ruling, verdict, conclusion, determination, opinion, inference

"Judgment" Example Sentences

1. Use good judgment when making important decisions.
2. Her poor judgment led to disastrous consequences.
3. I trust your sound judgment in this matter.
4. His quick judgment helped him react swiftly to the situation.
5. Experience helps improve your judgment over time.
6. The judge used impartial judgment in deciding the case.
7. The court ruled in our favor based on the evidence and sound legal judgment.
8. I respect your wise judgment and counsel.
9. Be mindful of how your biases can impair good judgment.
10. Leave your judgment at the door and listen with an open mind.
11. He passed judgment on others without knowing the full facts.
12. Don't pass judgment until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes.
13. She made a snap judgment without considering all the options.
14. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts without passing judgment.
15. The company valued employees with sound business judgment.
16. Better judgment will come with more experience and maturity.
17. Trust your gut and go with your first instinctive judgment.
18. Learn from your mistaken judgments to improve going forward.
19. Her emotional state clouded her normally good judgment.
20. The student demonstrated excellent judgment in handling the situation.
21. Hone your judgment skills through analyzing different scenarios.
22. The jury relied on facts rather than personal biases in reaching their judgment.
23. You have excellent instincts and good sound judgment when you listen to your intuition.
24. Her judgment suffered from a lack of information at the time.
25. Listen to others' viewpoints before passing final judgment.
26. They used faulty logic and incorrect assumptions in reaching that judgment.
27. His harsh judgments often cause more harm than good.
28. Invest your time and energy wisely using good judgment.
29. My judgment was clouded by anger in the heat of the moment.
30. Avoid rushing to judgment before gathering all the relevant facts.
31. Remain calm and evaluate the situation objectively without letting emotions cloud your judgment.
32. The wise judge suspended judgment until hearing from both sides.
33. Making good judgments requires balancing logic and emotion.
34. Their refusal to reconsider their initial judgment led to flawed decisions.
35. She expressed remorse and acknowledged her poor judgment in the situation.
36. It takes wisdom, experience and humility to develop good judgment.
37. Consider all consequences before exercising your judgment.
38.Suspend judgment until hearing someone's full story and perspective.
39. Practice emotional intelligence to improve your social judgment and discernment.
40. Take time for thoughtful reflection before exercising final judgment.
41.Learn from the wisdom and judgment of people you respect and admire.
42.Practice empathy to improve your judgment and decision making skills.
43.Her judgmental attitude alienated others and hurt relationships.
44.Use discernment and wise judgment in handling sensitive situations.
45.She apologized for her thoughtless judgment that caused hurt feelings.
46.The committee spent hours deliberating before exercising final judgment.
47. Practice suspending judgment until gathering all relevant evidence.
48. Emotional maturity and self awareness improve social judgment.
49. The senator's political judgment proved disastrous for his campaign.
50. Listen carefully without interrupting before expressing your judgment.
51. Apply critical thinking to analyze situations before exercising judgment.
52. Consult wise counsel before exercising rash judgment.
53. Training and experience improve professional judgment over time.
54. Practice impartiality when making judgments that affect others.
55. Practice regularly reflecting on your judgments to improve going forward.
56. Show grace when others exercise poor judgment in the heat of the moment.
57. her judgmental attitude soured their friendship.
58. The CEO valued employees with sound business judgment and decision making skills.
59. His quick wit and good judgment helped him navigate difficult situations.
60. She stated her judgment diplomatically to avoid giving offense.

Common Phases

1. Pass judgment
To form an opinion or conclusion, typically a critical one.
2. Exercise good judgment
To make decisions in a sensible and prudent manner.
3. Suspend judgment
To withhold forming an opinion until having more information.
4. Rash/harsh judgment
An opinion formed impulsively without careful consideration.
5. Sound judgment
Wise decision making based on reason and evidence.
6. Lack of good judgment
The failure to make sensible decisions.
7. Trust your judgment
To have confidence in someone's ability to make wise decisions.
8. At your own judgment
Leaving the decision up to one's own discretion.
9. Impaired judgment
An inability to make sensible decisions, often due to intoxication.
10. Questionable judgment
Decision making that is debatable in its wisdom.

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