Defeating example sentences

Related (4): overcoming, vanquishing, subduing, conquering

"Defeating" Example Sentences

1. The team's strategy for defeating the opponent was flawless.
2. His confidence played a major role in defeating his fears.
3. The knights were successful in defeating the dragon.
4. The superhero was determined to keep defeating the villains.
5. They were close to defeating the final boss in the video game.
6. The political candidate focused on defeating their opponent in the election.
7. The soldiers were tasked with defeating the enemy troops.
8. The tennis player was elated after defeating their rival in straight sets.
9. Her hard work and dedication resulted in defeating her previous personal record.
10. The business owner was successful in defeating their competitors in the market.
11. The boxer trained hard for months before defeating their opponent in the ring.
12. The team celebrated after defeating the defending champions in the tournament.
13. The detective's persistence led to defeating the criminal's plans.
14. The scientists worked tirelessly towards defeating the virus that had spread globally.
15. The rally was organized with the goal of defeating the proposed legislation.
16. The student put in long hours studying towards defeating their final exams.
17. The singer's emotional performance left no doubt in defeating the other contestants.
18. The country's military was instrumental in defeating the invading forces.
19. The goalkeeper's saves were crucial in defeating the opposing team.
20. The software company was committed to defeating any potential cyber-threats.
21. The restaurant's promotion aimed at defeating the slow business during the pandemic.
22. The industrialist's innovative approach was successful in defeating the various challenges.
23. The doctor's diagnosis and treatment plan were instrumental in defeating the patient's illness.
24. The team's teamwork and coordination were key in defeating the difficult obstacle course.
25. The detectives solved the case by defeating the suspect's alibi.
26. The scientist's groundbreaking research paved the way towards defeating a rare disease.
27. The athlete's unwavering determination was crucial in defeating the tough competition.
28. The environmentalist's efforts were aimed at defeating pollution and promoting clean energy.
29. The artist's powerful message behind their artwork aimed at defeating social prejudices.
30. The spiritual teacher's teachings were aimed at defeating the negative thoughts and emotions in people's minds.

Common Phases

1. Defeating the enemy is our top priority; we must do whatever it takes to achieve victory.
2. Despite several setbacks, we remain committed to defeating our opponents; we will not give up until we emerge victorious.
3. The key to defeating our competition is to stay one step ahead; we must anticipate their every move.
4. There is no shame in admitting defeat, but we must learn from our mistakes and come back stronger; our ultimate goal is to triumph.
5. Defeating our fears and doubts is a crucial step towards success; we must have confidence in our abilities.
6. Overcoming obstacles is a necessary part of defeating the odds; we must persevere through challenges.
7. The path to defeating our rivals may be long and arduous, but we must remain steadfast in our determination to win.
8. Defeating our weaknesses requires self-reflection and a willingness to improve; we must be honest with ourselves and work hard to grow.
9. To achieve greatness, we must focus on defeating our past failures; we cannot let our mistakes hold us back.
10. Defeating our own limitations requires pushing ourselves to our limits; we must strive to reach our full potential.

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