Fox example sentences

Related (10): sly, cunning, predator, hunting, agile, nocturnal, vulpine, sleek, red, bushy-tailed

"Fox" Example Sentences

1. The fox ran across the field.
2. The sly fox outwitted the hunter.
3. The farmer shot the fox that was killing his chickens.
4. Vulpes vulpes is the scientific name for the red fox.
5. The foxes hid in their den during the day.
6. The little boy watched in fascination as the fox emerged from the bushes.
7. The red fox has a coat of orange-red fur.
8. The fox cub played with its siblings.
9. Foxes belong to the Canidae family.
10. Foxes are carnivorous mammals in the order Carnivora.
11. The vixen had a litter of five fox kits.
12. The fox slyly snatched the chicken and scurried away.
13. The farmer set out traps to catch the fox raiding his hen house.
14. Fox fur is warm and soft.
15. The fox darted across the road and into the woods.
16. The fox crept quietly through the field in search of prey.
17. Foxes have pointed ears, bushy tails, and long muzzles.
18. The fox leaped over the fence in one fluid bound.
19. Foxes make a variety of sounds, including barks, howls, and screams.
20. The little girl thought the fox cub was adorable.
21. The fox stole the goose from the farmer's flock.
22. Foxes can run up to 30 miles per hour in short bursts.
23. The vixen hid her fox kits in a secret den.
24. The red fox is an adaptable and opportunistic animal.
25. The gray fox has a longer, fluffier tail than the red fox.
26. The silver fox has prized white fur.
27. Red foxes can change their coat color from summer to winter.
28. Foxes hunt rodents, birds, and insects for food.
29. Foxes live in underground dens called earths.
30. The farmer shot his shotgun to scare away the thieving fox.
31. The farmer's chickens were being picked off one by one by a wily fox.
32. Foxes have excellent senses of smell, hearing, and eyesight.
33. The cunning fox outsmarted its would-be captors.
34. Foxes are solitary animals except during breeding season.
35. Swift foxes live in the prairies and deserts of North America.
36. Foxes communicate through scent, sound, and body language.
37. The little fox kits played and tussled with each other.
38. Fennec foxes have large ears to help regulate their body temperature.
39. Arctic foxes hunt lemmings and other small prey in the tundra.
40. The fox stood still, ears perked up, listening for any disturbance.
41. Red foxes were introduced to Australia and have caused problems for native species.
42. Many cultures have stories, folktales and legends involving foxes.
43. Fox hunting was a popular English sport until recently.
44. There are over a dozen species of foxes found around the world.
45. The fox snarled and snapped as the dogs closed in.
46. The story of the fox and the grapes teaches about overcoming desire.
47. Foxes make excellent subjects for observation of wildlife.
48. Foxes are often portrayed as clever and cunning in folklore.
49. Foxes have adapted well to human settlement and can live in urban areas.
50. The farmer shot the wily old fox that was killing his chickens.
51. Foxes play an important role in balancing ecosystems as top predators.
52. Baby foxes are called kits or cubs.
53. Foxes live 6 to 8 years in the wild and up to 14 years in captivity.
54. Male foxes are referred to as dogs, while females are called vixens.
55. The coloring and shape of a fox's skull can identify its species.
56. Foxes often feature in Native American legends and creation myths.
57. The man raised the orphaned fox cub and released it back into the wild.
58. The clever fox outwitted the hunters at every turn.
59. Foxes were an important source of fur for the fur trade.
60. The hungry fox snatched up the chicken and raced away into the night.

Common Phases

1. Fox in the hen house - Used to refer to a crafty person who infiltrates a group for their own gain.
2. Like a fox - Wily and clever, able to outwit others.
3. Cross my (little) fox - An obsolete expletive used instead of "Cross my heart."
4. Silenced like a fox - Became quiet suddenly and mysteriously.
5. Shrewd as a fox - Said of someone who is extremely cunning and crafty.
6. Sly as a fox - Super cunning and wily.
7. Cunning as a fox - Extremely crafty and skillful at achieving one's goals by indirect means.
8. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog - An example of using all letters of the English alphabet.
9. Vixen - A nasty or quarrelsome woman (originated from the female fox).
10. Red herring - Something intended to divert attention from the actual issue (originated from using a herring to distract pursuing foxes).

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