Deformability example sentences

Related (4): Flexibility, malleability, ductility, elasticity.

"Deformability" Example Sentences

1. The deformability of the material allowed it to be shaped into intricate designs.
2. The scientist was interested in studying the deformability of the bone structure.
3. The clay's deformability made it perfect for sculpting.
4. The deformability of the metal made it easy to work with.
5. The artist relied on the deformability of the paint to create texture in their work.
6. The engineer designed the building with deformability in mind to withstand earthquakes.
7. The deformation of the rubber caused it to lose its deformability over time.
8. The athlete had to undergo several tests to determine their deformability and flexibility.
9. The car's deformability was tested in a crash simulation to ensure its safety.
10. The material's high deformability made it prone to warping under stress.
11. The study found that the bone's deformability varied depending on the individual's age and health.
12. The balloon's deformability allowed it to expand and contract with changes in air pressure.
13. The material was chosen for its low deformability and resistance to wear and tear.
14. The deformability of the clay made it a popular choice in pottery and ceramics.
15. The metal's deformability was enhanced through heat treatment.
16. The material's deformability was affected by changes in temperature and pressure.
17. The artist experimented with the deformability of different types of paint to achieve different effects.
18. The scientist used computer simulations to model the deformability of the material under different conditions.
19. The athlete's coach emphasized the importance of stretching exercises to improve their deformability and prevent injury.
20. The material's deformability was increased through the addition of plasticizers.
21. The building's structural deformability allowed it to sway in high winds without collapsing.
22. The team tested the material's deformability by subjecting it to different amounts of stress and strain.
23. The artist chose to work with a material known for its deformability to challenge their creativity.
24. The metal's natural deformability made it a desirable choice in metalworking and construction.
25. The engineer designed the product with a specific level of deformability to meet safety regulations.
26. The scientist conducted experiments to measure the material's deformability at different temperatures.
27. The athlete's physical therapist used massage and other techniques to improve their deformability after an injury.
28. The material's low deformability made it a valuable component in electronic devices.
29. The artist used a variety of tools and techniques to alter the material's deformability to achieve their desired effect.
30. The car's deformability allowed it to absorb the impact of a collision, minimizing injury to passengers.

Common Phases

1. The deformability of the material was tested using a hydraulic press;
2. Copper alloys are known for their high deformability and ductility;
3. Without proper care, prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can cause deformability in certain materials;
4. The study aims to investigate the deformability of various synthetic polymers under different stress conditions;
5. The elastic deformability of the material was found to be low, making it susceptible to fracture under stress;
6. Deformability is an important property to consider when selecting materials for manufacturing processes;
7. The team used a high-speed camera to capture the deformability of the soft tissue during the impact;
8. The challenge in designing a prosthetic limb lies in achieving the perfect balance between stability and deformability;
9. The addition of certain components can enhance the deformability of the alloy, making it more suitable for specific applications;
10. Deformability can be improved by heat treatment or mechanical processing.

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