Deity example sentences

Related (5): god, goddess, immortal, godhead, divinity

"Deity" Example Sentences

1. They worshipped many different deities.
2. The deity was portrayed as having three heads.
3. She believed the deity would answer her prayers.
4. They offered sacrifices to the agricultural deity.
5. The deity was regarded as the creator and ruler of the universe.
6. The Ancient Egyptians worshipped many different animal-headed deities.
7. The deity represented wisdom and knowledge.
8. Hindus worship many different deities.
9. The Greek pantheon consisted of numerous deities.
10. He did not believe in the existence of divine deities.
11. The deity was believed to control the weather.
12. Ancient Egyptian mythology featured a diverse pantheon of powerful deities.
13. The Shinto religion recognizes many kami, or deities.
14. The statue depicted the deity in human form.
15. The Abrahamic religions worship the Abrahamic deity.
16. They prayed to the deity for good crops and fertility.
17. Greek mythology featured countless Olympian deities.
18. The text described the attributes and powers of the deity.
19. The village offered sacrifices to placate the volcano deity.
20. The polytheistic religion featured many deities.
21. The deity is worshipped as the creator and sustainer of the universe.
22. The text recounted myths about various deities.
23. They believed the deity inhabited the sacred mountain.
24. The deity was called upon by name in their prayers.
25. They built temples in honor of their deities.
26. The religion's highest deity is omnipotent and omniscient.
27. The monotheistic religion worshipped a single supreme deity.
28. Polytheistic religions typically worship multiple deities.
29. The twin deities represented light and dark.
30. The carving depicted a fearsome underworld deity.
31. The beliefs surrounding the deity evolved over many centuries.
32. The text described the hierarchies among the various deities.
33. They carved statues of the most important deities.
34. The deity was worshipped as the god of thunder and lightning.
35. They prayed to the deity for safety, health and prosperity.
36. The pantheon of deities possessed human characteristics and emotions.
37. The deity is considered supreme and eternal.
38. The deity ruled over an aspect of nature, human endeavors or culture.
39. The deity was depicted with the head of an animal.
40. Scholars studied the evolution of the cult surrounding the deity.
41. The temple was dedicated to the worship of a mother goddess deity.
42. The text explored the complex mythologies surrounding various deities.
43. The native religion worshipped ancestral deities.
44. The monotheistic religion venerates a single omnipotent deity.
45. They believed in many lesser deities who served the supreme deity.
46. The deity represented light, life and resurrection.
47. They revered the deity as a supreme being and creator.
48. Theologie studies beliefs and concepts regarding deities.
49. The deity was petitioned to cure sicknesses and grant favors.
50. The temple housed a statue of the primary lunar deity.
51. The religion worshipped ancestors as deities.
52. The fish deity was believed to grant wealth and good fortune.
53. The supreme deity was believed to have created the universe.
54. The deity embodied spiritual and moral truths for believers.
55. The divine entities became known as deities.
56. They carved facial features in images of the deity.
57. The religion featured a pantheon headed by a supreme deity.
58. The deity represented youth, beauty and wisdom.
59. The deity embodied the forces of nature for worshippers.
60. The deity was depicted giving blessings to believers.

Common Phases

• Act of God - an unpreventable event caused by the will of a deity, such as a natural disaster.
Deity in anthropology - a cultural postulate that supernatural beings exist and exert power over natural and human affairs.
Deity worship - the act of showing reverence and adoration for a supernatural being or spiritual entity.
• Heavenly decree - the edicts or commands that come directly from a deity or deities.
• Invoking a deity - calling upon or summoning a god or spiritual entity to bring about a desired effect.
• Mortal in the eyes of the deity- an adjective for describing someone or something as insignificant compared to a god's power and knowledge.
• Pagan deity- a nature spirit, god or goddess worshipped in non-Abrahamic religions.
• The wrath of the deity - violence, destruction or vengeance inflicted by an angry god or other supernatural entity.
• Venerate the deity - to regard or treat with reverential respect or adoration.
• Will of the deity - the desires, commands or intentions ascribed to a god or other supernatural being.
• Worship the deity - to render divine honors and homage to a supreme being; to obey, adore and worship as a god.
So in summary, phrases with "deity" often involve concepts like worship, divine status or influence, acts attributed to gods, and humans relating to supernatural beings.

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