Delegated example sentences

Related (2): - assigned, consigned

"Delegated" Example Sentences

1. The CEO delegated the responsibility of managing the project to his trusted manager.
2. The board of directors delegated the task of organizing the company retreat to the HR department.
3. The teacher delegated the duty of preparing the class materials to the teaching assistant.
4. The captain of the ship delegated the command of the night watch to the first mate.
5. The coach delegated the role of team captain to the most experienced player.
6. The president delegated the power to sign important documents to the vice president.
7. The supervisor delegated the task of conducting safety inspections to a qualified employee.
8. The judge delegated the decision-making power to the jury in the high-profile case.
9. The manager delegated the job of training new recruits to the senior staff.
10. The principal delegated the responsibility of organizing the school picnic to the PTA.
11. The president delegated the task of negotiating a trade agreement to her trusted advisor.
12. The project manager delegated the responsibility of creating the project plan to the business analyst.
13. The coach delegated the responsibility of developing the team's strategy to the assistant coach.
14. The company owner delegated the task of preparing the financial reports to the accountant.
15. The editor delegated the task of fact-checking to the junior staff.
16. The department head delegated the responsibility of conducting research to the team leader.
17. The supervisor delegated the task of handling customer complaints to the customer service representative.
18. The project leader delegated the responsibility of monitoring the progress to the project coordinator.
19. The CEO delegated the task of assessing the market demand to the marketing team.
20. The contractor delegated the responsibility of supervising the construction to the site manager.
21. The professor delegated the responsibility of grading the papers to the teaching assistant.
22. The company CEO delegated the task of developing the business model to his business strategist.
23. The president delegated the task of formulating foreign policies to the secretary of state.
24. The supervisor delegated the task of training the new recruits to the experienced employee.
25. The manager delegated the responsibility of conducting performance reviews to the HR manager.
26. The supervisor delegated the task of creating the work schedule to the team leader.
27. The CEO delegated the task of implementing the cost-cutting measures to the operations manager.
28. The teacher delegated the responsibility of organizing the class trip to the students' council.
29. The supervisor delegated the task of handling payroll to the payroll officer.
30. The manager delegated the responsibility of conducting the safety drills to the health and safety officer.

Common Phases

1. The task has been delegated to you; make sure you handle it with care.
2. We have delegated the responsibility to our team leader; he's in charge now.
3. The project was delegated to the new staff member; she's eager to prove herself.
4. The manager has delegated the decision-making process to his subordinates; it's up to them now.
5. The task was delegated to the experienced employee; we trust he'll do a great job.
6. The CEO has delegated the day-to-day operations to the senior management team; they know what to do.
7. The responsibility for organizing the event has been delegated to the event planner; she's well-equipped to handle it.
8. The company has delegated the marketing campaign to the advertising agency; we're excited to see the results.
9. The task of conducting the meeting has been delegated to the team leader; he's well-prepared for it.
10. The authority to make decisions has been delegated to the department head; he's the final say.

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