Delicate example sentences

Related (14): fragile, intricate, sensitive, subtle, refined, dainty, graceful, gentle, tender, nuanced, precarious, complex, vulnerable, brittle.

"Delicate" Example Sentences

1. She handled the flower with delicate care.
2. The dancer performed the routine with delicate grace.
3. The medical procedure required delicate precision.
4. The porcelain vase was covered in delicate floral designs.
5. She arranged the flowers in the vase with delicate strokes.
6. The sculptor created delicate details on the statue.
7. The lacework featured a delicate pattern of flowers.
8. She spoke with a delicate voice.
9. The pianist played the piece with delicate subtlety.
10. The chef prepared the dish with delicate spices.
11. The curtains were made of delicate silk.
12. The ice sculpture featured delicate spires.
13. The fabric was delicate and would require gentle handling.
14. He mentioned the subject with delicate sensitivity.
15. She approached the subject with delicate tact.
16. The insect's wings were delicate and translucent.
17. The new growth was still delicate and fragile.
18. He framed the painting with delicate care.
19. The necklace featured delicate strands of pearls.
20. The costume was made of delicate fabric and lace.
21. The watchmaker handled the pieces with delicate tools.
22. She painted the design with delicate brushstrokes.
23. The leaves were just starting to unfurl and were still delicate.
24. The pastry chef crafted delicate sugar decorations.
25. The jewelry featured delicate filigree work.
26. The makeup artist applied the eye shadow with delicate precision.
27. The instrument required delicate manipulation.
28. She spoke with a delicate Southern drawl.
29. The blossoms were just opening and still looked delicate.
30. The seamstress stitched the hem with delicate stitches.
31. The chandelier featured delicate crystal strands.
32. The lace trim added a delicate accent to the dress.
33. The fragility of the newborn made her seem delicate.
34. The composer crafted delicate musical passages.
35. The filigree was done with delicate precision.
36. The speaker addressed the subject with delicate sensitivity.
37. She embroidered the pattern with delicate stitches.
38. The ornament featured a delicate design.
39. The seedlings were still delicate and needed careful shelter.
40. She tread lightly to avoid breaking the delicate ice.
41. The sculpture's delicate curves gave it graceful beauty.
42. Her health was still in a delicate state.
43. The clothing required delicate care and ironing.
44. The diplomat handled the sensitive issue with delicate language.
45. The glasswork featured delicate etching.
46. The neck injury required delicate treatment.
47. The stained glass windows featured delicate colors.
48. The china set featured delicate floral decorations.
49. The baby's skin was delicate and fair.
50. The walkway was covered in delicate frost.
51. The lace tablecloth added a delicate touch.
52. The necklace featured delicate chainwork.
53. The artist created delicate pencil shading.
54. The mask had delicate portions that required glueing delicately.
55. She expressed herself with delicate subtlety.
56. The dream catcher featured delicate feathers.
57. The frosting required delicate piping.
58. The landscape featured delicate spires of distant windmills.
59. The diplomat handled the negotiations with delicate tact.
60. The snowfall formed a delicate lacy blanket.

Common Phases

1. Handle with care/Handle delicately
This phrase means to be very gentle and careful when touching or manipulating something that is fragile.
2. Delicate condition
This refers to a person or situation that is vulnerable or fragile, requiring careful treatment.
3. Delicate balance
When something exists in a state of fragile equilibrium that can easily be disrupted.
4. Delicate matter
A sensitive issue that must be dealt with carefully, avoiding causing offense.
5. Speak delicately
To choose one's words carefully in order to avoid offending or upsetting someone.
6. Make a delicate distinction
To subtly differentiate between two similar things.
7. Delicate operation
A medical or technical procedure that requires great precision and care due to its complexity.
8. Delicate touch
The ability to act or handle something with great sensitivity and finesse.
9. Delicate health
Referring to a person who is frail, weak or susceptable to illness.
10. Delicate constitution
A physical makeup that is weak, easily harmed or prone to disease.

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