Denunciation example sentences

Related (9): rebuke, condemnation, censure, disapproval, disavowal, criticism, accusation, castigation, reprimand

"Denunciation" Example Sentences

1. The politician faced harsh denunciation for his controversial comments.
2. The group issued a public denunciation of the attack.
3. There was widespread international denunciation of the human rights abuses.
4. His denunciation of corruption earned him many enemies.
5. The president faced heated denunciation for the scandal on his watch.
6. The scandal led to calls for his denunciation and resignation.
7. The professor's vehement denunciation of racism shocked his students.
8. The press conference featured strong denunciation of the government's policies.
9. The speechwriter drafted a searing denunciation of the opposition party.
10. The group's manifesto contained an impassioned denunciation of income inequality.
11. The talk show host's denunciation of drug use sparked controversy.
12. The article featured vitriolic denunciation of the opposing viewpoint.
13. The politician tried to distance himself from his previous harsh denunciations.
14. The religious leader faced calls for denunciation following his inappropriate comments.
15. His fierce denunciation was part of his larger critique of capitalism.
16. The governor delivered a blistering denunciation of police brutality.
17. The blog post contained an acid denunciation of the news coverage.
18. His denunciation of the system landed him in jail.
19. The diplomat issued a stern denunciation of the terrorist attack.
20. The general's denunciation of political leaders split the party.
21. The official denunciation forced him to step down from his position.
22. The celebrity's denunciation of cyberbullying sparked an important conversation.
23. The outspoken denunciation won him many followers but also enemies.
24. The council issued a stinging denunciation of the growing violence.
25. The organization issued a strongly worded denunciation.
26. They reacted with outrage and denunciation of the remarks.
27. The scathing denunciation came as a surprise to many.
28. Her denunciation sent shockwaves through the establishment.
29. The court issued a harsh denunciation of police misconduct.
30. The priests' vehement denunciation of heresy shaped the council's decision.
31. The ruling class saw his denunciations as inflammatory rhetoric.
32. Her denunciation fell on deaf ears.
33. His denunciation backfired and caused him more harm than good.
34. The groups coordinated their denunciations for maximum impact.
35. Activists renewed their denunciation of government policy.
36. The media amplified his denunciation, giving it wider reach.
37. His denunciation led to ostracization from his tribe.
38. She faced harsh denunciation even from her allies.
39. Protests and denunciations filled the streets.
40. Her public denunciation shocked the community.
41. The manifesto contained numerous denunciations of the establishment.
42. The president faced denunciation from all sides.
43. The speech culminated in a scathing denunciation of capitalism.
44. The report contained numerous denunciations of human rights abuses.
45. His fiery denunciation of the regime landed him in jail.
46. The denunciation turned public opinion against him.
47. Activists renewed their denunciations until action was taken.
48. The politician's denunciations grew more extreme over time.
49. The resignation came amid widespread denunciation of his policies.
50. The group amplified their denunciations through social media.

Common Phases

1. The dictator's harsh denunciation of his political opponents led to their imprisonment.
2. In his speech, the senator issued a scathing denunciation of the president's policies.
3. The pope's angry denunciation of corruption rocked the church to its foundations.
4. The professor's denunciation of plagiarism frightened the cheating students.
5. The general's denunciation of cowardice motivated his troops to fight harder.
6. The father's harsh denunciation of his son's poor academic performance shook the boy to his core.
7. The athlete's denunciation of doping in sports received widespread support.
8. The commissioner's formal denunciation of police brutality was applauded by civil rights leaders.
9. The victims welcomed the judge's angry denunciation of the criminals during sentencing.
10. The newspaper editor's strong denunciation of the government brought retaliation from officials.
11. In her speech, the activist issued a heated denunciation of racial injustice.
12. The witness's devastating denunciation of the defendant sealed his guilt in the jury's minds.
13. The politician's vehement denunciation of his opponent's policy positions backfired.
14. The celebrity's public denunciation of rude fans made the situation even worse.
15. The whistleblower's unequivocal denunciation of unethical corporate practices led to an investigation.
16. The survivors appreciated the mayor's stern denunciation of those who denied the genocide.
17. The protesters welcomed the general's biting denunciation of the authoritarian government.
18. The jury appreciated the victim's impassioned denunciation of her attacker during testimony.
19. The scientist's scathing denunciation of pseudoscience made headlines.
20. The priest's vitriolic denunciation of sin angered church members.
21. The comedian's sharp denunciation of social media addiction struck a chord with the audience.
22. The student's heated denunciation of the professor's grading system fell on deaf ears.
23. The feminist's incendiary denunciation of sexism lit a fire under her followers.
24. The president's stern denunciation of human rights abuses by foreign nations caused controversy.
25. The governor's blistering denunciation of government waste resonated with voters.
26. The celebrity chef's harsh denunciation of obesity prompted criticism.
27. The reviewer's biting denunciation of the author's newest book spread quickly online.
28. Her passionate denunciation of violence left the audience in stunned silence.
29. The author's blistering denunciation of racism found a receptive audience.
30. The activist's vehement denunciation of imperialism impressed the youth.
31. The journalist's scathing denunciation of government corruption led to his arrest.
32. The candidate's harsh denunciation of the incumbent's record helped him earn votes.
33. The principal's stern denunciation of reckless students led to calmer hallways.
34. The lawyer's scathing denunciation of biased judges shaped the legal system.
35. The teacher's biting denunciation of classroom misbehavior returned order to the class.
36. The protester's passionate denunciation of police brutality shaped pubic opinion.
37. The reporter's heated denunciation of government secrecy embarrassed officials.
38. The musician's impassioned denunciation of sexism spread through social media.
39. The union leader's blistering denunciation of unfair labor practices improved conditions for workers.
40. The critic's harsh denunciation of artistic mediocrity challenged audiences.
41. The shareholder's vehement denunciation of executive bonuses shook up the boardroom.
42. The victim's angry denunciation of domestic violence highlighted the issue.
43. The bishop's stern denunciation of the pedophile priests lowered morale.
44. The televangelist's vitriolic denunciation of homosexuality offended viewers.
45. The environmentalist's fierce denunciation of deforestation raised awareness.
46. The whistleblower's heated denunciation of corporate misconduct prompted an investigation.
47. The celebrity's scathing denunciation of fan intrusion backfired.
48. The survivor's impassioned denunciation of hate speech shaped public policy.
49. The judge's biting denunciation of juror misconduct led to tightened security protocols.
50. The columnist's passionate denunciation of political apathy stirred readers to action.
51. The protest leader's blistering denunciation of police violence galvanized the crowd.
52. The comedian's sharp denunciation of social media addiction resonated with the audience.
53. The historical account's harsh denunciation of colonialism shaped education.
54. The activist's fierce denunciation of racial inequality resonated with minority communities.
55. The detective's stern denunciation of criminal behavior caught the suspect off guard.
56. The crowd welcomed the minister's impassioned denunciation of the oppressive regime.
57. The athlete's vitriolic denunciation of doping accusations backfired.
58. The judge's scathing denunciation of domestic violence set an example for the community.
59. The movie star's blistering denunciation of paparazzi intrusion fell on deaf ears.
60. The critic's biting denunciation of creative plagiarism challenged other reviewers.

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