Deplete example sentences

Related (6): exhaust, consume, diminish, drain, sap, reduce

"Deplete" Example Sentences

1. Constant use will deplete the supplies over time.
2. Frequent spending rapidly depletes the bank account.
3. Deforestation depletes the oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
4. Overfishing has depleted many fish populations over the years.
5. Unsustainable practices will eventually deplete natural resources.
6. Farming the land year after year depleted the soil of nutrients.
7. Extensive mining operations depleted the ore deposits in the mountain.
8. Excessive hunting nearly depleted the bear population in the area.
9. The harsh drought conditions depleted the lake and reservoir levels.
10. The long week of training activities left the athletes feeling physically depleted.
11. Overuse of antibiotics gradually depleted their effectiveness.
12. Clearing the wetland habitat depleted the populations of migratory birds.
13. Burning the fossil fuels will eventually deplete their reserves.
14. Continued pollution threatens to deplete the ozone layer.
15. Draining the aquifer depleted the water table underground.
16. Exploitation of child labor depleted the workforce.
17. The long illness depleted her financial savings and energy.
18.Constant spending rapidly depleted his bank balance.
19.Overfishing for decades has depleted the fish populations to dangerously low levels.
20. Hiking the mountain trail depleted their water supplies.
21. Heavy industry depleted the groundwater supply by sucking it out of the aquifers.
22.forest fires depleted the oxygen in the area and caused severe air pollution.
23.hard exercise can deplete glycogen stores in muscles.
24. The long adventure trip rapidly depleted their savings.
25.The demands of caring for a sick family member depleted her physical and emotional reserves.
26. The fire consumed so much oxygen that it depleted the air in the room.
27.The use of harmful chemicals depleted the soil of nutrients.
28.Overharvesting has depleted the abundance of natural resources.
29.Grants for education and health care rapidly depleted the government budget.
30.The holiday spending quickly depleted their bank account balance.
31.Long-term damage to the ozone layer will eventually deplete it completely.
32. The population boom has depleted natural resources at an alarming rate.
33.The heavy workload depleted the staff's motivation and enthusiasm.
34. Medication shortages depleted the hospital's supplies of critical drugs.
35. Years of tossing trash on the ground depleted the beauty of the natural landscape.
36.Extensive mining operations depleted the coal and mineral deposits in the mountains.
37. The harsh workout depleted my energy levels and left me exhausted.
38. Overfishing has depleted many different kinds of fish species in the ocean.
39.The baking soda helped neutralize the acid and depleted its effectiveness.
40.The employees rapidly depleted the supply of free office snacks.
41.Cutting down trees at unsustainable rates depleted the rainforest.
42.Large corporations depleted resources at the cost of future generations.
43.The drilling operation depleted the oil reserves under the ground.
44.The swarms of locusts depleted crops across the region.
45.The team's victory celebrations depleted their champagne supply.
46. The harsh drought conditions depleted the reservoir to dangerously low levels.
47.Extensive hunting depleted populations of many different kinds of animals.
48.Pollution rapidly depleted the natural beauty of the countryside.
49.The hot weather rapidly depleted water supplies in the area.
50.Overuse of a natural resource will eventually deplete it entirely.
51.Building the dam depleted the water levels in the surrounding lakes and rivers.
52.The harsh workout regimen depleted my glycogen stores and left me feeling drained.
53.Financial aid programs rapidly depleted state and federal education budgets.
54.An active social life quickly depleted my bank account balance.
55.Excessive resource use at unsustainable rates will eventually deplete supplies.
56.Chemotherapy treatments gradually depleted her white blood cell count.
57. The active soldiers rapidly depleted military supplies of critical equipment.
58. Unsustainable logging practices depleted the resources of the entire forest.
59. The politicians' inaction allowed problems to gradually deplete economic resources.
60.Running a marathon race thoroughly depleted my energy stores.

Common Phases

1. The drought conditions depleted the reservoir.
2. Overfishing depleted fish populations in the lake.
3. Unsustainable logging practices depleted the forest's resources.
4. The medication depleted the body's supply of nutrients.
5. Extended use depletes the battery's charge.
6. Natural disasters can rapidly deplete food and water supplies.
7. Intense fires depleted Australia's koala population.
8. Depleting natural resources at a reckless pace spelled disaster.
9. The company's expansion plans depleted the available workers.
10. Prolonged fighting depleted the army's ammunition stores.
11. The wildfire depleted our oxygen supply in the basement.
12. My studies depleted my bank account.
13. Pollution depleted the ozone layer.
14. The marathon depleted my energy reserves.
15. Working overtime depleted my enthusiasm for the job.
16. The medicine depletes stomach acid.
17. The workout depletes calcium stores in bones.
18. They depleted the region's oil reserves.
19. Overuse eventually depletes soil nutrients.
20. Deforestation depletes the rainforest.
21. The aggressive treatment plan ultimately depleted her immune system.
22. The medication used to treat his illness tended to deplete vitamin stores.
23. She felt depleted after such an emotional day.
24. The long day at work left him feeling mentally depleted.
25. His savings were depleted after sending his kids to college.
26. He depletes himself worrying needlessly about problems.
27. The regimen gradually depletes beauty.
28. The overtime drained and depleted her normally bountiful energy.
29. The fire rapidly depleted their oxygen supply.
30. Intensive farming depletes nutrients and minerals in the soil.
31. Careless extraction depletes natural resources at an unacceptable rate.
32. Overgrazing depletes and degrades pasture land.
33. Depletion of whales in the ocean depleted fish stocks.
34. The radiation depleted the ozone layer.
35. His injury depleted the team's resources.
36. Trying to please everyone depleted his emotional reserves.
37. Hunger depletes physical and mental strength.
38. The typhoon depleted food reserves across the islands.
39. The long distance run depleted her glycogen stores.
40. Fighting depletes ammunition and morale.
41. Her endless criticisms depleted his self-confidence.
42. The drought quickly depleted groundwater levels.
43. Work stress depleted his positive attitude.
44. The infection depleted his white blood cell count.
45. The demands of the project threatened to deplete her creativity.
46. Chemicals in the products depleted the ozone layer.
47. The depletion of natural resources threatens our survival.
48. They depleted their savings to pay for their children's education.
49. Desertification depletes natural resources and endangers livelihoods.
50. The regimen was designed to deplete fat stores.
51. Overuse depletes fossil fuel reserves.
52. Global warming threatens to deplete glaciers around the world.
53. The illness depleted his strength and energy.
54. Timber extraction depleted the forest.
55. The incident that day depleted whatever patience he had left.
56. Constantly overdrawing your bank account depletes its balance.
57. Intensive agriculture depletes soil fertility.
58. The desert storm depleted their water supply.
59. The chemotherapy depleted her once abundant hair.
60. Urban sprawl depletes green space and farmland.

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