Descriptions example sentences

Related (15): adjectives, details, explanations, elaborations, characterizations, depictions, portrayals, accounts, narratives, renderings, interpretations, representations, delineations, specifications, elucidations

"Descriptions" Example Sentences

1. The descriptions of the paintings were incredibly detailed.
2. The job posting included descriptions of the required qualifications.
3. She provided vivid descriptions of her travels through Europe.
4. The real estate agent offered detailed descriptions of each property.
5. The police asked for descriptions of the suspects.
6. The book contained lengthy descriptions of the landscapes.
7. The tour guide gave historical descriptions of the city's landmarks.
8. The website featured product descriptions for each item.
9. The recipe included detailed descriptions of each step.
10. The advertisement had exaggerated descriptions of the product.
11. The artist's paintings were inspired by his descriptions of nature.
12. The witness's descriptions of the crime scene helped solve the case.
13. The author's descriptions of the characters were incredibly realistic.
14. The employee's job descriptions were updated to include new requirements.
15. The traveler's descriptions of the local cuisine made our mouths water.
16. The teacher's descriptions of the mathematical concepts were very clear.
17. The scout's descriptions of the trail helped the group navigate through the woods.
18. The scientist's descriptions of the experiments were presented in a clear and concise manner.
19. The museum's audio guide provided interesting descriptions of the exhibits.
20. The novelist's descriptions of the city were vivid and realistic.
21. The salesperson's descriptions of the car's features were overly technical.
22. The journalist's descriptions of the disaster were heart-wrenching.
23. The poet's descriptions of the emotions were thought-provoking.
24. The historian's descriptions of the battles were detailed and informative.
25. The athlete's descriptions of their training regimen were inspiring.
26. The chef's descriptions of the flavors in the recipe were mouth-watering.
27. The astronaut's descriptions of space were awe-inspiring.
28. The traveler's descriptions of the cultural traditions were fascinating.
29. The teacher's descriptions of their students' progress were encouraging.
30. The architect's descriptions of the design elements were impressive.

Common Phases

1. The sky was a vivid shade of blue; fluffy white clouds dotted the horizon.
2. The mountain peak was shrouded in mist; its base was covered in dense forests.
3. The lake was serene and shimmering; its surface reflected the vibrant colors of the surrounding foliage.
4. The old book had a weathered cover; its pages were yellowed with age.
5. The city streets were bustling with activity; honking cars and bustling crowds filled the sidewalks.
6. The garden was filled with vibrant flowers; their petals glowed in the sunlight.
7. The beach was lined with palm trees; the crystal-clear water lapped gently at the shore.
8. The castle stood tall and imposing; its walls were made of thick stone and its turrets reached towards the sky.
9. The desert stretched out as far as the eye could see; dunes of golden sand undulated in the heat.
10. The restaurant had a cozy atmosphere; candlelight flickered on the tables and soft music played in the background.

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