Descriptively example sentences

Related (9): observationally, illustratively, graphically, vividly, narratively, straightforwardly, specifically, meticulously, explicitly

"Descriptively" Example Sentences

1. The author described the scene descriptively.
2. The painting was executed descriptively with intricate details.
3. The advertisement depicted the product descriptively in a manner that could lure the customers.
4. The eyewitness narrated the incident descriptively to the police.
5. The architect prepared the design descriptively, considering every little detail.
6. The naturalist identified the species descriptively with great accuracy.
7. The recipe in the cookbook was written descriptively with step-by-step instructions.
8. The travel writer described the location descriptively, enticing readers to visit.
9. The historian recorded the events of the war descriptively in his book.
10. The detective relayed the crime scene details descriptively to his team.
11. The news anchor reported on the incident descriptively with full details.
12. The poet wrote the verses descriptively, inspiring emotions in the readers.
13. The brochure showcased the resort descriptively with beautiful pictures.
14. The documentary presented the topic descriptively with facts and visuals.
15. The food critic reviewed the dish descriptively, highlighting its flavors and textures.
16. The nature documentary showcased the wildlife descriptively with stunning footage.
17. The science video explained the concept descriptively with clear visual aids.
18. The science fiction novel depicted the futuristic world descriptively in vivid detail.
19. The thriller movie showcased the suspenseful scenes descriptively, thrilling the audience.
20. The romance novel described the characters' emotions descriptively with heartfelt words.
21. The art critic analyzed the painting descriptively, focusing on its style and technique.
22. The interior designer planned the room descriptively, considering the colors, furniture, and lighting.
23. The geologist studied the rock formation descriptively to understand its history.
24. The poet's use of language painted a beautiful picture descriptively in the readers' minds.
25. The biographer chronicled the subject's life descriptively, documenting their achievements and struggles.
26. The songwriter's words described love descriptively with touching lyrics.
27. The travel writer described the culture descriptively, providing insights into the local customs and traditions.
28. The spoken word artist conveyed their message descriptively, using vivid imagery and metaphors.
29. The fashion designer created the dress descriptively, keeping in mind every little detail.
30. The weather forecast predicted the upcoming weather descriptively, giving details of precipitation, temperature and wind speed.

Common Phases

1. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange; descriptively resembling a watercolor masterpiece.
2. The waves crashed against the shore; descriptively producing a symphony of sounds.
3. The garden was brimming with vibrant flowers; descriptively showcasing a kaleidoscope of colors.
4. The city was alive with bustling activity; descriptively mirroring a beehive.
5. The mountain was cloaked in mist; descriptively lending an air of mystery to its already majestic persona.
6. The meal was a feast for the senses; descriptively pleasing the eyes, nose, and taste buds.
7. The sun beat down relentlessly; descriptively scorching the earth and parching the land.
8. The forest was dense and thick; descriptively creating a labyrinthine network of trees and foliage.
9. The storm raged on for hours; descriptively unleashing a fierce barrage of lightning bolts and thunder claps.
10. The lake was tranquil and serene; descriptively reflecting the calm blue sky overhead.

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