Deterioratingly example sentences

Related (6): deterioratingly, worsening, declining, degrading, decaying, collapsing.

"Deterioratingly" Example Sentences

1. His health had been deterioratingly for weeks now.
2. The economy has been deterioratingly since the pandemic.
3. The patient's condition was worsening deterioratingly with each passing day.
4. The quality of education in the country has been deterioratingly over the years.
5. The relationship between the two nations has been deterioratingly lately.
6. The team's performance in the game was deterioratingly poor.
7. The weather has been deterioratingly in the last few days.
8. The company's profits have been deterioratingly for the past few quarters.
9. His mental state was deterioratingly as he continued to isolate himself.
10. The quality of the product has been deterioratingly since the company changed its manufacturing process.
11. The morale of the employees has been deterioratingly since the management changed.
12. The condition of the building has been deterioratingly over the years.
13. The safety standards in the factory have been deterioratingly, risking the lives of the workers.
14. The health of the fish in the river has been deterioratingly due to pollution.
15. The air quality in the city has been deterioratingly for the past few years.
16. The prices of goods have been deterioratingly in the market lately.
17. The state of the roads has been deterioratingly, causing more accidents.
18. The relationship between the two siblings has been deterioratingly since they had a disagreement.
19. The performance of the company has been deterioratingly since the new CEO took over.
20. The reputation of the school has been deterioratingly over the years due to poor management.
21. The quality of customer service has been deterioratingly, leading to customer complaints.
22. The health of the elderly population has been deterioratingly due to neglect.
23. The standard of living in the area has been deterioratingly for the past few years.
24. The situation in the country has been deterioratingly as the government fails to address the issues.
25. The progress of the project has been deterioratingly due to insufficient funding.
26. The condition of the environment has been deterioratingly due to human activities.
27. The level of education in the country has been deterioratingly, affecting the future generation.
28. The mood in the room has been deterioratingly as the argument escalated.
29. The appearance of the city has been deterioratingly due to litter and garbage.
30. The confidence of the investors has been deterioratingly as the stock prices continue to fall.

Common Phases

1. His health was deterioratingly poor; he could barely walk without assistance.
2. As the days passed, the weather grew deterioratingly colder; it was only a matter of time before the first snowfall.
3. The company's financial situation was deterioratingly dire; layoffs appeared imminent.
4. The road conditions were deterioratingly hazardous; drivers were advised to be cautious.
5. Her mental state was deterioratingly fragile; she needed professional help.
6. The environmental situation was deterioratingly alarming; urgent action was needed to prevent further damage.
7. The political climate was deterioratingly tense; violence erupted in the streets.
8. The team's performance was deterioratingly lackluster; they needed to step up their game.
9. The patient's condition was deterioratingly critical; urgent medical intervention was needed.
10. The social situation was deterioratingly divisive; the community was fractured by conflict.

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