Wane example sentences

Related (13): decline, decrease, diminish, fade, dwindle, ebb, weaken, subside, lessen, recede, abate, slacken, flag.

"Wane" Example Sentences

1. As the moon began to wane, its light grew dimmer.
2. His interest began to wane after a while.
3. His energy and enthusiasm began to wane with age.
4. Her interest in the hobby started to wane after a few months.
5. The popularity of the boy band began to wane after a few years.
6. His memory began to wane as he got older.
7. His love for her began to wane after the honeymoon phase wore off.
8. Sales started to wane towards the end of the quarter.
9. Their passion for each other began to wane after years of marriage.
10. As the filler material wore away, the strength of the structure began to wane.
11. His popularity among colleagues started to wane after he got promoted.
12. His strength began to wane as he battled the illness.
13. As time passed, her affection for him began to wane.
14. His power and influence began to wane in his old age.
15. The warm glow of the sunset began to wane as evening approached.
16. His youthful good looks began to wane with each passing year.
17. As the light from the bulb dimmed, its power began to wane.
18. Her confidence in the plan began to wane as she considered the risks involved.
19. Public interest in the political scandal began to wane after a few weeks.
20. As dusk approached, the warm glow of daylight began to wane.
21. After graduating, her desire to go out partying began to wane.
22. The waning light from the sunset cast long shadows across the ground.
23. As the headache medicine wore off, her pain began to wane again.
24. His strength began to wane as the marathon wore on.
25. Sales of the product started to wane after the initial excitement subsided.
26. As the swelling subsided, her discomfort began to wane.
27. His influence within the company began to wane after the reorganization.
28. The waxing and waning of the Moon's phases followed a predictable cycle.
29. Her passion for painting began to wane once other commitments increased.
30. The warm glow of the candles began to wane as they neared the end.
31. Interest in the political issue quickly began to wane once the scandal emerged.
32. The waxing and waning of economic tides was an unavoidable reality.
33. His influence over his students began to wane as they grew older.
34. The swelling began to wane as the ibuprofen took effect.
35. As the battery lost its charge, the bulb's light began to wane.
36. The waning crescent moon cast a dim light across the landscape.
37. The waning moon rose late in the night, its light barely illuminating the sky.
38. As the sun set in the western sky, its warming glow began to wane.
39. His strength began to wane as the battle wore on.
40. The waning moon cast a pallid glow over the desert landscape.
41. The waxing and waning of their passion followed the rhythms of everyday life.
42. The growing darkness signaled that the daylight was beginning to wane.
43. Her interest in the subject began to wane once the course ended.
44. The waning moon barely cast any light through the cloudy sky.
45. The pain in his side began to wane as he rested and applied ice.
46. The waning light from the sunset created long shadows on the mountainside.
47. His influence on campus began to wane after he graduated.
48. The candle's glow began to wane as the wax neared the end of the wick.
49. The waning moon rose late in the night, barely illuminating the landscape.
50. The waxing and waning of the tides followed the cycle of the Moon.
51. As the moon's phases waxed and waned, so did her moods.
52. Her memory began to wane as dementia slowly set in.
53. As the crowd began to thin, his excitement began to wane.
54. The waning moon cast only a dim glow over the valley.
55. The waning crescent moon could barely be seen in the dusk sky.
56. Her interest in school began to wane once summer vacation started.
57. The waning light of sunset cast long shadows around the patio.
58. Their excitement began to wane after hours of waiting in line.
59. The waning light painted beautiful shades of gold and pink on the clouds.
60. His waning strength finally gave out as he collapsed on the floor.

Common Phases

1. The moon will begin to wane tonight.
2. His interest in the project began to wane after a few weeks.
3. As the patient grows weaker, the fever tends to wane.
4. The color of the paint had started to wane after years of exposure to the elements.
5. The sounds of the party began to wane in the early hours of the morning.
6. His energy and enthusiasm seem to be waning lately.
7. The tide was starting to wane, exposing more of the shore.
8. The crowds at the stadium began to wane as the game became boring.
9. Her mood swings seemed to wane in her later years.
10. The musician's fame began to wane after he stopped producing hits.
11. Their popularity started to wane after a string of bad albums.
12. Business was starting to wane in the winter months.
13. His memory and cognitive skills are waning with age.
14. The rescue helicopter had to land as the fuel started to wane.
15. His research grant money started to wane after a few years.
16. The music seems to wane when the dancers leave the stage.
17. Her influence over the students began to wane when she retired.
18. The crowd noise began to wane when the players left the field.
19. As the party wound down, the noise started to wane.
20. The emergency supplies on the lifeboat began to wane after a week at sea.
21. The excitement of opening presents began to wane as the children explored their new toys.
22. The drugs appeared to wane the effects of the illness.
23. The light started to wane as dusk approached.
24. The storm appeared to be waning, with lighter rains and winds.
25. His devotion to his spiritual path began to wane after some difficult life events.
26. The glow and heat of the fire had begun to wane.
27. Their efforts to fight the blaze began to wane as supplies ran low.
28. The sun's heat seemed to wane in the late afternoon.
29. Their appetite for adventure seemed to wane as they grew older.
30. The pain seems to be waning now that she is taking the medication.
31. The protesters' energy and momentum began to wane after a few hours.
32. The music started to wane as the DJ left the stage.
33. The candles' light began to wane as they burned down.
34. As the play went on, the audience's laughter began to wane.
35. The team's confidence began to wane after a series of losses.
36. The scent of the flowers seemed to wane after a few days.
37. The war's ferocity appeared to be waning by the end.
38. The sound of the marching band began to wane as they moved further away.
39. The company's profits started to wane after the new competitors arrived.
40. The medication appeared to wane his symptoms.
41. The job's appeal began to wane after a few months of long hours and stress.
42. The hallucinations started to wane as he came down from the drug high.
43. As the months wore on, her sympathy and compassion began to wane.
44. The winds began to wane as the storm moved out of the area.
45. The pain medication seemed to wane her discomfort.
46. Their attention span began to wane well before the end of the two-hour movie.
47. The effects of the alcoholic drink started to wane after a few hours.
48. The crowd's cheers began to wane as the match neared the end.
49. The emotions elicited by the sad movie began to wane once it finished.
50. The medicine seemed to wane his cough and congestion.
51. Our concern for the planet's environment seems to wane in difficult economic times.
52. The fire's glow and heat had begun to wane by the early morning hours.
53. Her interest in the game started to wane when she fell behind her opponent.
54. The rain appeared to be waning as we headed outside.
55. The activist's anger and passion seemed to wane over time.
56. The storm's fury seemed to be waning as the winds died down.
57. The college student's excitement for studying began to wane by the end of the term.
58. His strength and vitality appeared to be waning with age.
59. The current started to wane as the tide ebbed.
60. The drugs' effects had begun to wane after several hours.

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