Determinants example sentences

Related (10): factors, variables, influences, parameters, criteria, elements, causes, predictors, drivers, conditions

"Determinants" Example Sentences

1. The determinants of the economic boom are complex and multifaceted.
2. High unemployment and poverty levels are key determinants of crime in urban areas.
3. The determinants of health are diverse and include both genetic and environmental factors.
4. Education is often cited as a critical determinant of upward mobility in modern societies.
5. Cognitive ability and problem-solving skills are important determinants of workplace success.
6. Access to healthcare is a major determinant of overall health outcomes for individuals and communities.
7. A stable and loving home environment is a critical determinant of a child's emotional development.
8. Geographic location and local resources are important determinants of economic development in many regions.
9. The determinants of human behavior are complex and often unpredictable.
10. The determinants of species survival in the wild include factors such as habitat destruction, climate change, and poaching.
11. Social and cultural norms are important determinants of behavior in many societies.
12. Personality traits such as introversion or extroversion can be significant determinants of career choices and job performance.
13. The determinants of political beliefs and affiliations are highly varied and influenced by many factors.
14. Physical attractiveness can be a determinant of success in many careers, including acting and modeling.
15. Family background and social status are often determinants of educational achievement and career opportunities.
16. Dietary choices and lifestyle factors are important determinants of overall health and wellness.
17. Gender identity and sexual orientation can be determinants of societal discrimination and prejudice.
18. The determinants of climate change are complex and interdependent, involving many different human activities.
19. The determinants of happiness are varied and can include factors such as personal relationships, health, and career satisfaction.
20. Risk factors such as smoking and poor nutrition are often determinants of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
21. Political and economic instability can be determinants of immigration patterns and refugee crises.
22. Social class and income level are often determinants of political power and influence in many societies.
23. The determinants of financial success can include factors such as education, risk tolerance, and personal networks.
24. Environmental factors such as air and water pollution are significant determinants of public health outcomes.
25. The determinants of cultural identity are complex and involve many different historical and social factors.
26. Language proficiency is a key determinant of academic success and professional opportunities in many settings.
27. The determinants of athletic performance can include factors such as genetics, training programs, and nutrition.
28. The determinants of job satisfaction can vary depending on individual preferences, values, and workplace culture.
29. Ethnicity and culture can be determinants of health outcomes and access to healthcare services.
30. Psychological factors such as stress and depression can be determinants of physical health and well-being.

Common Phases

1. The determinant of a matrix can be calculated using various methods;
2. A matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is non-zero;
3. The determinant of a product of matrices equals the product of their determinants;
4. The determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal entries;
5. A singular matrix has a determinant equal to zero;
6. The determinant of an orthogonal matrix is either 1 or -1;
7. The determinant of a matrix and its transpose are equal;
8. Adding a multiple of one row to another row of a matrix does not change its determinant;
9. Elementary row operations affect the determinant of a matrix in predictable ways;
10. The determinant of a block matrix can be expressed in terms of the determinants of its blocks.

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