Dialuric example sentences

"Dialuric" Example Sentences

1. The dialuric effect of caffeine causes an increase in urine output.
2. Patients with hypertension should avoid excessive consumption of dialuric substances like alcohol and coffee.
3. The diuretic medication the doctor prescribed has a dialuric action on the kidneys.
4. I had to use the restroom frequently after drinking a large dialuric smoothie.
5. The dialuric properties of certain fruits and vegetables can help with fluid retention.
6. Athletes should be careful not to dehydrate themselves by overusing dialuric drinks.
7. Some patients with kidney disease may need to limit their intake of dialuric foods and drinks.
8. The hospital chart noted that the patient was experiencing dialuric symptoms.
9. The doctor explained that the medication would help with dialuric excess and reduce swelling.
10. A diet high in dialuric substances can sometimes have a laxative effect.
11. The nurse monitored the patient's dialuric output to ensure that their kidneys were functioning properly.
12. Some herbal teas have dialuric effects and can help flush out toxins from the body.
13. The patient was given a dialuric infusion to help stabilize their fluid levels after surgery.
14. Alcohol has a well-known dialuric effect and can lead to dehydration.
15. The dialuric response to certain medications is different for each person.
16. Patients on dialysis often have restricted intake of dialuric foods and drinks.
17. The doctor recommended adding more dialuric foods to the patient's diet to help relieve constipation.
18. The hospital policy was to monitor patients for any dialuric side effects of their medications.
19. Some patients with diabetes may need to avoid dialuric drinks that can lead to blood sugar spikes.
20. The patient was advised to drink plenty of water to counteract the dialuric effects of the medication.
21. The hospital staff trained the patients on how to monitor their own dialuric output at home.
22. Dialuric drugs can sometimes cause potassium depletion, requiring supplements or changes in diet.
23. The patient's dialuric response to the medication improved after a few days of treatment.
24. The doctor warned the patient that dialuric medications can cause electrolyte imbalances.
25. The patient's urine output was steady and within normal levels, indicating a working dialuric system.
26. Some patients may experience dialuric symptoms as a result of excessive exercise or sweating.
27. The medication's dialuric effect helped alleviate the edema in the patient's legs.
28. The patient's dialuric response was closely monitored to prevent dehydration.
29. The patient's lab results showed signs of dialuric acidosis from prolonged use of certain medications.
30. The dialuric effect of certain foods may cause an upset stomach or diarrhea in some people.

Common Phases

1. Dialuric acid is a powerful oxidizing agent;
2. Dialuric acid is used in the preparation of certain dyes;
3. Dialuric acid can be synthesized from urea;
4. Dialuric acid is highly soluble in water;
5. Dialuric acid is thermodynamically unstable.

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