Dilemman example sentences

Related (4): quandary, predicament, impasse, Catch-22

"Dilemman" Example Sentences

1. I am faced with a difficult dilemma that I cannot seem to resolve.
2. She found herself in a moral dilemma when asked to cheat on an exam.
3. His job offered him a promotion, but moving would cause a family dilemma.
4. Choosing between two job offers is a common dilemma for recent graduates.
5. The company was in a financial dilemma and had to consider bankruptcy.
6. He had to solve the ethical dilemma of telling the truth or hiding the evidence.
7. The president was faced with a political dilemma that could affect the entire country.
8. The dilemma of whether to stay in a toxic relationship or leave was difficult for her.
9. The dilemma of whether to invest in stocks or bonds required careful analysis.
10. She had to confront the dilemma of whether to support her friend or tell the truth.
11. The restaurant faced a dilemma when their chef resigned unexpectedly.
12. The dilemma of choosing between two potential partners was stressful for her.
13. The dilemma of balancing work and personal life is a struggle for many.
14. The company was in a dilemma when their sales plummeted unexpectedly.
15. He was in a dilemma of whether to pursue his passion or stick with a stable job.
16. The dilemma of whether to prioritize mental health or career success clashed for her.
17. The team was in a dilemma of whether to take a risky decision or play it safe.
18. The dilemma of whether to speak up or stay quiet was a constant struggle for her.
19. The movie presented a dilemma for the protagonist that kept audiences on edge.
20. The dilemma of how to prevent climate change is a global concern.
21. The parent faced a dilemma of whether to support their child's dream or encourage practicality.
22. The dilemma of choosing between two colleges was overwhelming for her.
23. The company faced a dilemma of whether to cut costs or invest in innovation.
24. The dilemma of whether to take a vacation or save for the future plagued him.
25. The dilemma of whether to agree with the majority or stand up for what's right troubled her.
26. The protagonist in the novel faced a moral dilemma that tested their values.
27. The dilemma of whether to buy a new or used car depends on personal preferences.
28. The company was in a dilemma of whether to expand or downsize their operations.
29. The dilemma of how to handle a difficult boss is a common workplace issue.
30. The athlete faced the dilemma of whether to retire or continue competing at the highest level.

Common Phases

I'm in a dilemma; I cannot decide what to do.; The dilemma I'm facing is complex; I need to weigh all my options carefully.; This is a genuine dilemma; I can see merits in both courses of action.; A moral dilemma has arisen; I'll need to consult with my ethics committee.; The dilemma is pressing; I need to come to a decision quickly.; The dilemma is clear; I must act in the best interests of my company and employees.; I'm facing a dilemma; I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I need to be honest.

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