Dinged example sentences

Related (6): scratch, dent, mark, nick, damage, imperfection

"Dinged" Example Sentences

1. The microwave dinged to signal that my popcorn was done.
2. I heard the bell ding as the elevator arrived at my floor.
3. The bike bell dinged loudly as the cyclist passed by.
4. He dinged the side of his car when trying to parallel park.
5. The waiter dinged our wine glasses to signal the start of the toast.
6. My phone dinged with a new text message notification.
7. The timer on the oven dinged to signal that the cake was ready.
8. The receptionist dinged my temperature before allowing me into the building.
9. The referee dinged the whistle to stop the game.
10. The metal hammer dinged loudly against the anvil.
11. She dinged her knee on the coffee table while walking through the dark room.
12. The coin dinged against the metal slot as I deposited it into the parking meter.
13. The glass bottle dinged against the others as I put it away on the shelf.
14. The lunchroom bell dinged to signal the end of the lunch period.
15. The computer program dinged to let me know the download was complete.
16. The judge dinged the gavel to open the session.
17. The boxing bell dinged signaling the start of the round.
18. The alarm clock dinged to wake me up for work.
19. The cash register dinged as the cashier scanned my groceries.
20. The button on the elevator dinged as I pressed it to call for it.
21. The tennis ball dinged against the racket as they played a match.
22. The bell dinged as the waiter brought our food to the table.
23. The golf ball dinged off the tree and landed in the sand trap.
24. The chef dinged the cymbal to signal the end of the cooking competition.
25. The bicycle dinged the bell to warn pedestrians of its approach.
26. The chime dinged as the grandfather clock struck twelve.
27. The doorbell dinged, signaling the arrival of the guests.
28. The metal tray dinged as I dropped my utensils on it.
29. The karaoke machine dinged at the end of each song.
30. The cowbell dinged as the farmer called for the cows to come home.

Common Phases

1. My car got dinged in the parking lot;
2. The bell dinged signaling the end of class;
3. The waiter dinged us for spilling our drink;
4. I accidentally dinged my phone on the concrete sidewalk;
5. The hockey player dinged the puck off the post;
6. The salesperson dinged the price of the car we wanted to buy;
7. The chef dinged the oven timer to let us know the food was ready;
8. The borrower dinged their credit score by missing a payment;
9. The golfer dinged their ball on a tree branch;
10. The messenger dinged my phone with an important message.

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