Dirt example sentences

Related (7): soil, grime, mud, filth, dust, sand, grit

"Dirt" Example Sentences

1. The boy dug in the dirt with his toy shovel.
2. The backyard was filled with dirt and weeds.
3. They planted flowers in the fresh dirt.
4. The construction workers pushed piles of dirt around.
5. The puppy rolled around in the dirt.
6. There were dirt marks all over his clothes.
7. He wiped the dirt off of his hands.
8. She cleaned the dirt from under her fingernails.
9. Her face was smudged with dirt.
10. The dog shook, covering everyone in a cloud of dirt.
11. The little girl played in the dirt for hours.
12. The campers used rakes to smooth out the dirt.
13. The tire tracks left deep ruts in the dirt road.
14. They had to get the mud and dirt off their shoes.
15. The garden was filled with weeds and dirt.
16. The bike tires kicked up dirt as they rode.
17. The neglected walls were covered in dirt and cobwebs.
18. The empty lot was a patch of dirt and gravel.
19. The track stars kicked up dirt as they raced around the field.
20. The kids dug an elaborate system of tunnels in the dirt.
21. The potter shaped his clay, adding bits of colored dirt.
22. The farmer spread compost and dirt around his growing plants.
23. The archeologists gently uncovered artifacts buried in the dirt.
24. Construction left piles of dirt and debris at the worksite.
25. The rallies left dirt and dust swirling in the summer heat.
26. They had to scrape dirt off the windows before they could be cleaned.
27. The construction workers smoothed the fresh dirt for the next phase.
28. Dirt and pebbles flew as they raced through the empty field.
29. Bees hovered around patches of exposed dirt in the field.
30. The children ran around barefoot, oblivious to the dirt.
31. They swept dirt and leaves from the porch.
32. They could see the dirt road snaking through the hills below.
33. The farmer tilled the dirt, preparing it for planting.
34. Dust and dirt stuck to their sweaty, tired bodies.
35. He turned the dirt with his shovel, looking for any hidden treasures.
36. Workers dumped piles of dirt on the construction site.
37. The harsh winter winds blew dirt and debris into the house.
38. She fell and scraped her knee, dirtying her dress with dirt and blood.
39. The fresh dirt smelled rich and earthy.
40. There were dirt stains on the knees of his pants.
41. The truck left deep tire ruts in the soft dirt road.
42. The older children made dirt mounds for the younger kids to climb.
43. They hosed down the dirt and mud from the kids' shoes.
44. The dog lived outside and slept in the dirt.
45. He dug holes and tunnels in the dirt.
46. The trailer sat in a patch of dirt and weeds.
47. They hauled away truckloads of dirt from the construction site.
48. The kids jumped in the piles of fresh dirt.
49. The farmer spread fertilizer and tilled the dirt.
50. The landscape was barren dirt and rocks.
51. They brushed dirt off the freshly painted walls.
52. The field was an expanse of dirt and gravel.
53. The tire tracks left a winding trail in the dirt road.
54. They collected soil samples of different types of dirt.
55. The clothes had caked on layers of dirt from hard work.
56. He fell face first into the dirt.
57. The abandoned lot was overgrown with weeds, dirt and litter.
58. She knelt down and dug her hands into the cool, fragrant dirt.
59. The yard sale table had a layer of dirt on everything.
60. The painting showed the beauty in lifeless dirt and rock.

Common Phases

1. dirt cheap - extremely inexpensive
2. get dirt on - obtain potentially compromising information about
3. dig up dirt - find potentially compromising information about
4. under the dirt - secretly, confidentially
5. in the dirt - rejected, unpopular
6. hit the dirt - fall or drop to the ground quickly, usually to take cover or dodge danger
7. dirt poor - extremely poor
8. eat dirt - to be humiliated or defeated
9. like dirt - common, worthless, ubiquitous
10. dirty rotten - extremely bad, despicable
11. bottom of the barrel dirt - the absolute worst, lowest quality
12. dirt simple - very simple, easy to understand
13. get your hands dirty - take action, get involved in the practical work
14. like the dirt - very familiar, well known
15. play in the dirt - behave immaturely
1. The used cars were dirt cheap after the big sale.
2. Reporters will dig up dirt on any politician.
3. Police work often involves finding dirt under the dirt.
4. The secret deals were arranged under the dirt.
5. Their ideas were in the dirt for months until someone else promoted them.

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