Disbelievers example sentences

Related (6): skeptics, naysayers, doubters, cynics, discreditors, nonbelievers

"Disbelievers" Example Sentences

1. The disbelievers in climate change argue that it's a natural phenomenon.
2. Many religious texts warn of punishment for disbelievers.
3. The disbelievers in the supernatural refuse to believe in ghosts or spirits.
4. The group of disbelievers gathered to discuss their skepticism about the new technology.
5. The disbelievers in the science of genetics argue against its validity.
6. The disbelievers in the flat-earth theory scoffed at those who believed it.
7. The disbelievers in evolutionary theory refuse to accept its scientific evidence.
8. The disbelievers in COVID-19 precautions put others at risk with their actions.
9. The disbelievers in vaccinations refuse to protect themselves or others.
10. The disbelievers in mental illness argue that it's simply weakness or laziness.
11. The disbelievers in climate action prioritize profit over environmental concerns.
12. The disbelievers in the paranormal dismiss evidence that contradicts their beliefs.
13. The disbelievers in aliens refuse to accept the possibility of life outside of Earth.
14. The disbelievers in the benefits of exercise dismiss its positive effects on health.
15. The disbelievers in alternative medicine refuse to acknowledge its potential benefits.
16. The disbelievers in the power of positive thinking believe it's just wishful dreaming.
17. The disbelievers in the value of education argue that it's a waste of time and money.
18. The disbelievers in the dangers of smoking put their health at risk.
19. The disbelievers in the existence of God argue against the concept of higher power.
20. The disbelievers in the importance of sleep underestimate its impact on overall health.
21. The disbelievers in the power of empathy lack understanding and compassion for others.
22. The disbelievers in the value of teamwork prioritize individual achievement over collaboration.
23. The disbelievers in the effects of climate change ignore its devastating impact on the planet.
24. The disbelievers in the potential of renewable energy refuse to invest in a sustainable future.
25. The disbelievers in the value of diversity lack appreciation for different cultures and perspectives.
26. The disbelievers in the benefits of meditation underestimate its positive effects on mental health.
27. The disbelievers in the dangers of texting while driving put themselves and others in harm's way.
28. The disbelievers in the benefits of eating a balanced diet risk their health with poor nutrition.
29. The disbelievers in the importance of self-care neglect their mental and physical well-being.
30. The disbelievers in the impact of one's actions on the environment participate in harmful behavior.

Common Phases

1. The disbelievers refused to accept the evidence presented; they were entrenched in their own opinions.
2. The disbelievers scoffed at the notion of UFO sightings; they believed them to be mere hoaxes.
3. The disbelievers rejected the idea of climate change; they thought it to be a natural occurrence.
4. The disbelievers dismissed the possibility of life after death; they believed death to be the end.
5. The disbelievers ridiculed the idea of alien life; they thought it to be a figment of our imagination.
6. The disbelievers denied the existence of ghosts; they believed it to be a superstition.
7. The disbelievers scoffed at the idea of psychic abilities; they believed it to be a scam.
8. The disbelievers rejected the theory of evolution; they believed it to be flawed.
9. The disbelievers mocked the idea of alternate dimensions; they thought it to be science fiction.
10. The disbelievers dismissed the concept of reincarnation; they believed it to be illogical.

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