Disconfirmations example sentences

Related (5): falsifications, contradictions, refutations, denials, rebuttals

"Disconfirmations" Example Sentences

1. The experiment produced multiple disconfirmations, leading us to question the validity of our theory.
2. Despite the many disconfirmations, the scientist refused to abandon her hypothesis.
3. The accumulation of disconfirmations forced the team to reconsider their approach.
4. The success of the project was undermined by persistent disconfirmations.
5. The mounting disconfirmations left the researchers feeling doubtful and frustrated.
6. The team struggled to reconcile the disconfirmations with their initial expectations.
7. The absence of disconfirmations only served to bolster the confidence of the researchers.
8. The scientist was surprised to find so many disconfirmations, but remained committed to her work.
9. The validity of the theory was called into question due to the disconfirmations.
10. The team tried to explain away the disconfirmations, but were ultimately unsuccessful.
11. The results of the study were surprising, given the number of disconfirmations.
12. The scientist was not discouraged by the disconfirmations, seeing them as opportunities to refine her theory.
13. The many disconfirmations led the team to revise their methodology and approach.
14. Despite the disconfirmations, the researcher remained confident in the value of their work.
15. The disconfirmations highlighted the importance of careful experimentation and data analysis.
16. The disconfirmations left the team feeling uncertain about the validity of their work.
17. Even in the face of disconfirmations, the scientist remained dedicated to her research.
18. The team was unprepared for the disconfirmations, but resolved to learn from them.
19. The disconfirmations were unexpected, but ultimately helped the team to make significant progress.
20. The researcher remained optimistic in the face of the numerous disconfirmations.
21. The disconfirmations challenged the underlying assumptions of the research and inspired new avenues of inquiry.
22. The team was disheartened by the disconfirmations, but knew that they were an essential part of the scientific process.
23. Despite the disconfirmations, the researchers remained motivated to uncover the truth.
24. The many disconfirmations led the team to question their methodology and experimental design.
25. The presence of disconfirmations signaled the need for further investigation and analysis.
26. The disconfirmations called into question the very foundations of the research.
27. The team struggled to come to terms with the disconfirmations, but ultimately persisted in their work.
28. The disconfirmations challenged the expectations of the team and forced them to rethink their approach.
29. Despite the disconfirmations, the researcher persisted, seeing each failure as an opportunity to learn.
30. The accumulation of disconfirmations left the team feeling exhausted and uncertain, but inspired to continue their work.

Common Phases

1. That's not what I expected; this is completely different.
2. I thought it was going to be better; it's worse than I imagined.
3. I was convinced it would work; it failed miserably.
4. I had high hopes for this; it's disappointing.
5. I was sure I had the right answer; I was wrong.
6. I had faith in them; they let me down.
7. I was confident in my abilities; I made a mistake.
8. I believed in their promises; they didn't deliver.

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