Retain example sentences

Related (16): maintain, preserve, sustain, uphold, keep, save, secure, possess, store, guard, detain, confine, contain, restrain, withhold, continue

"Retain" Example Sentences

1. The company retained a law firm to represent them in the lawsuit.
2. The defense retained an expert witness to testify at the trial.
3. She retained possession of the documents for her research.
4. The government retained the right to confiscate the property.
5. We retained ownership of the intellectual property developed by the startup.
6. The judge retained jurisdiction over the child custody case.
7. The manufacturer retained samples of each product batch.
8. The dentist retained several fillings that needed to be replaced.
9. The rainwater retained in the puddles reflected the clouds above.
10. The desert retains very little moisture due to the dry climate.
11. The mountains retained their snow cover well into spring.
12. The wood retained the deep mahogany stain.
13. The sponge retained a lot of water even after squeezing.
14. The soil retained the nutrients needed for healthy plant growth.
15. The absorbent tissues retained the ink stains from the spill.
16. They retained the services of an advertising agency to promote the brand.
17. The university retained accreditation despite budget cuts.
18. She retained possession of the jewels even after the divorce.
19. The man retained the right to visitation with his children.
20. The applicant retained copies of all submitted documents.
21. The old wool blanket retained the smell of campfire smoke.
22. The envelope retained traces of the now dissolved poison.
23. The rock retained the heat from the sun long after dusk.
24. The fossils retained evidence of their ancient origins.
25. His writings retained references to childhood memories.
26. The company retained experienced employees during the downsizing.
27. The lawyers retained relevant documents for further review.
28. The mayor retained popularity despite a minor scandal.
29. The memory retains scant details from long ago events.
30. The nurse retained a professional demeanor at all times.
31. The doctor retained his calm during an emergency.
32. The client retained control over all decision making.
33. The consultant retained complete ownership of the work product.
34. The flowers retained their bright colors in the herbarium.
35. The president retained authority over all executive decisions.
36. She retained the name of her first marriage after remarrying.
37. The witness retained composure while being cross-examined.
38. The cat retained an aura of aloof indifference.
39. The artwork retained value over the decades.
40. The coach retained hope despite many losses.
41. The memory retained images that resurfaced many years later.
42. The wall retained traces of the original paint color under new layers.
43. The recipe retained subtle variations with each new generation.
44. The nation retained its sovereignty despite foreign occupation.
45. The organization retained the services of an online marketing agency.
46. The accountant retained financial records for tax purposes.
47. The student retained knowledge of historical facts.
48. The attorney retained old case files as legal precedent.
49. The box retained an aroma of citrus that lingered for years.
50. The sky retained a pale blue glow after sunset.

Common Phases

1. The company will retain its current employees during the economic downturn.
2. The attorneys advised the client to retain an expert witness.
3. I would like to retain my current healthcare benefits if possible.
4. The committee voted to retain the current logo.
5. The sheriff retained custody of the suspect after arraigning him in court.
6. Customers often retain loyalty cards to earn rewards and discounts.
7. The law firm intends to retain me as an expert consultant on intellectual property matters.
8. Please retain all receipts related to the business expense report.
9. Scientists are working to develop a vaccine that can retain effectiveness against new virus variants.
10. The researchers recommend retaining specimens for further testing.
11. New employees are asked to retain company policy manuals for future reference.
12. The CEO wants to retain control over all major business decisions.
13. Teachers often retain graded assignments for their records.
14. You must retain an attorney if you wish to fight the traffic citation.
15. The defendant retained the right to appeal the court's decision.
16. If you want, we can retain our current agreement and I'll stay on as a consultant.
17. Records must be retained for five years after project completion for audit purposes.
18. Many plant varieties retain their colors and fragrance even after drying.
19. The committee decided to retain the current language in the resolution.
20. Please retain a copy of this report for your records.
21. The general ordered his troops to retain their current positions.
22. The accountant advised the client to retain the receipts for at least seven years.
23. Students are asked to retain all course materials for future reference.
24. The evidence was retained in a secure location until the trial.
25. The current administration wants to retain the commitment to fiscal responsibility.
26. The contract stipulates that the company will retain ownership of any intellectual property developed during the project.
27. The attorney advised me to retain a copy of all paperwork related to the real estate transaction.
28. The museum will retain ownership of the donated artwork.
29. Teachers often retain students who fail to meet basic benchmarks.
30. The incumbent president aims to retain power by any means necessary.
31. Researchers were asked to retain all samples and documentation related to the study.
32. The company decided to retain its current suppliers throughout the expansion project.
33. The committee voted to retain the current policy without amendment.
34. The defendant sought to retain counsel of his own choosing.
35. Many animals retain instincts passed down from their ancestors.
36. The policy is designed to retain a pool of experienced mid-level employees.
37. Voters chose to retain the incumbent by a narrow margin.
38. The professor decided to retain all students who had passing grades.
39. The treaty aimed to retain peace between the neighboring nations.
40. The software will retain your preferences even after new updates.
41. These ancestral populations have retained much of their indigenous culture and traditions.
42. Atkins' lawyers are seeking to retain evidence that they claim casts doubt on his guilt.
43. The current regime aims to retain control over all government institutions.
44. The company decided to retain the pension plan as part of employee benefits.
45. The judge ruled that the defendant had a right to retain counsel of his choice.
46. The skills and behaviors needed to retain supporters must be developed over time.
47. The retailer aims to retain at least 90% of existing customers each year.
48. The document was retained in its original form without alteration.
49. The constitution guarantees citizens the right to retain and bear arms.
50. Many students experience difficulties retaining knowledge learned for exams.
51. The candidate sought to retain the independence of the judiciary.
52. Attention spans are getting shorter, making it harder to retain information.
53. Without effective intervention, children with learning disabilities often struggle to retain new concepts and skills.
54. Plants rely on dead leaves and branches to retain moisture during drought conditions.
55. Our brains naturally retain memories that evoke strong emotions.
56. With practice and effective strategies, most students can improve their ability to retain new information.
57. The archive aims to retain thousands of important historical documents and artifacts.
58. The company decided to retain its current health insurance provider.
59. The attorney advised the client to retain all documentation related to the lawsuit.
60. The court ordered police to retain custody of the fugitive until trial.

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