Disestablishing example sentences

Related (5): abandoning, discontinuing, removing, ending, nullifying

"Disestablishing" Example Sentences

1. She was in favor of disestablishing the monarchy.
2. The government considered disestablishing the state religion.
3. He proposed the idea of disestablishing the church.
4. Disestablishing the educational system was met with resistance.
5. A movement began to disestablish the existing political party.
6. The group was dedicated to disestablishing the patriarchal society.
7. The politician was known for his radical views on disestablishing traditional institutions.
8. Disestablishing the monarchy had profound implications for the country's government structure.
9. The proposal to disestablish the military sparked a heated debate.
10. They believed that disestablishing the police force would lead to a more peaceful society.
11. His position on disestablishing the healthcare system put him at odds with many in his party.
12. Disestablishing the legal system would result in chaos and anarchy.
13. The proposed plan for disestablishing the banking industry was met with skepticism.
14. She was passionate about disestablishing the gender binary.
15. Disestablishing the existing economic system was a long and difficult process.
16. The minister called for disestablishing the church in order to promote religious freedom.
17. Disestablishing the caste system was a crucial step towards achieving social justice.
18. The group's goal was to disestablish the existing power structures and create a more egalitarian society.
19. The politician campaigned on a platform of disestablishing the existing political elite.
20. Disestablishing the education system was seen as a necessary step towards creating a more equitable society.
21. They argued that disestablishing the centralized government would lead to greater local autonomy.
22. The push to disestablish the traditional family unit was met with backlash from conservative groups.
23. The president's proposal for disestablishing the national currency was met with widespread skepticism.
24. Disestablishing the traditional healthcare system was seen as a way to increase access to care for all.
25. The sociologist's research focused on the process of disestablishing social norms.
26. The movement for disestablishing the existing power structures gained momentum in the wake of social unrest.
27. Disestablishing the current system of incarceration was seen as a way to reduce recidivism rates.
28. The scholar's book argued for the importance of disestablishing traditional gender roles.
29. They called for disestablishing the current political system and implementing a more direct democracy.
30. Disestablishing the entrenched political parties was seen as a way to create space for new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Common Phases

1. The process of disestablishing a political system is often complex and fraught with challenges;
2. Disestablishing a religious institution can be a delicate matter, requiring sensitivity and careful negotiation;
3. In many cases, disestablishing a long-standing tradition can be met with resistance and controversy;
4. The decision to disestablish a government agency or program requires careful consideration of its impact on society;
5. Disestablishing a monopoly can promote competition and innovation in the market;
6. The process of disestablishing an organization can be difficult, but may be necessary for it to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances;
7. Disestablishing a social norm can be a powerful tool for promoting equality and justice.

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