Dispensations example sentences
Related (10): exemption, authorization, allowance, indulgence, clearance, immunity, pardon, privilege, exception, grant
"Dispensations" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The church operates under different dispensations from God.
2. God deals with humanity under different dispensations throughout history.
3. The dispensation of grace is the current age in which we live.
4. Under the dispensation of the law, strict adherence to rules was required.
5. According to dispensational theology, God relates to humanity in different ways at different times.
6. The new covenant represents a different dispensation from the old covenant.
7. Some theologians classify history into seven key dispensations.
8. The fall of humanity marked the start of the dispensation of conscience.
9. Divine providence governs all God's dispensations toward mankind.
10. God's grace operates under all God's various dispensations.
11. Humanity has experienced various divine dispensations throughout history.
12. The dispensation of the law established strict rules and requirements.
13. The entry of sin necessitated a change in God's dispensation toward humanity.
14. Divine revelation accords with the particular dispensation in force at the time.
15. There is an economy or plan to God's differing dispensations.
16. God uses different means in various dispensations to accomplish His ends.
17. The dispensation of promise comes before the law in the theological scheme.
18. The current dispensation emphasizes grace above obedience to rules.
19. The timing of Jesus's return depends on God's further dispensations.
20. God rules the world through progressive dispensations of revelation.
21. Human responsibility varies under God's different dispensations.
22. The millennium represents another dispensation still to come.
23. God's commands vary according to changing dispensations.
24. The church age is but one of multiple dispensations in God's plan.
25. We live within the parameters of the current divine dispensation.
26. Dispensationalism views history as a progression of successive dispensations.
27. Divine providence carries out the purposes of God through different dispensations.
28. God judges humanity based on the particular dispensation in force at the time.
29. The shift from law to grace marked a change of divine dispensation.
30. The fall necessitated a change from innocence to a dispensation of conscience.
31. The flood initiated a change from a dispensation of conscience to human government.
32. The call of Abraham ushered in God's covenant dispensation.
33. The Mosaic covenant brought the dispensation of law and sacrifice.
34. The birth of Jesus Christ began the current dispensation of grace.
35. Every dispensation has its own economy of means and ends ordained by God.
36. God's grace operates in continuity across different dispensations.
37. The basic plan of salvation remains the same under all dispensations.
38. God's purposes move forward through successive stages or dispensations.
39. The different dispensations illustrate God's faithfulness despite human failure.
40. Each new dispensation offers further revelation of God's character and purposes.
41. The various dispensations culminate in God's full revelation in Christ.
42. God reveals Himself differently under different divine dispensations.
43. The current church age represents just one step in God's plan through successive dispensations.
44. God's providential governance works through different dispensational economies.
45. Understanding dispensations helps explain changes in God's dealings with humanity.
46. The current dispensation of grace prepares the way for Christ's future millennial reign.
47. God tailors human responsibilities to suit each divine dispensation.
48. Divine revelation occurs within the context of a particular historical dispensation.
49. God's grace surpasses the boundaries of any one dispensation.
50. Divine patience characterizes God's dealings through successive dispensations.
51. God's sovereignty rules over all His differing dispensational dealings with mankind.
52. God dispenses revelation piecemeal through different eras and dispensations.
53. Dispensational theology seeks to understand divine purposes in history.
54. The current dispensation is but one step in God's ultimate plan for mankind.
55. God's purpose has progressed through seven major dispensational economies.
56. Each new dispensation builds on what has come before.
57. God's ultimate purposes stand above any one dispensation.
58. Divine judgment is according to the dispensation under which one lives.
59. Mankind must live responsibly within the parameters of its current divine dispensation.
60. Dispensations allow for progressive revelation of God's will and character over time.