Disregarded example sentences

Related (9): ignored, overlooked, neglected, dismissed, snubbed, spurned, rejected, underestimated, undervalued

"Disregarded" Example Sentences

1. He disregarded the warning and continued on his reckless path.
2. The instructions were disregarded and chaos ensued.
3. The politician disregarded the objections and pushed forward with his plan.
4. The employee disregarded company policy and was fired as a result.
5. The advice was completely disregarded and forgotten.
6. The manager disregarded the employee's concerns and complaints.
7. Safety protocols were routinely disregarded at the factory.
8. The doctors disregarded the severity of his condition.
9. The risks were completely disregarded in favor of immediate profit.
10. The caution signs were disregarded by the reckless drivers.
11. The lawyer disregarded the judge's instructions during the trial.
12. The government disregarded the human costs of its policies.
13. The evidence was disregarded as being unreliable and false.
14. The committee's recommendations were completely disregarded.
15. The employee disregarded the break time rules and was reprimanded.
16. Her warnings were completely disregarded until it was too late.
17. The rules were blatantly disregarded by the group of students.
18. The facts were completely disregarded in favor of opinion and bias.
19. The judge's order was disregarded by the defiant defendant.
20. The basic safety procedures were routinely disregarded.
21. The opinions of the minority were completely disregarded.
22. The evidence was disregarded in favor of pure speculation.
23. The policies were widely disregarded across the organization.
24. The emails went completely disregarded and unanswered.
25. The protocol was disregarded, resulting in a dangerous situation.
26. Pleads for mercy were completely disregarded.
27. His rights were totally disregarded throughout the legal process.
28. Public opinion was summarily disregarded by the politician.
29. Security measures were routinely disregarded by the staff.
30. The warnings were completely disregarded until it was too late.
31. The risks were summarily disregarded in the interest of profit.
32. The plaintiff's testimony was summarily disregarded by the jury.
33. Basic safety requirements were routinely disregarded at the factory.
34. The recommendations were summarily disregarded by management.
35. The ethics code was disregarded on a regular basis.
36. Traditional values were totally disregarded in pursuit of development.
37. Contract stipulations were routinely disregarded.
38. Reason was disregarded in favor of emotion and fear.
39. The instructions were completely disregarded by the ignorant employees.
40. Basic rights were repeatedly disregarded under tyrannical rule.
41. The road rules were routinely disregarded by dangerous drivers.
42. The law was openly disregarded by those in power.
43. The rules were routinely disregarded with impunity.
44. The facts were summarily disregarded to support a predetermined agenda.
45. The advice was totally disregarded by the headstrong young man.
46. The warnings were summarily disregarded in the pursuit of profit.
47. The safety protocols were routinely disregarded by management.
48. Statistics were disregarded in favor of unsubstantiated theories.
49. The medical advice was disregarded at the patient's own peril.
50. Common courtesy was disregarded in the debate among scholars.

Common Phases

1. He disregarded my advice and now he's facing the consequences.
2. The security rules were disregarded, which could have led to disaster.
3. The warnings signs were blatantly disregarded.
4. The safety procedures were all disregarded.
5. She disregarded her doctor's advice and continued to smoke.
6. They completely disregarded all environmental laws.
7. The authorities disregarded the people's complaints.
8. The teacher disregarded the student's excuses.
9. The protesters felt that their demands were being disregarded.
10. The affected communities felt that their needs were being disregarded.
11. The expert opinions were completely disregarded by management.
12. The students' basic rights were disregarded.
13. Our pleas for mercy were disregarded.
14. The judge disregarded the defendant's arguments.
15. My carefully written letter was disregarded.
16. Evidence was disregarded to fit the narrative.
17. The right to due process was disregarded.
18. They blatantly disregarded the speed limit.
19. Events seemed to only confirm that we were being disregarded.
20. Public opinion was disregarded.
21. My emails were completely disregarded.
22. The budget constraints were disregarded.
23. The risks were willfully disregarded.
24. Ethics were completely disregarded in pursuit of profit.
25. Established procedures were disregarded during the chaos.
26. The health experts were utterly disregarded.
27. The importance of context was disregarded.
28. Nuance was disregarded in favor of an absolute viewpoint.
29. My opinion was completely disregarded.
30. The facts were intentionally disregarded to fit an agenda.
31. The cries for help were disregarded.
32. The tradition was disregarded.
33. Reason was completely disregarded in the argument.
34. The logic was disregarded.
35. The experts were disregarded.
36. Warnings were disregarded.
37. All logical objections were disregarded.
38. Common sense was disregarded.
39. They disregarded my repeated requests.
40. Established norms were disregarded.
41. Rules were blatantly disregarded.
42. The warning signs were disregarded until it was too late.
43. Sound judgement was disregarded.
44. Decency was disregarded.
45. Laws were disregarded.
46. Objections were completely disregarded.
47. The manager totally disregarded our concerns.
48. He disregarded my warnings.
49. The terms of the contract were disregarded.
50. The protocols were disregarded.
51. Consequences were disregarded.
52. Reasonable doubt was disregarded.
53. Policies were consistently disregarded.
54. Traditional values were disregarded.
55. Decorum was disregarded.
56. Authority was disregarded.
57. Precedent was disregarded.
58. All restrictions were disregarded.
59. My words of caution were completely disregarded.
60. History and context were disregarded in the analysis.

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