Dissever example sentences

Related (15): disunite, divide, isolate, disconnect, segregate, estrange, detach, uncouple, disengage, quarter, sunder, disjoin, cleave, part, sever


verb rare

dissever (verb) · dissevers (third person present) · dissevered (past tense) · dissevered (past participle) · dissevering (present participle)

  - divide or sever (something):


cleave, split, divide, separate, part, detach, disconnect, amputate, dock, rend, sunder, join, attach, Legal

"Dissever" Example Sentences

1. The storm dissevered the old oak tree, splitting it down the middle.
2. The ancient fissure that dissevered the land ran far below the hills.
3. The war dissevered families and communities that had lived together for generations.
4. The revolutionaries wanted to dissever the colonies from British rule.
5. The violent disagreement dissevered their partnership and friendship of many years.
6. The rockslide dissevered the railway line, halting all train traffic.
7. The floodwaters dissevered fences and fragmented once-cohesive pastures.
8. The great chasm that dissevered the two sides seemed insurmountable.
9. The conflict dissevered what had once been a harmonious community.
10. The divorce dissevered the marital bond they had vowed to uphold for life.
11. The chain was dissevered when struck by the blade of the axe.
12. The earthquake dissevered massive rock formations along the coastal cliffs.
13. The ravaging storm dissevered hundreds of trees leaving a path of destruction.
14. The fallen trunk dissevered the narrow dirt path, blocking access.
15. The tide dissevered their makeshift raft, leaving them stranded.
16. The surgeon carefully dissevered the tumor from surrounding tissue.
17. The estrangement of years dissevered ties once thought unbreakable.
18. The crack that dissevered the ceramic vase left it irreparable.
19. The disagreement dissevered the political alliance that had formed on shared ideals.
20. The shifting of tectonic plates gradually dissevered the once-connected landmasses.
21. The saw easily dissevered the wooden planks along the marked line.
22. The axe dissevered the entwined branches in a few forceful swings.
23. The bombing dissevered the old city fortifications in crumbling heaps of stone.
24. The surgeon carefully dissevered the tumor from surrounding organs.
25. The cancer gradually dissevered her from loved ones as she faded.
26. The dispute dissevered what had once been a close business partnership.
27. The blade dissevered the rope, parting it into two pieces.
28. The stonewall that for centuries had dissevered the property now lay in rubble.
29. The wall that dissevered the two gardens was finally torn down.
30. The butcher dissevered the animal carcass into neatly cut pieces.
31. The flames rapidly dissevered the dried out timber into glowing embers.
32. The treasure-hunting axe dissevered the century-old lock with little effort.
33. The surgeon skillfully dissevered diseased tissue without damaging healthy cells.
34. The infection gradually dissevered him from his friends and family.
35. The historian sought to dissever fiction from fact in the archival records.
36. The hurricane dissevered the rusting moorings, setting the boat adrift.
37. The argument dissevered their once-solid friendship into bitterness.
38. The journalist sought to dissever truth from propaganda in reporting the conflict.
39. The malady gradually dissevered her from the pleasures of life.
40. The verdict dissevered the longstanding legal tie between corporation and client.
41. The researchers carefully dissevered each tiny organ from the developing embryo.
42. The blade dissevered the rope cleanly, leaving two identical lengths.
43. The trauma gradually dissevered her from formerly cherished aspects of life.
44. The fire dissevered the long rope of party streamers into small pieces.
45. The engraving tool dissevered elegant lines into the copper plate.
46. The floodwaters dissevered the limp body from the shredded remnants of clothing.
47. The growing contention dissevered what had once been an earnest partnership.
48. The quarrel dissevered their friendship, leaving only hurt and resentment.
49. The knife dissevered the tether between boat and mooring post with a single thrust.
50. The cutter blade dissevered the sheet of plywood cleanly along the marked line.
51. The raging waters dissevered the bridge, isolating the town on the opposite bank.
52. The tornado dissevered branches from century-old oak trees with savage force.
53. The breakdown in communication dissevered what had once been a close family.
54. The mathematician sought to dissever conjecture from proof in the proposed theorem.
55. The scalpel dissevered each tiny ligament from its adjoining tissue.
56. The bomb dissevered the steel girders, causing the structure to collapse.
57. The years of turmoil had dissevered their family ties beyond repair.
58. The surgeon skillfully dissevered the damaged organ from adjoining vasculature.
59. The betrayal had dissevered their once close friendship beyond reconciliation.
60. The blade dissevered the rope cleanly into two equal lengths.

Common Phases

1. They tried to dissever the bond that had always connected them.
2. The divorce would dissever the ties they had formed over the years of marriage.
3. The sudden loss dissevered the longstanding relationship between the siblings.
4. The quarrel unfairly dissevered the great friendship they had cultivated.
5. His actions dissevered the ties of affection I had always felt for him.
6. The rift threatens to dissever our lifelong companionship.
7. Anger dissevered the communication between the two friends.
8. Time and distance threaten to dissever our close connection.
9. The bitter disagreement dissevered what had once been an inseparable bond.
10. The tragedy dissevered the community that had been so close-knit.
11. Acrimony threatens to dissever the pact they had made.
12. Death dissevered the siblings who had shared so much history.
13. Their falling out dissevered the long association they had enjoyed.
14. Discord threatened to dissever the harmonious family relationship.
15. The intrigue dissevered trust between the colleagues.
16. Differences of opinion threatened to dissever their intellectual partnership.
17. The scandal dissevered them from the community they had spent years building.
18. The breach threatens to dissever their fast friendship.
19. Their profound disagreement dissevered what had been an intimate connection.
20. The argument dissevered their sense of family, once so concrete.
21. The betrayal dissevered any remaining ties of sympathy between them.
22. His desertion dissevered their close bond of loyalty and affection.
23. They struggled to dissever the constraints the past had placed on them.
24. The attack dissevered the alliance they had worked to establish.
25. The rupture dissevered their partnership which had seemed unshakable.
26. The feud threatens to dissever relations between the two communities.
27. Their animosity threatens to dissever what had once been an intimate connection.
28. The struggle dissevered what had previously seemed an indissoluble union.
29. The division dissevered them from their old friends and associates.
30. The dissension dissevered the warm ties of companionship between them.
31. Their profound disagreement over values threatens to dissever their long friendship.
32. The dispute dissevered what had been a close-knit professional team.
33. Their profound ideological difference threatens to dissever their friendship.
34. Their animosity threatens to dissever what has always been a loving family.
35. The unwillingness to compromise threatened to dissever their relationship.
36. The uncivil quarrel threatens to dissever their brotherly bond.
37. Malice threatens to dissever what has always been a kindred spirit.
38. This row threatens to dissever what has always been a loving family.
39. His act of betrayal threatens to dissever what has always been a loyal friendship.
40. The breach threatens to dissever what has always been a cherished connection.
41. Their dissension threatens to dissever relations between the neighboring countries.
42. Disharmony threatens to dissever what has always been a harmonious partnership.
43. Their profound differences of opinion threaten to dissever what has always been a close intellectual union.
44. The division threatens to dissever what has always been a loyal community.
45. Their quarrel threatens to dissever what has always been an affectionate couple.
46. Animosity threatens to dissever what has always been a sympathetic companionship.
47. The discord threatens to dissever what has always been a concordant team.
48. Their dispute threatens to dissever what has always been a unified conglomeration.
49. Their disagreement threatens to dissever what has always been a united front.
50. Dissent threatens to dissever what has always been a like-minded cohort.
51. Their hostility threatens to dissever what has always been a congenial association.
52. The antagonism threatens to dissever what has always been a harmonious coalition.
53. Contention threatens to dissever what has always been an amicable alliance.
54. The breach threatens to dissever what has always been an inseparable bond.
55. His desertion threatens to dissever what has always been a faithful kinship.
56. Their falling out threatens to dissever what has always been a loyal friendship.
57. Their disaffection threatens to dissever what has always been a tight-knit group.
58. The division threatens to dissever what has always been an indivisible lot.
59. Estrangement threatens to dissever what has always been a close-knit family.
60. Their enmity threatens to dissever what has always been an intimate circle.

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