Segregate example sentences

Related (10): segregate, divide, isolate, sequester, partition, separate, detach, alienate, segregating, segregation

"Segregate" Example Sentences

1. The law required schools to segregate students by race.
2. Racists sought to segregate public areas based on race.
3. The company was accused of segregating employees based on gender.
4. Legislators voted to segregate drinking fountains for black and white citizens.
5. Immigrants were segregated into separate living quarters upon arrival.
6. The school system was ordered to desegregate and end policies of segregation.
7. Although separate, the segregated facilities were not equal.
8. Activists fought against laws that segregated public spaces.
9. Prisons often segregate inmates based on the severity of their crimes.
10. Segregating students based on ability often has unintended consequences.
11. Restaurants were required to segregate seating for black and white patrons.
12. Critics argued that segregating patients based on race was unethical.
13. Prisons segregate dangerous or violent inmates from the general population.
14. The policy of segregating patients based on race came under legal challenge.
15. Activists worked to end policies that segregated and restricted African Americans.
16. Critics say the attempt to segregate students based on ability promotes inequality.
17. Reformers called for an end to laws that segregated and restricted minorities.
18. Detention centers often segregate juvenile inmates from adult offenders.
19. Civil rights legislation prohibited public institutions from segregating individuals based on race.
20. Hospitals often segregate sick and infected patients to prevent spreading illness.
21. The coach was criticized for segregating players based on racial stereotypes.
22. Advocates argued that segregating inmates reinforces divisions and prejudice.
23. Music venues are required to desegregate and allow patrons of all races.
24. Activists fought for laws to desegregate schools and public facilities.
25. The administrator was accused of segregating students based on discriminatory criteria.
26. Protests called for integrated rather than segregated schools and neighborhoods.
27. Segregating students in schools can have lasting social and emotional effects.
28. Groups fought for laws to desegregate workplaces and guarantee equal opportunities.
29. The health department sought to segregate and isolate patients with infectious diseases.
30. Legislation was passed to desegregate public schools and ban policies of segregation.
31. Prisons often segregate inmates based on gang affiliation for security purposes.
32. Critics argued that laws segregating public areas promoted racial injustice.
33. The military was eventually ordered to desegregate and end policies of segregation.
34. The judge ordered the school district to desegregate and end discriminatory policies.
35. Calls to desegregate public schools and facilities grew after WWII.
36. Advocates argued that efforts to segregate students denied them equal opportunities.
37. Southern states resisted efforts to desegregate public schools and accommodations.
38. Psychologists argue that attempts to segregate children could have lasting social harms.
39. Activists fought for laws requiring businesses to desegregate and end discriminatory policies.
40. The housing authority was accused of segregating public housing based on race.
41. Reformers pushed to desegregate all public institutions and end segregation policies.
42. Activists marched for laws to desegregate buses and public accommodations.
43. Segregating students based solely on ability ignores individual needs and strengths.
44. Hospitals often segregate new mothers and babies into separate wings for care.
45. Prisons often segregate individuals convicted of sex offenses from the general population.
46. Critics argued that segregating facilities did not provide equal access or opportunity.
47. Activists pushed for legislation requiring businesses to desegregate and end discriminatory hiring practices.
48. Social psychologists argue that segregation along racial lines perpetuates stereotypes and divisions.
49. Critics argued that segregating classrooms reinforced social inequalities.
50. Calls to desegregate public schools and facilities grew stronger in the civil rights movement.
51. Reformers demanded that public institutions desegregate facilities, hiring practices and admissions policies.
52. The government eventually passed legislation requiring schools to desegregate and end segregation policies.
53. Calls to desegregate the military began during WWII when African Americans served in segregated units.
54. Opponents argued that segregating students based on ability was discriminatory and wrong.
55. The efforts to desegregate schools and public facilities met strong resistance from segregationists.
56. The laws requiring segregation of public facilities were eventually deemed unconstitutional.
57. Activists staged sit-ins and protests to push for legislation desegregating public accommodations.
58. Legislators voted to pass laws requiring businesses to desegregate and guarantee equal access to all customers.
59. Segregating inmates based solely on race ignores other factors that affect prison security.
60. Activists fought for laws requiring all public institutions to desegregate facilities and hiring practices.

Common Phases

• desegregate - to remove legal or attitudinal barriers that segregate or discriminate; allow all to have equal access and rights
• policy of segregation - a policy that keeps separate groups apart, especially based on race
• practice of segregation - the act of segregating or separating groups, especially based on race
• segregationist policies - policies that encourage or enforce the segregation of racial or ethnic groups
• laws of segregation - laws that require or enforce the separation of racial groups
• push for desegregation - an effort to remove policies and practices that segregate different groups
• challenge segregation - to legally or actively oppose policies or practices that segregate groups
• end segregation - to abolish policies or practices that segregate groups, especially based on race
• advocate for desegregation - to publicly support efforts to remove policies that segregate groups
• fight segregation - to work against and oppose policies or practices that segregate people based on race, gender, ability, etc.
• ban segregation - to officially prohibit and outlaw policies or customs that segregate groups
• call for desegregation - to publicly demand the removal of policies that segregate groups
• era of segregation - a period characterized by the separation of races through legal or social policies
• era of desegregation - a period when policies of segregation are being abolished and equal rights are being achieved

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