Dithers example sentences

Related (5): indecision, uncertainty, hesitation, wavering, vacillation.

"Dithers" Example Sentences

1. She dithers too much when making a decision.
2. His constant dithers make it hard to trust his judgment.
3. The boss's indecisiveness dithers the entire team.
4. The company's dithers in implementing new technology have put them behind their competitors.
5. The politician's dithers in taking action have led to criticism from the public.
6. The nervous driver dithers at every intersection, causing traffic to back up.
7. The teacher's dithers over grading assignments are frustrating for students.
8. I can't stand it when my friend dithers about what movie to watch.
9. Her constant dithers over outfits make her late for every event.
10. The author's dithers over the ending of the book resulted in a dissatisfying conclusion.
11. The team's dithers over strategy cost them the game.
12. The chef dithers over the recipe, causing the food to be served late.
13. His dithers over the budget caused unnecessary stress for the entire household.
14. The CEO's dithers over the company's direction have caused uncertainty among employees.
15. The actress dithers over accepting roles, making it hard for her agent to schedule auditions.
16. The student's dithers over which college to attend have led to missed application deadlines.
17. The coach's dithers over substitutions led to confusion among the players on the field.
18. The team leader's dithers over whether to pursue a certain project caused delays.
19. The artist's dithers over the color scheme slowed down the painting process.
20. The company's dithers about adopting sustainable practices have led to negative environmental impacts.
21. The city council's dithers over public transportation funding has left citizens frustrated with their lack of options.
22. The editor's dithers over which stories to publish caused a delay in the magazine's release.
23. The salesperson's dithers over which product to recommend made the customer lose interest.
24. The architect's dithers over the blueprint delayed the construction process.
25. The parent's dithers over allowing their child to participate in extracurricular activities caused them to miss out on valuable experiences.
26. The researcher's dithers over the methodology of the study led to inconclusive results.
27. The director's dithers over the casting of the lead role caused the filming schedule to fall behind.
28. The airline's dithers over safety procedures have led to skepticism among passengers.
29. The farmer's dithers over which crops to plant caused a delay in the spring planting season.
30. The weatherman's dithers over predicting the precise path of a storm caused confusion among viewers.

Common Phases

you have any idea what you want for dinner? I can't decide between Chinese or Italian; I'm really in a dither about it.
She was in such a dither about her outfit for the party that she changed five times before deciding on one.
The boss's sudden arrival put everyone in a dither as they scrambled to finish their work and look busy at the same time.
I could tell she was in a dither when she kept changing her mind about which movie to watch, so I suggested we just flip a coin.
The news of the impending storm put the town in a dither as people rushed to stock up on essentials and prepare for the worst.
The delay in the flight schedule put the passengers in a dither as they tried to rearrange their plans and find alternate routes.
The unexpected visit from the in-laws put her in a dither as she tried to clean the house and make everything perfect for their arrival.
The prospect of delivering a speech in front of a large audience had him in a dither as he rehearsed his lines over and over again.

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