Divagates example sentences

Related (7): strays, wanders, digresses, meanders, drifts, roams, veers

"Divagates" Example Sentences

1. His speech divagates into irrelevant tangents.
2. Her story divagates as she loses focus.
3. The writer's plot divagates from the main storyline.
4. The poem divagates rather than building to a clear point.
5. As the mind wanders, the discussion divagates from the topic at hand.
6. The scholar's theory somewhat divagates from the central hypothesis.
7. His argument divagates rather than constructing a logical chain of reasoning.
8. The author's thesis slightly divagates from the main topic of the text.
9. The lecture divagates into unnecessary details that do little to support the central claim.
10. The novel divagates into pointless descriptions that do not advance the narrative.
11. Her account of events divagates with each retelling.
12. As he spoke, his mind began to divagate onto other subjects.
13. The author's mind seems to divagate rather than remain focused on the main argument.
14. The poet's erratic train of thought causes the verse to divagate in an uncontrolled manner.
15. The speaker's frequent tangents cause his presentation to divagates in an unfocused way.
16. Without a clear structure, the essay begins to divagate into irrelevance.
17. The speaker's ideas begin to divagate as he loses the thread of his argument.
18. The professor warned the student that his paper was beginning to divagate into unsupported assertions.
19. The author's thoughts begin to divagate onto unrelated topics.
20. His impromptu speech began to divagate as he struggled to organize his ideas.
21. The divergent strands of thought cause the historical account to divagate into inaccuracies.
22. As the professor lectured, her words began to divagate further from the assigned reading.
23. The professor advised the student that her paper was divagating rather than making a discernible argument.
24. The presentation begins to divagate as the speaker loses track of his main point.
25. The poem begins to divagate into irrelevance as the poet loses the original inspiration.
26. The book quickly divagates into too much superfluous detail.
27. The author's thoughts clearly begin to divagate as the book progresses.
28. The research report begins to divagate as facts are inserted in a seemingly random manner.
29. Her recounting of events begins to divagate into inaccuracies the longer she speaks.
30. The discussion quickly begins to divagate without a focused thesis or structure.
31. The historian's account divagates into overly lengthy descriptions that detract from the narrative.
32. The writer's mind begins to divagate, complicating what started as a simple story.
33. The speaker begins to divagate into unrelated anecdotes that seem intended to impress rather than inform.
34. The textbook begins to divagate into irrelevant examples that do little to support the lesson.
35. The author's thesis begins to divagate in the latter half of the book.
36. His narrative quickly begins to divagate into irrelevance the further he strays from the facts.
37. The poet's verse begins to divagate as she follows her thoughts rather than a coherent vision.
38. The speaker's address begins to divagate as he rambles on without a clear objective.
39. The documentary begins to divagate into unsupported opinions that lack evidence.
40. The paper divagates due to a lack of focus and supporting arguments.
41. The novel begins to divagate into irrelevant side plots that complicate rather simplify the central storyline.
42. His theories divagated further and further from established facts.
43. The discussion began to divagate aimlessly without purpose or direction.
44. The speaker's argument appears to divagate at random rather than following a logical progression.
45. The reporter quickly begins to divagate into speculation rather than sticking to the facts of the story.
46. The author's creative process seems to divagate aimlessly rather than follow a well-plotted course.
47. As the poet spoke, her words began to divagate into unrelated ideas and observations.
48. The narrator's tone begins to divagate as his objectivity disintegrates into opinion.
49. As the student wrote, her paper began to divagate from the assignment guidelines.
50. The thesis begins to divagates as the author includes tangential points that do little to prove the central argument.

Common Phases

1. His speech often divagates and gets off topic.
2. Her thoughts divagated wildly as she struggled to stay focused.
3. His writing often divagates into long unrelated tangents.
4. The man's mind divagates so frequently that it is difficult to follow his train of thought.
5. Her thoughts quickly divagated from work to memories of her childhood.
6. The story divagates into rambling flashbacks that detract from the plot.
7. The writer's mind often divagates into vivid but irrelevant scenes.
8. The lecturer's speech divagates too much, leaving the audience confused.
9. When the professor divagates during his lectures, it annoys the students.
10. The story divagates into long unrelated passages about the author's personal life.
11. The politician's speech divagates into attacks on his opponents.
12. Her daydreams often divagate in strange but fascinating directions.
13. The poet's writing frequently divagates into lengthy digressions.
14. The meandering speech divagates so much that the main point is lost.
15. The old man's stories often divagate without ever reaching a conclusion.
16. The meandering plot soon divagates into irrelevance.
17. The child's thoughts easily divagated into imaginary worlds.
18. The writer's prose frequently divagates into long philosophical asides.
19. His argument soon divagates into irrelevant claims.
20. Her explanations often divagate into incomprehensible analogies.
21. The professor's lecture divagated so much that the students couldn't follow it.
22. The musician's improvisations often divagate into abstract new melodies.
23. The politician's answer divagated into irrelevant personal attacks.
24. The man's mind often divagates into deep philosophical reveries.
25. His long-winded speech quickly divagated into complaints about trivial matters.
26. The man's argument divagated into vague generalizations.
27. The professor frequently divagates during lectures, confusing the students.
28. The writer's imagination often divagates into fanciful scenarios.
29. Her train of thought tends to quickly divagate into daydreams.
30. The man's argument soon divagated into unrelated allegations.
31. As he spoke, his thoughts divagated into memories of his childhood.
32. The politician's answer divagated into an irrelevant attack on his opponent.
33. The writer's prose frequently divagates into fanciful philosophical musings.
34. As the man spoke, his story quickly divagated into irrelevant tangents.
35. The man's explanation soon divagated into an incomprehensible analogy.
36. Her thoughts soon divagated into pleasant daydreams.
37. The writer's novels frequently divagate into long historical digressions.
38. The poet's lines divagate into vivid but irrelevant imagery.
39. The story soon divagates into pointless descriptions of scenery.
40. The man's argument soon divagated into vague criticisms of popular culture.
41. Her thoughts quickly divagated into memories of her childhood.
42. The speaker's argument soon divagates into irrelevant personal anecdotes.
43. The story frequently divagates into long historical backstories.
44. His lecture soon divagated into tangential complaints about administration.
45. The man's speech frequently divagates into allegations against his opponents.
46. The writer's stories often divagate into fantastical tangents.
47. The man's eloquent speech soon divagated into pointless boasting.
48.The woman's reasoning frequently divagates into emotional appeals.
49. The lecturer's speech often divagates into lengthy political diatribes.
50. The author's writing regularly divagates into rambling philosophical musings.
51. The essay soon divagates into irrelevant criticisms.
52. Their discussion quickly divagated into complaints about unrelated issues.
53. The politician's speech divagates frequently into attacks against his opponents.
54. Her explanation soon divagated into an irrelevant anecdote.
55. The story soon divagates into lengthy historical details.
56. His lecture quickly divagated into complaints about the administration.
57. The debate soon divagates into personal attacks.
58. The speech quickly divagates into trivial complaints.
59. Her thoughts tend to divagate into vivid but impractical daydreams.
60. The politician's answer divagated into irrelevant attacks against his opponent.

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