Don example sentences

Related (10): boss, mafia, crime, gang, godfather, leader, hat, style, gentlemen, honor

"Don" Example Sentences

1. Mon père don son chapeau au garçon. (My father gave his hat to the boy.)
2. Le fermier don son cheval au fils. (The farmer gave his horse to the son.)
3. Ils don leur repas au vagabond. (They gave their meal to the vagrant.)
4. Je t'ai don mon livre. (I gave you my book.)
5. Ma cousine m'a don un dessin. (My cousin gave me a drawing.)
6. Elle don au chien un biscuit. (She gave the dog a biscuit.)
7. J'aimerais te don un cadeau. (I would like to give you a gift.)
8. Nous lui avons don de belles fleurs. (We gave her some beautiful flowers.)
9. Sa mère lui don toujours beaucoup d'amour. (His mother always gives him a lot of love.)
10. Leurs parents leur don beaucoup de cadeaux. (Their parents give them a lot of gifts.)
11. J'ai don un don à l'hôpital. (I gave a donation to the hospital.)
12. As-tu don ta baguette au garçon perdu? (Did you give your wand to the lost boy?)
13. Le roi don son trône au prince. (The king gave his throne to the prince.)
14. La fée lui don trois vœux. (The fairy gave him three wishes.)
15. Le professeur don sa canne au chat. (The teacher gave his cane to the cat.)
16. Ils me don à manger et à boire. (They gave me food and drink.)
17. L'enfant don le ballon au chien. (The child gave the ball to the dog.)
18. Il m'a don du courage. (He gave me courage.)
19. L'infirmière don un médicament au patient. (The nurse gave a medicine to the patient.)
20. Le magicien don une rose magique à la princesse. (The magician gave a magic rose to the princess.)
21. La reine don un anneau à sa servante. (The queen gave a ring to her servant.)
22. La petite fille don son cadeau à sa poupée. (The little girl gave her gift to her doll.)
23. Les enfants don un cadeau à leur mère. (The children gave a gift to their mother.)
24. Tu devrais lui don une chance. (You should give him a chance.)
25. Je voudrais tout te don. (I would like to give you everything.)
26. Elle m'a don de l'espoir. (She gave me hope.)
27. Le prêtre don sa bénédiction à la mariée. (The priest gave his blessing to the bride.)
28. J'ai don toutes mes économies aux pauvres. (I gave all my savings to the poor.)
29. Le bébé don un bisou à sa maman. (The baby gave a kiss to his mommy.)
30. Ils lui don raison. (They gave him right.)
31. La joie qu'il m'a don reste en moi. (The joy he gave me remains in me.)
32. Donne-moi la main. (Give me your hand.)
33. Don de votre temps aux autres. (Give your time to others.)
34. Il faut don ton manteau à quelqu'un qui a froid. (You must give your coat to someone who is cold.)
35. Il m'a don de l'espoir pour mon avenir. (He gave me hope for my future.)
36. La mère don un baiser à son enfant endormi. (The mother gave a kiss to her sleeping child.)
37. Je te don ce que j'ai de plus précieux. (I give you what I have most precious.)
38. Pourquoi ne lui donnes-tu pas une chance? (Why don't you give him a chance?)
39. Le magicien don le don de la parole aux animaux. (The magician gave the gift of speech to animals.)
40. La lumière qu'il m'a don m'aide encore aujourd'hui. (The light he gave me still helps me today.)
41. J'aimerais tant te don mon amour. (I would love to give you my love.)
42. Il m'a don la force de continuer. (He gave me the strength to continue.)
43. Il lui don son cœur. (He gave her his heart.)
44. Le chanteur don une ovation à son public. (The singer gave an ovation to his audience.)
45. Tu peux me don la main? (Can you give me your hand?)
46. J'aimerais te don le monde. (I would love to give you the world.)
47. La maîtresse don une caresse à son élève. (The teacher gave a caress to her student.)
48. Le parrain don son nom à son filleul. (The godfather gave his name to his godson.)
49. Mon père m'a don de la sagesse. (My father gave me wisdom.)
50. Il lui don toutes ses économies. (He gave her all his savings.)
51. J'aimerais te don l'univers. (I would love to give you the universe.)
52. Pourquoi ne me donnes-tu pas ta main? (Why don't you give me your hand?)
53. J'aime lui don un sourire. (I love giving him a smile.)
54. Le magicien lui don un sortilège. (The magician gave him a spell.)
55. La fée lui don une baguette magique. (The fairy gave him a magic wand.)
56. Le généreux donateur lui don une bourse d'études. (The generous donor gave her a scholarship.)
57. Le garçon lui don de l'espoir. (The boy gave her hope.)
58. J'aimerais te don le monde entier. (I would love to give you the whole world.)
59. Je lui don tout mon amour. (I give him all my love.)
60. L'homme généreux don son manteau au sans-abri. (The generous man gave his coat to the homeless man.)

Common Phases

1. Donnez-moi (Give me)
2. Merci de m'avoir donné (Thank you for giving me)
3. Je vous remercie de votre don (Thank you for your donation)
4. Bonne année et don de santé (Happy New Year and good health)
5. Cadeau de noël (Christmas gift)
6. Un don charitable (A charitable donation)
7. Il m'a donné un coup de main (He helped me out/He gave me a hand)
8. Donner un peu de son temps (Give a little of one's time)
9. Donne-lui du crédit (Give him credit)
10. Donner de l'espoir (Give hope)

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