Donnishness example sentences

Related (5): scholarliness, bookishness, pedantry, erudition, intellectuality

"Donnishness" Example Sentences

1. The lecturer's speech exuded a certain donnishness that intimidated the students.
2. His donnishness was evident in the way he talked about academic theories.
3. She found his donnishness pretentious, as if he was trying too hard to sound intellectual.
4. Despite his donnishness, he was approachable and willing to discuss ideas with anyone.
5. The book was written with a certain donnishness that made it difficult to understand for most readers.
6. His donnishness was most evident when he started quoting Latin phrases.
7. The academic conference was full of donnishness, as scholars talked about their latest research.
8. His donnishness made him an expert in his field, but also somewhat out of touch with reality.
9. The professor's donnishness was respected among his peers, but not necessarily among his students.
10. The article was criticized for its unnecessary donnishness, which made it inaccessible to the general public.
11. Her donnishness was balanced by her approachable personality, which made her a popular professor.
12. The artist's donnishness was apparent in the complexity of his paintings, which required a deep understanding of art history to appreciate fully.
13. The journal article was praised for its donnishness, which added depth and nuance to the subject.
14. He couldn't help but feel intimidated by the donnishness of the Ivy League school he was attending.
15. Her donnishness was reflected in her meticulous research, which left no stone unturned.
16. He was respected for his donnishness, but also criticized for his lack of practical experience in the field.
17. The scholarly debate was full of donnishness, as each side tried to prove their point using complex theories and arguments.
18. Her donnishness was apparent in the way she approached every topic with a critical eye and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
19. The philosopher's donnishness was most evident in his use of obscure terms and concepts that only other philosophers could understand.
20. Students appreciated the professor's donnishness, as it challenged them to think critically and push beyond their comfort zones.
21. His donnishness was tempered by his sense of humor, which made his lectures both informative and enjoyable.
22. Her donnishness made her a bit of an outsider in her field, as she wasn't afraid to challenge established beliefs and theories.
23. The conference was a showcase of donnishness, as experts from around the world shared their latest research and findings.
24. His donnishness made him a sought-after speaker at academic conferences, where he was always able to provide new insights on familiar topics.
25. The book was praised for its donnishness, which gave readers a deeper understanding of the subject matter than they could have gotten from a more popularized treatment.
26. Her donnishness sometimes made her sound condescending to those who were not as well-read as she was.
27. Despite his donnishness, he was still able to connect with his students and inspire them to explore new ideas and perspectives.
28. The professor's donnishness was evident in the difficult texts he assigned, but his passion for the subject matter made even the most challenging material accessible to his students.
29. Her donnishness was balanced by her humility, which allowed her to learn from those who had different perspectives and experiences.
30. The essay was criticized for its donnishness, as the author seemed more interested in showcasing their knowledge than in communicating their ideas clearly to the reader.

Common Phases

1. His donnishness was apparent from the way he spoke; he used academic jargon and references to classical literature.
2. She often displayed her donnishness by correcting other people's grammar; it made her come across as pedantic.
3. Although he had a genuine passion for his subject, his donnishness often made him come across as cold and distant to his students.
4. Some people view donnishness as a sign of intelligence and erudition; others see it as pretentious and off-putting.
5. Despite her donnishness, she was able to connect with her students and make class discussions engaging and thought-provoking.
6. His donnishness was a result of his upbringing; he had grown up in an academic family and was expected to excel in his studies.
7. While his donnishness helped him advance in his academic career, it made it difficult for him to relate to people outside of academia.
8. Her donnishness was not the only thing that defined her; she also had a great sense of humor and was passionate about social justice issues.
9. He was occasionally able to let go of his donnishness and embrace his playful side; those moments were rare but memorable.
10. Despite his donnishness, he never lost sight of the importance of practical application and real-world experience in his field.

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