Doom example sentences

Related (10): destruction, downfall, catastrophe, Armageddon, annihilation, oblivion, ruination, peril, apocalypse, crisis.

"Doom" Example Sentences

1. The doom and gloom of the media reports filled her with dread.
2. The prophecy foretold the city's doom at the hands of invaders.
3. The heroes struggled to avert the doom that threatened to befall the kingdom.
4. The narrator saw visions of death and doom as she entered the haunted house.
5. They felt as though they were powerless to escape their imminent doom.
6. Experts warned that climate change would seal mankind's doom.
7. The fortune teller predicted a dark and ominous doom for the young man's future.
8. The meteorologists warned of the doom that would be wrought by the hurricane.
9. The fires of Hell rose up to claim their doomed souls.
10. The leaky submarine seemed doomed to fail on its maiden voyage.
11. His foolish actions seemed to be leading him towards an inevitable doom.
12. The king was doomed to die at the hands of the same dagger used to kill his father.
13. Soldiers marched bravely towards their impending doom on the battlefield.
14. Their foolish disregard for nature would seal their own doom in the long run.
15. The germ spread quickly, seemingly dooming humanity to extinction.
16. The narrator witnessed a horrifying vision of doom and destruction.
17. The doomed fleet set sail only to be lost at sea.
18. The apocalyptic visions foretold of doom and calamity.
19. The stock market's fall seemed to doom the failing business.
20. They felt doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
21. The bard sang of heroes and kings facing their doomed fates with courage.
22. The infestation seemed to doom the once thriving corn crop.
23. His fate seemed doomed from the moment he crossed the threshold.
24. Politicians promised aid but their intentions seemed doomed from the start.
25. The archaeologists uncovered artifacts from an ancient civilization doomed to fall to invaders.
26. The broken bridge seemed doomed to collapse under the weight of traffic.
27. Their plans for a hit song seemed doomed from the start.
28. Many saw the growing drug epidemic as dooming a generation of youth.
29. The fire spread quickly, seemingly dooming the entire town.
30. Their relationship seemed doomed from the very beginning.
31. The narrator watched helplessly as his hometown was doomed by natural disaster.
32. The old car seemed doomed to break down on every trip.
33. Prophecies foretold the doom of an ancient civilization.
34. Their strikes seemed doomed to fail against the powerful corporation.
35. The journey seemed doomed before it had even begun.
36. Rising sea levels seemed doomed to swallow up coastal towns.
37. The decaying machinery seemed doomed to fail.
38. The alien ship seemed doomed to crash land on the hostile planet.
39. The explorers faced their imminent doom deep within the cave system.
40. The students felt as though they were doomed to fail the final exam.
41. Their optimism seemed doomed to be crushed by reality.
42. The crumbling infrastructure seemed doomed to fail under stress.
43. The space probe seemed doomed to float endlessly through the void.
44. The ancient civilization seemed doomed to fall as enemies closed in on all sides.
45. The old house seemed doomed to fall apart no matter how much they repaired it.
46. The explorers faced certain doom in the jungle gripped by disease and wild animals.
47. Their crops seemed doomed by the encroaching desert.
48. Many saw the growing problem of antibiotic resistance as dooming modern medicine.
49. The building seemed doomed to collapse in the next big earthquake.
50. Their love seemed doomed from the start.
51. The stock market crash seemed to doom the investors' fortunes.
52. The beggar believed his fate was doomed from birth.
53. The machines seemed doomed to break down at the most inopportune times.
54. The failing business seemed doomed to go under before the year's end.
55. Their plot was doomed from the start due to lack of foresight.
56. The plan seemed doomed before it had even begun.
57. Experts warned that overpopulation would doom civilization.
58. The fortune teller foretold a dark and ominous doom for the doomed young woman.
59. Their crops seemed doomed by the plague of locusts that infested the fields.
60. The astronauts faced the prospect of certain doom after delays stranded them in space.

Common Phases

1. Doom and gloom - a pessimistic outlook highlighting negatives and dangers
2. Doomed to fail - judged very likely to fail because of serious inherent flaws
3. Doomed from the start - destined to fail from the very beginning
4. Sealed their own doom - caused problems that led directly to their downfall
5. Face doom- to confront a situation that will likely lead to failure or ruin
6. Foretell doom - predict something negative or disastrous in the future
7. Inevitable doom - ruin or destruction that is certain to happen
8. inevitable doom- ruin or destruction that is impossible to avoid or prevent
9. Doomed fate - a destiny that involves downfall, destruction or ruin
10. Doom and destruction- widespread ruin, collapse or loss of life

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