Downfall example sentences

Related (5): collapse, defeat, ruin, destruction, downfall.

"Downfall" Example Sentences

1. Greed and corruption led to the company's downfall.
2. His addiction caused his social and financial downfall.
3. Her dishonesty ultimately led to her downfall.
4. Their reckless spending was the cause of their financial downfall.
5. His arrogance and pride were the causes of his downfall.
6. Mismanagement and poor decisions led to the organization's downfall.
7. The dictator's increasing paranoia and cruelty led to his eventual downfall.
8. The stock market crash marked the beginning of the company's downfall.
9. Scandal and controversy contributed to her political downfall.
10. The scandal was the catalyst for his public and professional downfall.
11. Her extravagant spending habits led to her financial downfall.
12. His downfall began when he crossed the wrong people.
13. His overconfidence and hubris eventually led to his downfall.
14. His thrill-seeking lifestyle ultimately contributed to his downfall.
15. The empire fell into ruin and decay, its eventual downfall inevitable.
16. The merger led to the company's eventual downfall and bankruptcy.
17. Her arrogance and ambitions ultimately led to her professional downfall.
18. The celebrity's inappropriate behavior marked the beginning of his downfall.
19. His business failures signaled the beginning of the end and his eventual downfall.
20. The invasion marked the beginning of the end and the empire's inevitable downfall.
21. Bad investments were the first step toward the company's eventual downfall.
22. The collapsed bridge marked the beginning of the end and hastened the city's downfall.
23. The economic crisis marked the beginning of the country's inevitable downfall.
24. Greed and deception led to the company's ultimate downfall and bankruptcy.
25. The empire fell into decline, marking the beginning of its inevitable downfall.
26. Corruption and mismanagement contributed to the institution's eventual downfall.
27. His dishonesty and bad judgment eventually led to his downfall.
28. Her charm and charisma couldn't save her from her ultimate downfall.
29. The merger turned sour and marked the beginning of the company's downfall.
30. The dictator's oppressive regime ultimately led to his downfall.
31. Their arrogance and hubris eventually led to their public downfall.
32. His bad decisions eventually led to his financial and social downfall.
33. The scandal marked the beginning of the celebrity's inevitable public downfall.
34. The merger marked the beginning of the company's slow and painful downfall.
35. The scandal led to his abrupt and humiliating downfall from grace.
36. Her precarious finances ultimately led to her untimely downfall.
37. The downturn in the economy signaled the beginning of the country's eventual downfall.
38. The end came swiftly after years of decline and decay, the empire's sudden downfall.
39. His selfishness and dishonesty eventually caught up with him, causing his downfall.
40. Her public lifestyle ultimately led to her very public downfall.
41. The end came swiftly after years of greed and corruption, the company's sudden downfall.
42. The unregulated spending habits eventually led to his financial and social downfall.
43. The empire fell into chaos and ruin, its eventual downfall all but assured.
44. His bad habits and addiction ultimately led to his financial and social downfall.
45. The celebrity's inappropriate behavior marked the beginning of the end and his eventual downfall.
46. The institution fell into decline and disrepair, hastening its inevitable downfall.
47. The financial mismanagement marked the beginning of the company's slow and steady downfall.
48. The bombastic behavior eventually led to her humiliating public downfall.
49. The economic crisis signaled the start of the country's long decline and eventual downfall.
50. His excessive spending habits ultimately led to his financial and social downfall.

Common Phases

1. Greed and corruption were the major contributors to his downfall.
2. Pride was the beginning of his downfall from the grace of God.
3. His excessive drinking and partying led to his downfall and eventual demise.
4. His inability to control his anger and outbursts led to his downfall and removal from office.
5. Her ruthless ambition eventually led to her downfall and loss of support.
6. His lack of adherence to ethical guidelines proved to be his downfall in the end.
7. His poor financial decisions and investments eventually led to his financial downfall.
8. Her betrayal of trust and dishonesty were the seeds of her eventual downfall.
9. His refusal to listen to advice proved to be his ultimate downfall.
10. Treason was the cause of the king's downfall and loss of his throne.
11. The dictator's cruel and oppressive regime led to his downfall and overthrow.
12. Scandal and controversy signaled the beginning of her political downfall.
13. Profligacy and wasteful spending contributed to the empire's downfall.
14. Complacency and inertia led to the company's inevitable downfall and bankruptcy.
15. Arrogance and hubris ultimately caused his professional downfall.
16. The generals committed strategies errors that led to their military downfall.
17. The empire fell into decline and eventual downfall due to overextension of resources.
18. The country suffered economic downfall and collapse due to mismanagement and corruption.
19. The kingdom faced a swift and complete social and political downfall.
20. Indiscipline and lack of ethics led to his personal downfall.
21. The artist's drug and alcohol addictions contributed to her artistic downfall.
22. The athlete's failed drug test led to his professional downfall and loss of endorsement deals.
23. The CEO's sexual harassment scandal proved to be the downfall of his lucrative career.
24. The department head's discriminatory practices led to her professional downfall.
25. The movement lost momentum and eventually faced downfall due to internal conflicts.
26. The stock market crash contributed to the investors' financial downfall and ruin.
27. The business faced its ultimate downfall and collapse due to mounting debt and losses.
28. The dynasty experienced a rapid downfall following the death of the emperor.
29. The team suffered a swift and decisive downfall after losing their star player.
30. His disobedience and act of defiance led to his ultimate downfall and exile.
31. The project faced downfall and failure due to lack of funding and support.
32. The country's infrastructure fell into decay, contributing to its economic downfall.
33. The state suffered political downfall and loss of power after the civil war.
34. The company's major loss of market share eventually led to its downfall.
35. Failure to adapt to changing times hastened the organization's downfall.
36. The organization faced ultimate downfall following years of mismanagement and waste.
37. The nation's military overextension led to its economic downfall and then collapse.
38. The empire declined rapidly after experiencing military downfall and defeat.
39. Her dreams of stardom faced downfall after she was diagnosed with a serious illness.
40. His political career faced downfall after voters learned of his unethical practices.
41. The president's administration experienced downfall and impeachment following a string of scandals.
42. The region continues to face economic downfall due to lack of investment and job opportunities.
43. The singer faced professional downfall after his fans learned of his controversial personal life.
44. The movement experienced downfall due to lack of funding and organization.
45. The technology faced ultimate downfall after a newer and better product was released.
46. The department experienced downfall after many of their top performers left for other jobs.
47. The dictator's regime experienced ultimate downfall after a popular uprising overthrew him.
48. The research faced downfall after it was found to contain fraudulent data.
49. His refusal to change eventually led to his personal and professional downfall.
50. The ancient civilization faced complete downfall and collapse due to drought and famine.
51. The once top-rated show experienced downfall and eventual cancellation due to poor writing.
52. The business model faced downfall after competitors created similar but superior products.
53. The government faced downfall after citizens lost confidence in their leadership.
54. The nation experienced political and economic downfall after losing a major war.
55. The player experienced rapid downfall after failing multiple drug tests.
56. The concert faced downfall after tickets failed to sell.
57. The fashion trend faced rapid downfall after it was deemed unflattering and uncomfortable.
58. The resolution faced downfall after many lawmakers voted against it.
59. Her mental health issues contributed to her personal downfall and eventual isolation.
60. The company faced downfall after its most popular product was recalled due to safety issues.

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