Double example sentences

Related (16): twin, dual, pair, duplicate, twice, bifold, twofold, duplicated, repetition, duple, coupled, binary, replicated, counterpart, mate, clone.

"Double" Example Sentences

1. The prices have doubled in the last year.
2. She doubled her efforts to finish on time.
3. I had to double check to make sure I had the right address.
4. Sales have more than doubled since last quarter.
5. When I tried again, I doubled my initial score.
6. The length of the line almost doubled while we were waiting.
7. The size of the crowd doubled within an hour.
8. We need to double our production to meet demand.
9. The family income nearly doubled after he got a promotion.
10. The doctor suggested I double my intake of vitamin C.
11. I scored twice as many points on the second test, effectively doubling my score.
12. The twins looked so much alike, they were virtually indistinguishable doubles.
13. The workers double-checked to confirm that everything was in order before they left for the day.
14. I had a double scoop of ice cream - strawberry and chocolate.
15. Her efforts doubled my output in just two days.
16. I had to double back when I realized I forgot something.
17. They plan to double the factory's output by the end of the year.
18. The price of gold has nearly doubled in the past five years.
19. I had double vision after receiving a blow to the head.
20. Shares of the company have more than doubled over the past year.
21. She donned a doubled-lined raincoat before stepping out into the storm.
22. The double bonds within the molecule make it highly reactive.
23. Each day, the number of infections seems to double.
24. He insisted on double-checking all of the calculations before submitting the report.
25. Her double chin disappeared after she lost weight.
26. They doubled the guard at the entrance for added security.
27. The double take he did when he saw me made me burst out laughing.
28. The twins were often mistaken for each other due to their close resemblance.
29. The armed robbers held up the gas station clerk at double-barreled shotgun point.
30. Let's double our efforts and finish early.
31. The property value has more than doubled over the last decade.
32. Inflation has doubled the cost of living in the past ten years.
33. The prized stallion had a champion bloodline that doubled its value.
34. The boss wanted us to double our productivity.
35. The sales figures have doubled year on year.
36. She had to double back to retrieve her forgotten ID.
37. I needed to double check the address before setting off.
38. The recipe calls for double cream.
39. The width of the river doubles during the rainy season.
40. The population doubled within fifty years.
41. Her efforts doubled the company's profits.
42. The bakery sells delicious double chocolate muffins.
43. His investments have more than doubled in value over the last five years.
44. They double-booked the hotel room by mistake.
45. His comic routine relies heavily on double entendres.
46. The glass was double-paned for added insulation.
47. She made a double whammy by winning both contests.
48. Their combined salaries have more than doubled since they married.
49. He finished the race in double time.
50. I ended up paying double the advertised price.
51. The rate of incidents has more than doubled in recent months.
52. The order came with a double bonus this year.
53. The number of patients doubled within a week.
54. I gained twice as much weight as I intended to, effectively doubling my goal.
55. They ordered double shots of espresso to stay awake.
56. I accidentally hit the "print" button twice, resulting in double copies.
57. The double rainbow appeared after the storm passed.
58. The twins thought so much alike, they often finished each other's sentences.
59. Everything seems to cost double what it used to.
60. The value of his stock options has more than doubled since he started working there.

Common Phases

1. The reward doubled every time you solved a puzzle correctly.
2. She ordered a double espresso to give her energy.
3. The twins looked so alike they were almost doubles of each other.
4. The bicyclist rode his double-decker bike down the hill.
5. The company's profits had doubled over the last year.
6. He hit a double during his at-bat, scoring two runners.
7. Her wardrobe was literally doubled after she went on the shopping spree.
8. Her weight had more than doubled since she started college.
9. The suits were tailored with a double-breasted front.
10. She looked both ways then double-checked for oncoming traffic.
11. The painter double-dipped his roller into the paint tray.
12. The double pane windows helped insulate the house.
13. She knit the double-sided blanket in vibrant colors.
14. The double glazed glass kept out most of the noise from the street.
15. The Fabergé egg had a double shell encasing the intricate design.
16. The double standard applied only to women in the workplace.
17. The double heel flip sent the skateboarder soaring through the air.
18. The lawyer threatened to sue for double damages if the breach of contract went unresolved.
19. The piano had double action keys that pivoted in two directions.
20. The number of cars on the road had more than doubled in the last 10 years.
21. The baker used a double boiler to melt the chocolate carefully.
22. She wore the double denim outfit as a joke.
23. The double sunrise on the distant planet intrigued the astronomers.
24. I bought two matching shirts so I could wear them as a double.
25. His double chin disappeared as he lost weight.
26. The double bowknot on her ballet shoes looked intricate.
27. The puppeteers operated the double jointed marionette expertly.
28. The dancers performed the double pirouette with grace.
29. The shorter skis were designed for double pole techniques.
30. She double checked that the door was locked before going to bed.
31. His double life made it difficult to keep his stories straight.
32. He hit a towering double off the centerfield wall.
33. The double yellow lines marked the center of the road.
34. The door hinge made a loud squeak as it was opened and double-checked .
35. They were checking for errant marks and double-checking each other's work.
36. Her double chin vanished as she lost weight through CrossFit.
37. The number of fatal car crashes had doubled over the past decade.
38. They had ordered too much food and ended up with double portions.
39. The doctor told him to double his dosage of the medication.
40. The exterminator returned to double check for signs of termites.
41. The double stroller made it easier to push two babies at once.
42. She double knotted her shoelaces so they wouldn't come undone.
43. We doubled our efforts to finish the project on time.
44. The double major in business and science prepared her well for a career in management.
45. He saw double after looking at the bright light for too long.
46. The team practiced their double play combination relentlessly.
47. The yarn required a double crochet stitch.
48. The restaurant had a double meaning name that was clever and amusing.
49. The double negatives in the sentence made it confusing to understand.
50. The double bass sounded deep and resonant in the concert hall.
51. The train stopped at every station which doubled the travel time.
52. The double negative construction was not standard in formal writing.
53. The bass player hit a double stop with perfect intonation.
54. They studied abroad together forming a double dating couple.
55. The knife had a double bevel edge for sharpness on both sides.
56. The double diamond logo signified high quality and luxury.
57. She double checked that she had locked the door behind her.
58. The team hit two doubles and a triple in the same inning.
59. They performed a double inversion during the dance routine.
60. We ran into our doubles at the party - they looked just like us!

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