Downgraded example sentences

Related (2): demoted, degraded

"Downgraded" Example Sentences

1. The plane was downgraded to a smaller, older model.
2. His level of access was downgraded after he failed to meet his production goals.
3. Her membership status was downgraded when she missed several payments.
4. The car company downgraded its sales forecast for the year.
5. The product was downgraded to a lower quality material to cut costs.
6. The facility was downgraded due to lack of funding and operational issues.
7. The employee was downgraded to a more junior position with fewer responsibilities.
8. Our credit rating was downgraded by the major agencies due to rising debt levels.
9. The stock was downgraded by several analysts based on the company's lackluster results.
10. The military base was downgraded and eventually closed due to budget cuts.
11. His intelligence estimates were downgraded due to lack of reliable sources.
12. Their room at the hotel was downgraded to a smaller, less desirable option.
13. The failing grade was downgraded to an incomplete by the sympathetic teacher.
14. The patient's status was downgraded from stable to critical after his condition worsened overnight.
15. The plan was downgraded from platinum to gold coverage to reduce premiums.
16. Their vacation destination was downgraded from a luxury resort to a basic hotel.
17. The download speed was downgraded to the next lower level to lessen data usage.
18. The restaurant was downgraded by health inspectors due to numerous code violations.
19. The website's domain rating was downgraded several levels due to spam issues.
20. The wound was downgraded from severe to moderate once antibiotics started working.
21. The software program was downgraded to an older version with fewer features.
22. The service package was downgraded to a more affordable plan with fewer channels.
23. The project scope was downgraded to fit within the reduced budget allotment.
24. The prototype design was downgraded from advanced to basic functionality.
25. His position was downgraded when the company restructured the management team.
26. Their new car order was downgraded to a lower trim level to save money.
27. The school's accreditation was downgraded due to substandard test scores and facilities.
28. The drug's approval status was downgraded after negative results in late-stage clinical trials.
29. The committee's recommendations were downgraded to suggestions due to lack of expert input.
30. The horse lost several races and its classification was downgraded to a lower level.
31. The storm's classification was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm.
32. The failing grade on the test was downgraded to a D minus by the lenient professor.
33. Their concert tickets were downgraded from front row to the nosebleed section.
34. The suspect's flight risk level was downgraded from high to medium after posting bail.
35. The employee was downgraded from supervisor to clerk after the theft accusation.
36. The athlete's ranking was downgraded by several places after a string of bad performances.
37. The account was downgraded from premium to basic status for missed payments.
38. The game's difficulty was downgraded so the children could progress further.
39. The marks on the faulty items were downgraded before putting them on sale.
40. The review rating was downgraded due to the volume of negative customer feedback.
41. The equipment was downgraded to older models that were easier to maintain.
42. The patient was downgraded from critical to serious condition after surgery.
43. The security detail was downgraded due to dwindling threats in the region.
44. Her band's set was downgraded from the main stage to a side stage at the festival.
45. The production estimates were downgraded sharply due to delays and cost overruns.
46. The restaurant was downgraded to one star in the latest guidebook.
47. Her privileges were downgraded after she breached the terms of her parole.
48. The plan was downgraded due to lower enrollment projections for next year.
49. His access was downgraded from administrator to standard user after suspicious activity was detected.
50. The software was downgraded to an older, less resource-intensive version.
51. The apartment was downgraded to a "needs updating" status on the rental listing.
52. The plate on the collectible car was downgraded from "perfect" to "very good" condition.
53. His premium membership was downgraded to standard after he missed payments.
54. The candidate's chance of winning was downgraded after a series of gaffes and missteps.
55. The AI's performance was downgraded after its accuracy rate dropped below 80%.
56. Their internet speeds were downgraded to a lower, cheaper plan.
57. The effects in the movie trailer were downgraded for the actual film.
58. Her prospects of getting the promotion were downgraded after another strong candidate emerged.
59. Their vacation rental was downgraded due to overbooking at the higher category.
60. The medical equipment was downgraded to older, refurbished models to save costs.

Common Phases

1. The company's credit rating was downgraded due to poor financial results.
2. They downgraded my phone plan to a lower cost option.
3. Travel alerts were issued after the weather forecast downgraded the oncoming storm.
4. Many passengers were unhappy when their flight was downgraded to a smaller aircraft.
5. The patient's condition rapidly downgraded and he had to be resuscitated.
6. The stock was severely downgraded by financial analysts.
7. The outlook for economic growth was downgraded due to uncertainty.
8. Our work environment has been seriously downgraded over the last few years.
9. The technology was quickly downgraded and became obsolete.
10. The athletic field went seriously downgraded after years without proper upkeep.
11. The restaurant has significantly downgraded the quality of its ingredients.
12. The model was downgraded to an older version with less appealing aesthetics.
13. Our service plan for new customers was downgraded to cut costs.
14. The software license was downgraded due to inactivity.
15. The privacy settings have been downgraded to allow for more data collection.
16. The version number was downgraded to appear older.
17. Our internet speed was downgraded after switching providers.
18. The protest caused the government to downgrade security measures.
19. The CPU in the new laptops was severely downgraded from previous models.
20. The media company downgraded several channels to save money.
21. The road was downgraded from four lanes to two to save on maintenance costs.
22. The worker's privileges were downgraded after failing to meet the production goal.
23. The venue downgraded the list of musical acts in an effort to cut costs.
24. My responsibilities have been downgraded and I rarely see important projects anymore.
25. The car's performance was significantly downgraded once the parts started failing.
26. The new project was downgraded to a lower budget with reduced goals.
27. The stock's value was downgraded after missing earnings expectations.
28. The operating system was downgraded to support older hardware.
29. His security clearance was downgraded when he failed a background check.
30. The game's graphics were downgraded for compatibility with older gaming consoles.
31. The employee's credentials were downgraded to limit access to sensitive data.
32. The vacation package was downgraded when they were unable to secure the originally promised resort.
33. Production of the goods was downgraded to the most basic materials.
34. The sports team was severely downgraded after losing several star players.
35. Access to certain files and programs was downgraded for all interns.
36. The cars that came off the assembly line that day were severely downgraded in quality.
37. The patient's medication was downgraded to a cheaper alternative.
38. The menu has been significantly downgraded to cut food costs.
39. The new model of the gaming console was severely downgraded compared to previous versions.
40. The equipment was severely downgraded, failing to function properly.
41. My title was downgraded despite having the same job duties.
42. The funding allocation was significantly downgraded due to budget cuts.
43. The quality of food served to customers has been severely downgraded.
44. The security tools used to monitor the network were severely downgraded.
45. The version of the software has been severely downgraded compared to previous releases.
46. The candidate's prospects were dramatically downgraded after an embarrassing scandal.
47. The winter festival was significantly downgraded due to poor ticket sales.
48. The movie trailer downgraded our expectations for the final production.
49. The punishment was downgraded after the student pleaded his case.
50. The president downgraded the seriousness of the escalating military threat.
51. The promotion was downgraded to a lateral transfer with no increase in pay.
52. The training program was severely downgraded compared to what was originally promised.
53. The game play was severely downgraded in the mobile version of the app.
54. The plan was severely downgraded due to lack of support from key stakeholders.
55. The quality of parts used in the assembly were severely downgraded to cut costs.
56. The review was significantly downgraded due to multiple errors and inconsistencies.
57. The teacher sharply downgraded the student's paper for excessive grammatical errors.
58. The media significantly downgraded its coverage of the contentious political issue.
59. The museum downgraded several exhibits in an effort to modernize its image.
60. The famous restaurant chain significantly downgraded the quality of its food over the years.

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