Drably example sentences

Related (5): monotonously, drearily, uninspiringly, uninterestingly, lacklusterly

"Drably" Example Sentences

1. The building looked drably grey in the early morning light.
2. Her outfit was rather drably colored, with little pops of anything brighter.
3. The hotel room was furnished drably, with beige carpeting and drab curtains.
4. The cityscape was drably adorned with large, grey concrete buildings.
5. The museum exhibit was presented drably, lacking the color and excitement to keep visitors engaged.
6. Jane's cubicle at work was drably decorated with a few motivational posters and a beige desk chair.
7. The garden in winter was drably bereft of color and life.
8. The art gallery was lit drably, enhancing the dullness of the paintings.
9. The laboratory was drably lit, with only a few dim lights to see by.
10. The uniforms for the factory workers were designed drably, with no embellishments or decorative touches.
11. The lecture hall was drably designed and poorly lit, making it difficult to stay awake.
12. He wore a drably colored suit to the interview, hoping to appear professional and serious.
13. The waiting room was drably decorated, with a few uncomfortable chairs and old magazines.
14. The city streets were drably silent as the parade marched by.
15. The restaurant decor was drably elegant, with muted colors and simple table settings.
16. The park landscape was drably brown in the autumn, with fallen leaves littering the ground.
17. The office building was drably modern, with a minimalist design and muted color scheme.
18. The department store was decorated drably for the holiday season, with nothing to catch the eye.
19. The movie theater was drably furnished, with uncomfortable seats and stained carpeting.
20. The historical museum exhibit was displayed drably, with no interactive elements or engaging features.
21. The street vendor's cart was drably painted, with chipping paint and rusted edges.
22. The music store was lit drably, with only a few dim lights to showcase the instruments.
23. The hospital room was drably decorated, with stark white walls and no personal touches.
24. The hotel restaurant was decorated drably, with no effort put into creating a cozy atmosphere.
25. The subway station was drably lit, with flickering fluorescent bulbs and graffiti-covered walls.
26. The conference room was furnished drably, with only a large conference table and a few chairs.
27. The cathedral was painted drably, with no colorful stained glass windows or intricate designs.
28. The sports arena was drably decorated for the championship game, with only a few banners and signs.
29. The bus station was drably designed, with uncomfortable benches and no amenities.
30. The shopping mall was lit drably, with too few lights and a depressing atmosphere.

Common Phases

1. The office walls were painted drably; it was hard to stay awake in there.
2. The dull, drably gray uniform made her feel invisible among the crowd.
3. The winter landscape looked drably cold, lacking any color or vibrancy.
4. The party was a bit drably decorated, but the company made up for it.
5. His monotone voice made the lecture drably uninteresting.

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