Dramshop example sentences

Related (2): intoxication, negligence

"Dramshop" Example Sentences

1. The dramshop on the corner had its liquor license revoked due to multiple incidents of overserving patrons.
2. She was injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver who had just left the dramshop.
3. The dramshop owner was facing a lawsuit after serving alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person who caused harm to others.
4. The town council was considering implementing stricter regulations on dramshops to prevent alcohol-related incidents.
5. He was denied entry to the dramshop because he was already visibly intoxicated.
6. The plaintiff in the case argued that the dramshop should be held responsible for the actions of the intoxicated patron they served.
7. The dramshop had a reputation for serving underage patrons and was eventually shut down by authorities.
8. The bartender at the dramshop was trained to identify signs of intoxication and cut people off accordingly.
9. The dramshop was held liable for damages caused by an intoxicated driver who had been overserved at the establishment.
10. The owners of the dramshop were facing criminal charges for serving alcohol without a valid license.
11. Despite several warnings from authorities, the dramshop owner continued to serve minors and was eventually arrested.
12. The dramshop was a popular spot for night owls who wanted to drink until the early morning hours.
13. The dramshop had a history of violent incidents due to overserved patrons.
14. The family of the victim in the drunk driving accident filed a lawsuit against the dramshop.
15. The dramshop owner argued that it was not responsible for the actions of its patrons once they left the establishment.
16. Authorities conducted a sting operation on the dramshop and caught the bartenders serving minors.
17. The dramshop was forced to close its doors after being repeatedly fined for serving alcohol to minors.
18. At the trial, witnesses testified that the dramshop had served the intoxicated driver several drinks before he got behind the wheel.
19. The dramshop owner agreed to pay a settlement to the victim of a drunk driving accident caused by one of their patrons.
20. The dramshop had a strict policy of not serving anyone who appeared to be intoxicated.
21. The town council held a public hearing to gather input on proposed regulations for dramshops.
22. The dramshop lost its liquor license after it was found to have violated several alcohol-related laws.
23. After being overserved at the dramshop, the patron stumbled out into the street and caused a commotion.
24. The dramshop owner was known for turning a blind eye to underage patrons who used fake IDs to buy alcohol.
25. The dramshop was a hotspot for college students who wanted to party on the weekends.
26. The plaintiff's attorney argued that the dramshop had a duty to prevent harm caused by overserved patrons.
27. He was arrested for public intoxication after leaving the dramshop and causing a disturbance.
28. The dramshop had a strict policy of cutting off patrons who became too drunk or rowdy.
29. The family of the drunk driving victim called for stricter penalties for dramshops that overserve patrons.
30. The dramshop's license renewal was denied due to a high number of alcohol-related incidents.

Common Phases

you want us to just list common phrases that use the word "dramshop"?
- Dramshop liability
- Dramshop laws
- Dramshop insurance
- Dramshop establishment
- Dramshop owner
- Dramshop lawsuit
- Dramshop claim
- Dramshop accident
- Dramshop regulation
- Dramshop bill
- Dramshop responsibility
- Dramshop act
- Dramshop venue
- Dramshop sale
- Dramshop service
- Dramshop alcohol policy
- Dramshop violation
- Dramshop fine
- Dramshop hearing
- Dramshop license.

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