Drawline example sentences

Related (19): draw, line, sketch, illustrate, outline, trace, diagram, artwork, picture, create, design, scribble, draft, cartoon, doodle, sketching, painting, mark, art

"Drawline" Example Sentences

1. She had to drawline between her personal and professional life.
2. He was determined to drawline between his past and his present.
3. I had to drawline between my wants and needs.
4. She drewline between her current and future goals.
5. He was adamant about drawingline between his work and his family.
6. She drewline between her beliefs and those of her family.
7. He drewline between his emotions and his actions.
8. She was careful to drawline between her friends and her enemies.
9. He drewline between his successes and his failures.
10. She drewline between her dreams and her reality.
11. He was forced to drawline between his hopes and his fears.
12. She had to drawline between her ambition and her morality.
13. He drewline between his dreams and his nightmares.
14. She drewline between her ambition and her conscience.
15. He had to drawline between his expectations and his disappointments.
16. She drewline between her needs and her wants.
17. He was determined to drawline between his present and his future.
18. She drewline between her thoughts and her feelings.
19. He had to drawline between his personal and professional life.
20. She drewline between her goals and her obligations.
21. He was careful to drawline between his duties and his desires.
22. She drewline between her ideas and her beliefs.
23. He had to drawline between his fantasies and his reality.
24. She drewline between her successes and her failures.
25. He drewline between his emotions and his logic.
26. She was forced to drawline between her friends and her foes.
27. He drewline between his dreams and his day-to-day life.
28. She drewline between her dreams and her expectations.
29. He had to drawline between his ambition and his morality.
30. She drewline between her hopes and her doubts.
31. He drewline between his goals and his responsibilities.
32. She was careful to drawline between her wants and her needs.
33. He had to drawline between his present and his past.
34. She drewline between her thoughts and her actions.
35. He drewline between his ideas and his beliefs.
36. She was determined to drawline between her ambitions and her conscience.
37. He had to drawline between his fantasies and his nightmares.
38. She drewline between her expectations and her disappointments.
39. He drewline between his desires and his duties.
40. She was adamant about drawingline between her friends and her enemies.

Common Phases

Draw a line from the top left corner to the bottom right corner;
Draw a line from the top right corner to the bottom left corner;
Draw a line from the center of the page to the top left corner;
Draw a line from the center of the page to the top right corner;
Draw a line from the center of the page to the bottom left corner;
Draw a line from the center of the page to the bottom right corner.

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