Drawplate example sentences

"Drawplate" Example Sentences

1. I need to pass the wire through the drawplate to make it thinner.
2. My little cousin was fascinated by the drawplate and asked me what it was used for.
3. I couldn't find the drawplate in my toolbox and had to borrow one from a friend.
4. The silver wire needed to be repeatedly drawn through the drawplate to achieve the desired gauge.
5. I used a drawplate to shape the copper wire into delicate petals for my jewelry design.
6. The jewelry maker used a drawplate to create perfectly shaped hoops for her earrings.
7. The drawplate helped me achieve a smooth and even thickness for the gold wire used in my pendant.
8. The drawplate requires patience and attention to detail to achieve the desired result.
9. I had to purchase a new drawplate because the old one was too worn out from frequent use.
10. I was surprised to learn that a drawplate can be used for both widening and narrowing wire.
11. The drawplate is a versatile tool that is critical for metalworking.
12. The jewelry store used a drawplate to create a custom ring for my fiancé.
13. I was amazed by how thin the wire became after passing it through the smallest hole in the drawplate.
14. I had trouble using the drawplate until my teacher showed me the right technique.
15. The drawplate is a useful tool for jewelry makers but it can also be used for other types of metalwork.
16. The drawplate helped me create the perfect shape for the wire used in my sculpture.
17. I had to adjust the size of the holes in the drawplate to achieve my desired wire thickness.
18. The drawplate made it possible for me to create a stunning necklace out of wire.
19. I spent hours using the drawplate to get the wire thickness just right for my project.
20. The drawplate is an old but essential tool in jewelry making.
21. The drawplate is a staple tool in every jewelry maker's toolbox.
22. The drawplate helped me make the wire strong enough to handle the weight of my pendant.
23. I initially struggled with the drawplate but became more proficient after practicing for a while.
24. The drawplate requires a lot of elbow grease but the results are worth it.
25. Setting up the drawplate properly is important to ensure that wire passes through smoothly.
26. The drawplate can be used with different types of wire, including gold, silver, and copper.
27. I first learned about the drawplate in the metalworking class I took in college.
28. The drawplate is named after the process of drawing or pulling the wire through its holes.
29. I prefer using the drawplate over other wire-shaping tools because it produces better results.
30. I always keep my drawplate clean and polished to ensure that it works properly.

Common Phases

not include the actual phase "drawplate."
1. Pull wire through holes;
2. Decrease the wire diameter;
3. Smooth out rough and uneven areas;
4. Create a consistent shape and size;
5. Prepare wire for further use;
6. Sharpen wire ends;
7. Strengthen wire by work hardening;
8. Refine wire by removing imperfections;
9. Finish wire for jewelry-making;
10. Increase wire density.

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