Drunken example sentences

Related (20): intoxicated, tipsy, inebriated, sloshed, plastered, hammered, blitzed, smashed, bombed, soused, wasted, pickled, buzzed, looped, trashed, loaded, ripped, tanked, juiced, stoned.

"Drunken" Example Sentences

1. The drunken man stumbled down the sidewalk.
2. The party ended with several drunken revelers passed out on the lawn.
3. The drunken driver swerved into oncoming traffic.
4. The police arrested the drunken rowdy crowd after numerous complaints.
5. The drunken fight broke out among the bar patrons.
6. The police officer pleaded with the drunken motorist to pull over.
7. The town's annual Irish festival attracted a large crowd of drunken revelers.
8. The drunken woman was rude and abusive towards the waiter.
9. The drunken night of partying resulted in a terrible hangover the next day.
10. The sound of drunken singing carried down the street late at night.
11. The drunken sailor staggered onto the deck of the ship.
12. The policeman dragged the drunken troublemaker out of the bar.
13. The old man's drunken rambling stories became tedious and repetitive.
14. The drunken laughter woke up the neighbors.
15. The drunken speech made no sense and was full of slurred words.
16. The group of drunken friends were thrown out of the restaurant.
17. The drunken pool player missed an easy shot.
18. The drunken stupor lasted most of the morning.
19. The police warned the bar to stop serving alcohol to already drunken customers.
20. The drunken holiday celebrations lasted late into the night.
21. The drunken partygoers stumbled home at dawn.
22. The drunken antics disgusted the other bar patrons.
23. The maid tidied up after the drunken guests had left.
24. The group's drunken karaoke performance was hilariously off-key.
25. The bride's family disapproved of her drunken groom.
26. The drunken arguments kept the neighbors awake.
27. The drunken brawl eventually led to serious injuries.
28. The smell of stale alcohol and cigarettes hung in the air of the drunken man's apartment.
29. The bar refused to serve the already drunken patron any more drinks.
30. The drunken state made it impossible for him to drive home safely.
31. The drunken student passed out on the library steps.
32. The drunken fight began when an insult was taken the wrong way.
33. The drunken babbling often made no sense.
34. The sight of the drunken beggar stirred pity in the hearts of the passersby.
35. The drunken neighbors crashed into garbage cans every night.
36. The drunken tryst ended in regret and tears.
37. The drunken idiots wandered into traffic and nearly got hit by a car.
38. The drunken riders fell off the mechanical bull one after another.
39. The drunken frat boys staggered across campus.
40. The drunken party went on long after the neighbors had gone to bed.
41. The night ended in a drunken haze with little memory of the details.
42. The drunken man lurched along the street speaking to imaginary voices.
43. The group of drunken youths intimidated passengers on the bus.
44. The drunken performance at the karaoke bar was a comedic disaster.
45. The couple's drunken argument shocked the other dinner guests.
46. The drunken piano playing was discordant and out of tune.
47. The drunken revelers spilled out into the streets when the bars closed.
48. The drunken behavior quickly became obnoxious and inappropriate.
49. The policeman gently helped the drunken woman to her feet.
50. The drunken guests spilled drinks and broke furniture at the house party.
51. The rich drunken fool made a spectacle of himself in public.
52. The drunken insults quickly turned volatile and physical.
53. The drunken revelry went on through the night.
54. The drunken revelers' loud singing disturbed the peace.
55. The sight of the drunken old homeless man begging for change was heartbreaking.
56. The drunken pirate swayed unsteadily on the deck of the ship.
57. The drunken patron's rude behavior eventually got him thrown out of the restaurant.
58. The drunken boy's foolish antics irritated his parents.
59. The sight of the drunken beggar reminded the man to appreciate his own blessings.
60. The drunken prank calls to the police station became annoying.

Common Phases

drunken stupor
drunken revelry
drunken revelers
drunken fool
drunken idiots
drunken brawl
drunken rage
drunken antics
drunken behavior
drunken rant
a drunken stumble
drunken slur
in a drunken haze
drunken babbling
drunken sailor
drunken nonsense
drunken revel
drunken ramblings
drunken singing
drunken laughter
drunken debauchery
fall into a drunken sleep
passed out in a drunken stupor
drunken night of partying
drunken fight

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