Druze example sentences

Related (11): Lebanon, Syria, Israel, religion, minority, sect, mukhtar, jethro, adereth, tanukh, reincarnation.

"Druze" Example Sentences

1. The Druze community is known for their secrecy about their religious beliefs.
2. My friend is a member of the Druze tribe in Lebanon.
3. The Druze faith has roots in Ismailism and other Islamic sects.
4. Druze festivals are often celebrated with traditional dancing and singing.
5. The Druze religion has unique beliefs about the concept of reincarnation.
6. Many Druze people immigrated to Israel after the establishment of the state in 1948.
7. The Druze outpost overlooked a picturesque valley.
8. I have a Druze friend who invited me to visit him in his village in Syria.
9. Druze cuisine is famous for its flavorful spices and fresh ingredients.
10. The Druze community in Syria has been hit hard by the civil war.
11. The Druze shrine is a sacred site for members of the faith.
12. I learned about the Druze while studying Middle Eastern history in college.
13. Druze leaders have often been heavily involved in politics in the Middle East.
14. The Druze people are known for their loyalty to their community and traditions.
15. Druze customs and traditions vary depending on the country and region.
16. Druze architecture is distinct and often features intricate designs and patterns.
17. The Druze faith has a strong emphasis on ethics and morality.
18. I have always been fascinated by the Druze culture and way of life.
19. The Druze religion has a rich history and lineage.
20. Druze literature includes poetry, music and religious texts.
21. Druze women have played a significant role in the community and society.
22. Many Druze people are multilingual and speak several languages.
23. The Druze community is tight-knit and supportive of one another.
24. Druze elders are highly respected and valued in the community.
25. I have heard stories of the Druze faith performing miraculous healings.
26. Druze beliefs about the cosmos are unique and different from other religions.
27. Druze art is often inspired by nature and the environment.
28. Druze historical sites and landmarks can be found throughout the Middle East.
29. Many Druze people have migrated to the United States and other countries.
30. The Druze play an important role in the religious and cultural diversity of the Middle East.

Common Phases

1. The Druze community is relatively unknown outside of the Middle East;
2. The Druze religion is a secretive and esoteric faith;
3. The Druze people are known for their loyalty and courage;
4. Druze culture places great emphasis on family and community;
5. The Druze have a rich tradition of storytelling and poetry;
6. Druze cuisine is renowned for its flavorful dishes;
7. Druze architecture is characterized by intricate designs and mosaics;
8. The Druze are proud of their heritage and identity;
9. Druze festivals and celebrations are marked by colorful costumes and lively music;
10. The Druze have made significant contributions to art, science, and literature.

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