Dumbos example sentences

Related (16): elephants, dunce, fool, idiot, dummy, ignoramus, blockhead, chump, lamebrain, simpleton, moron, imbecile, stupid, nitwit, numbskull, bonehead

"Dumbos" Example Sentences

1. The circus featured a group of talented elephants, but there were a few dumbos in the herd.
2. "Don't be a dumbo, use your common sense," the wise parent advised their child.
3. The class clown was often called a dumbo by their peers, but they always found a way to laugh it off.
4. The dumbo octopus is a fascinating deep-sea creature with large ears that help them detect prey.
5. The local zoo had a popular exhibit featuring a family of dumbos that visitors could feed and interact with.
6. "I can't believe I forgot my wallet at home," muttered the dumbo as they dug through their pockets.
7. The party was full of people dancing, but there were a few dumbos sitting on the sidelines.
8. The silly cartoon character was often called a dumbo due to their large ears and clumsy behavior.
9. "You're not a dumbo, you just need some extra help with this math problem," the tutor reassured their student.
10. The boss dismissed the dumbo employee from their job due to a series of mistakes and poor performance.
11. "I'm not a dumbo, I just didn't hear what you said," the teenager replied defensively.
12. The scientists discovered a new species of dumbo octopus with a unique pattern and behavior.
13. The team mascot was a lovable dumbo elephant that rallied the crowd at every game.
14. As the dumbo circus performer took the stage, the audience collectively held their breath.
15. "You're such a dumbo for not wearing sunscreen at the beach," scolded the mom to her sunburned child.
16. The children's book featured a brave little dumbo elephant who saved their friends from danger.
17. The character in the movie was called a dumbo by their bullies, but they eventually proved their worth and gained respect.
18. "I'm not a dumbo, I'm just nervous," the speaker explained as they fumbled with their notes.
19. The internet was filled with memes of playful dumbo elephants doing silly things.
20. The politician was criticized for making a dumbo comment during their speech, causing backlash from the public.
21. The circus trainer had a special bond with their dumbos and knew each one's quirks and preferences.
22. "Don't worry if you don't understand right away, you're not a dumbo," encouraged the teacher.
23. The group of friends playfully teased each other, but they knew not to cross the line into calling someone a dumbo.
24. The clever student outsmarted the dumbo bully and saved the day.
25. The clumsy waiter accidentally spilled drinks on the customers, earning the title of dumbo for the night.
26. "You don't have to be a dumbo to work in this industry, just put in the effort," advised the experienced professional.
27. The athletes trained hard every day to improve their skills and prove they weren't dumbos on the field.
28. The magical adventure featured a wise old dumbo elephant who helped the protagonist on their journey.
29. The family vacation was filled with unforgettable moments, including riding on the backs of dumbos at the amusement park.
30. "Don't listen to those bullies, you're not a dumbo, you're great just the way you are," affirmed the best friend.

Common Phases

"Dumbos! Can't you do anything right?; Oh, come on dumbos, focus!; Seriously, dumbos, this is not rocket science!; Hey dumbos, stop goofing around!; Enough already dumbos, get your act together!; I give up, dumbos, you're hopeless."

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