Dunderheads example sentences

Related (15): idiots, fools, dunces, morons, imbeciles, nitwits, dimwits, nincompoops, simpletons, blockheads, bozos, dolts, numskulls, ignoramuses, boneheads.

"Dunderheads" Example Sentences

1. The teacher had a difficult time explaining the concept to the dunderheads in the back of the class.
2. The team lost the game due to the dunderheads on the field who kept making mistakes.
3. I can't believe the company promoted that dunderhead to a managerial position.
4. Jake is always surrounded by a group of dunderheads who laugh at all his terrible jokes.
5. The politician's dunderhead approach to the issue caused more harm than good.
6. The CEO's decision was clearly made by a dunderhead who didn't understand the necessary analytics.
7. It's no use trying to reason with those dunderheads, they won't listen to reason.
8. I'm not working with that dunderhead again after the last project.
9. The reality show was full of dunderheads who did nothing but create drama.
10. The dunderheads running this company have no idea what they're doing.
11. We need to find a solution to this problem, and quick, before the dunderheads in charge make it worse.
12. It's frustrating when dunderheads think they know what they're talking about when they clearly don't.
13. The auditor had a difficult time explaining the findings to the dunderhead client who refused to understand.
14. The dunderheads in our group project caused us to fail the assignment.
15. She couldn't believe she was being lectured by a dunderhead who didn't even understand the basics.
16. It's no wonder our team lost the game with a bunch of dunderheads like that on the field.
17. The dunderhead waiter brought us the wrong order three times.
18. The team's dunderheads ruined the group dynamic and made the work environment hostile.
19. I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince that dunderhead they're wrong.
20. The dunderheads in the audience kept talking during the performance, ruining it for everyone else.
21. The boss's dunderhead idea was quickly shut down by everyone in the room.
22. The company's marketing campaign was doomed from the start with a dunderhead in charge of creative.
23. Those dunderheads in the government need a reality check.
24. I can't stand it when people act like dunderheads just to be funny.
25. His dunderhead lack of preparation caused him to fail the exam.
26. The radio show was nothing but a group of dunderheads yelling at each other.
27. I don't want to work with any more dunderheads on my team.
28. It's a shame the brilliant idea was shot down by a dunderhead who didn't understand it fully.
29. If those dunderheads had listened to me, we wouldn't be in this mess.
30. The judge has no patience for dunderheads who waste the court's time.

Common Phases

1. Those dunderheads never learn;
2. What were those dunderheads thinking;
3. Don't listen to those dunderheads;
4. These dunderheads just don't get it;
5. The dunderheads are at it again;
6. Why do I have to deal with these dunderheads;
7. I can't believe those dunderheads were in charge;
8. Those dunderheads are always causing trouble;
9. Do you have to work with those dunderheads too?
10. I wish those dunderheads would leave me alone.

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