Dwell example sentences

Related (10): reside, inhabit, live, occupy, lodge, sojourn, stay, nest, settle, bide.

"Dwell" Example Sentences

1. I dwell in a small house near the beach.
2. They chose to dwell in the city rather than the country.
3. Many of the poor dwell in slums and shanty towns.
4. Some hermits choose to dwell in caves and huts.
5. The poet seems to dwell on themes of sorrow and loss.
6. Do not dwell on the past, focus on the present.
7. He tends to dwell on past mistakes and regrets.
8. The author dwells too long on minor details.
9. The orator dwelled at length on the injustices of the current system.
10. His mind began to dwell on dark thoughts.
11. The legend dwelled in the minds of people for generations.
12. Why do you dwell on such negative thoughts?
13.The professor tended to dwell on insignificant points.
14. The guidebook dwells extensively on the city's cultural sites.
15. Do not dwell on your misery, rise above it.
16. The mind has a tendency to dwell on unpleasant memories.
17. The writer chose to dwell on the bleaker aspects of human nature.
18. He began to dwell on his faults and shortcomings.
19. We should not dwell on misfortune, but look forward.
20. Her mind dwelled obsessively on thoughts of vengeance.
21. For too long I have dwelt on sadness and woe.
22.I chose to dwell in nature rather than the clutter of city life.
23. The mystic sought to dwell in a state of eternal bliss.
24. Why do you continue to dwell on such negative thoughts?
25. The story dwelled too long on minor characters and plot twists.
26. They dwelled in caves for shelter and warmth.
27. Do not dwell in the past, live for today.
28. The narrative tends to dwell on depressing details.
29. He dwelled on the memory for years afterwards.
30. They continue to dwell in makeshift tents and shelters.
31. Her thoughts continued to dwell on her recent loss.
32. Most of the villagers dwell in simple mud huts.
33. The missing child continues to dwell in their thoughts.
34. The book dwells primarily on historical aspects of the period.
35. They chose to dwell in the countryside away from the city.
36. Her imagination began to dwell on fantastical possibilities.
37. Many urban poor dwell in overcrowded slums.
38. Why do you continue to dwell on negative possibilities?
39. The speaker chose to dwell on minor points rather than the main theme.
40. The memory continued to dwell in his subconscious for years.
41. You must not dwell in the past but look to the future.
42. The tribesmen continue to dwell in caves to this day.
43. They chose a remote valley in which to dwell in solitude.
44. Do not allow dark thoughts to dwell in your mind.
45. The writer chose to dwell on trivial details and anecdotes.
46. The account tends to dwell on grisly details and horrors.
47. She continues to dwell on the final moments before his death.
48. Many villagers continue to dwell in mud huts with thatched roofs.
49. His mind began to dwell on troubling possibilities.
50. The narrator chose to dwell primarily on technical details.
51. The story dwells too long on minor characters and subplots.
52. They chose to dwell in the forest rather than the village.
53. Do not let your anger dwell within you.
54. Millions of urban poor continue to dwell in squalid slums.
55. Ancient druids are thought to have dwelled in the forests.
56. The passage tends to dwell on minor technical points.
57. The narrative chooses to dwell on more depressing themes.
58. It tends to dwell too much on minutiae and neglects the larger picture.
59. They continue to dwell in tribal village communities to this day.
60. The visionary sought to dwell forever in a state of enlightenment.

Common Phases

1. She chose to dwell on the positive aspects of the situation.
2. I choose not to dwell on the past.
3. He tends to dwell on minor details.
4. The hermit dwells in a cave in the hills.
5. They dwell in a remote rural community.
6. Long did she dwell on his parting words.
7. Let us not dwell on unpleasantries.
8. The memory still dwells in my mind.
9. His words dwelled on my conscience.
10. I do not wish to dwell on sad memories.
11. I do not care to dwell on painful events.
12. I could dwell on the past but choose to move on.
13. Dwell not on gloomy thoughts.
14. Why do you dwell so much on that trivial matter?
15. Stop dwelling on things you cannot change.
16. Stop dwelling in the past and look forward.
17. He tends to dwell on the negative.
18. Dwell on the joy and let the pain fade.
19. Do not dwell on what has been lost but focus on what remains.
20. Her mind continued to dwell on the argument.
21. They dwell in caves above the valley.
22. Writers tend to dwell in their imaginations.
23. The monk dwells in a small hut by the temple.
24. The solitary woodsman chooses to dwell alone.
25. His attention began to dwell on her.
26. She dwelt in her memories of happier times.
27. His thoughts continued to dwell on her words.
28. Herbalists traditionally dwelt on the edge of towns.
29. Reminiscence prompts us to dwell in the past.
30. The novel dwells heavily on themes of loss.
31. Why do you dwell on things that upset you?
32. They dwell in a quiet corner of the city.
33. The poet's words dwell in my memory still.
34. I will not dwell on what has passed.
35. He continues to dwell on past regrets.
36. Her words dwelt long in my thoughts.
37. Do not dwell on painful memories.
38. Dwelling on past mistakes breeds sadness.
39. The novel dwells on themes of love and loss.
40. His mind dwelt on happier days.
41. Why do you dwell so much on trivial things?
42. Stop dwelling on depressing thoughts.
43. She dwells too much on her troubles.
44. The tale dwells heavily on horror and suspense.
45. Dwell in the present, not the past.
46. The speaker's words dwelt long in our minds.
47. The author dwells on social commentary in this novel.
48. Her attention began to dwell on him.
49. Let us not dwell on unpleasant matters.
50. They chose a secluded dwelling on the lake.
51. The community dwells in small huts by the river.
52. His words still dwell in the back of my mind.
53. Some people choose to dwell in isolation.
54. The book dwells on themes of human nature.
55. Do not dwell on things past mending.
56. Her thoughts continued to dwell on his rejection.
57. The book dwells on social injustice and inequality.
58. The cottage dwells on the edge of town.
59. The novel dwells on themes of love and loss.
60. The monks dwell in silence and solitude.

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