Ecclesiastics example sentences

Related (9): clergy, pastors, preachers, bishops, priests, ministers, deacons, evangelists, theologians

"Ecclesiastics" Example Sentences

1. The ecclesiastics decided to hold a synod to discuss church reforms.
2. Many ecclesiastics rose to positions of power within the church hierarchy.
3. The ecclesiastics gathered in the cathedral to celebrate Mass.
4. The pope convened a meeting of ecclesiastics to discuss the crisis facing the church.
5. The role of ecclesiastics in the early medieval period was crucial to the development of Christianity.
6. Ecclesiastics in the Renaissance held great sway over the ruling class.
7. The bishop conferred with other ecclesiastics to determine the course of action.
8. The responsibilities of ecclesiastics included preaching, administering sacraments, and caring for the sick and poor.
9. Ecclesiastics were often educated and literate, serving as scribes and scholars.
10. The synod was attended by prominent ecclesiastics from across the region.
11. Some ecclesiastics were known for their piety and asceticism, living in solitude or monastic communities.
12. Others were known for their worldly pursuits, such as art, music, and patronage of artists and writers.
13. Ecclesiastics played a crucial role in the development of the liturgical calendar and the celebration of feasts and holy days.
14. Many ecclesiastics were involved in the creation of religious art and architecture, including the design of cathedrals and churches.
15. The role of ecclesiastics in politics varied depending on the time and place.
16. In some areas, they wielded great power and influence over rulers and governments.
17. In others, they were subject to persecution and violence.
18. Ecclesiastics were often supported by wealthy patrons, who gave donations to support the church and its mission.
19. Theology was a central concern for ecclesiastics, who engaged in debates and discussions over doctrine.
20. Ecumenical councils brought together ecclesiastics from across different regions to discuss these issues.
21. The orthodox faith was upheld by a hierarchy of ecclesiastics, who were responsible for promoting and enforcing the teachings of the church.
22. The political and economic power of ecclesiastics often led to corruption and abuse.
23. Reform movements challenged the authority of ecclesiastics and called for greater accountability and transparency.
24. Ecclesiastics were not immune to the broader social and cultural changes of their time, such as the rise of humanism and the Renaissance.
25. Many ecclesiastics were involved in the study of classical literature and philosophy.
26. Some even wrote poetry and drama in the vernacular language.
27. Ecclesiastics played a key role in the spread of Christianity to new regions, such as the Americas and Asia.
28. Missionary work was often undertaken by ecclesiastics, who sought to convert non-Christians to the faith.
29. The role of women in the church was often limited to support functions, such as serving as nuns or lay sisters to ecclesiastics.
30. Recent years have seen renewed interest in the history and legacy of ecclesiastics, with scholars examining topics such as the reform movement, the role of women, and the impact of ecclesiastical power on society.

Common Phases

not include any religious teachings or references.
1. The ecclesiastics gathered for a conference; the discussion focused on community outreach.
2. The bishop addressed the congregation in his ecclesiastic robes; his sermon was about forgiveness.
3. The ecclesiastics from different denominations came together for a humanitarian mission; they worked to provide aid to the victims of a natural disaster.
4. The ecclesiastic council convened to discuss church finances; they reviewed the budget and made plans for fundraising.
5. The ecclesiastics participated in a peaceful protest; they marched through the streets advocating for social justice.

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