Ectothermy example sentences

Related (5): cold-blooded, poikilothermic, thermoregulation, reptiles, amphibians

"Ectothermy" Example Sentences

1. Ectothermy is a characteristic feature of reptiles and amphibians.
2. Cold-blooded animals rely on ectothermy to regulate their body temperatures.
3. Ectothermy allows animals to conserve energy and resources.
4. The efficiency of ectothermy varies across different species.
5. Ectothermy is an adaption to life in diverse environments.
6. Ectothermic animals are often found in tropical regions.
7. The benefits of ectothermy include lower metabolic rates and longer life spans.
8. Ectothermy enables animals to thrive in conditions where endothermic species cannot survive.
9. The evolution of ectothermy has led to the diversification of reptiles and amphibians.
10. The transition from ectothermy to endothermy was a significant event in the evolution of birds and mammals.
11. Some ectothermic animals have developed remarkable abilities to regulate their body temperature, such as basking in the sun.
12. The use of burrows and other microhabitats is a common strategy for ectothermic species to regulate their temperature.
13. The timing and duration of activity in ectothermic animals is often linked to their thermal environment.
14. Behavioral thermoregulation is an important aspect of the ectothermic lifestyle.
15. Ectothermic animals often hibernate or estivate during periods of extreme temperatures or limited food availability.
16. The ecological role of ectothermic animals is crucial to maintaining biodiversity in many ecosystems.
17. Ectothermic species play important roles in food webs as both predators and prey.
18. Climate change may have significant impacts on ectothermic animals, as they are particularly sensitive to temperature fluctuations.
19. Understanding the ecology of ectothermic species is important for effective conservation and management.
20. Many factors influence the growth and development of ectothermic animals, including temperature, humidity, and food availability.
21. Ectothermy can also affect the behavior and social interactions of animals, including courtship and mating.
22. The ability to thermoregulate effectively is crucial for ectotherms to survive and reproduce.
23. Ectothermic animals may have different feeding and hunting strategies depending on the thermal conditions of their environment.
24. The study of ectothermy has important implications for understanding the larger patterns and processes of evolutionary biology.
25. Ectothermic animals can serve as models for understanding physiological mechanisms of temperature regulation.
26. Comparative studies of ectothermic and endothermic species can provide insight into the nature of energy metabolism and evolutionary trade-offs.
27. The physiology of ectothermic animals can also be influenced by other environmental factors, such as light and humidity.
28. Some ectothermic animals exhibit complex behaviors and cognitive abilities, challenging traditional assumptions about their intelligence.
29. Metabolic scaling theory suggests that the structure and function of ectothermic organisms differ from endothermic organisms due to differences in energy metabolism.
30. The use of ectothermic animals in research has led to significant advancements in areas such as biomedical research and genomics.

Common Phases

1. Many reptiles exhibit ectothermy; they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.
2. Ectothermy is also known as cold-bloodedness; it refers to the inability of an organism to generate its own body heat.
3. Ectotherms are able to adjust their metabolism based on environmental temperatures; this allows them to conserve energy in colder conditions.
4. The use of ectothermy is common among fish and amphibians; they are able to survive in aquatic environments with varying temperatures.
5. Unlike endothermic animals, ectotherms have a slower metabolic rate; this means they require less food to maintain their body functions.

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