Edicts example sentences

Related (10): proclamations, decrees, mandates, orders, commands, directives, pronouncements, regulations, laws, statutes



edicts (plural noun)

  - an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority:


decree, order, command, commandment, mandate, proclamation, pronouncement, dictum, dictate, fiat, promulgation, precept, law, statute, act, enactment, bill, ordinance, regulation, rule, ruling, injunction, manifesto, ukase, pronunciamento, firman, decretal, rescript

"Edicts" Example Sentences

1. The king issued several harsh edicts against religious dissenters.
2. The totalitarian government issued harsh edicts restricting the freedoms of its citizens.
3. The emperor passed several edicts banning certain religions and imposing new taxes.
4. The company president issued edicts requiring all employees to work longer hours.
5. The dictator's impulsive edicts caused chaos in the economy.
6. The government edicts requiring all citizens over age 80 to report to a re-education camp caused outrage.
7. The harsh edicts demanding discrimination against certain ethnic groups sparked a rebellion.
8. The government's arbitrary edicts infringed on basic civil liberties.
9. The king's frequent edicts showed his tyrannical nature.
10. The new ruler overturned many of the previous monarch's harsher edicts.
11. The dictator's second set of edicts were even more restrictive and punitive than the first.
12. His latest edicts imposed stricter dress codes and curfews.
13. The pope's edicts carried the weight of religious law.
14. The sudden edicts took everyone by surprise.
15. Many resisted and ignored the unpopular edicts.
16. Citizens chafed under the oppressive edicts that limited their daily lives.
17. The autocratic leader's constant edicts revealed his desire for complete control.
18. The mayor issued several edicts aimed at clamping down on traffic congestion.
19. The obscure edicts were written in an archaic language few people understood.
20. The tidal wave of new edicts caused widespread confusion and delays.
21. The tyrant's final edicts sought to control even the smallest details of citizens' lives.
22. The company's recent edicts pleased shareholders but upset many employees.
23. The emperor's ill-advised edicts sowed the seeds of rebellion among his subjects.
24. The edicts were signed but never properly enacted.
25. The king's controversial edicts led to widespread protests.
26. The benevolent ruler overturned several of his predecessor's more oppressive edicts.
27. The totalitarian leader's capricious edicts were impossible to follow.
28. The harshness of the edicts took everyone by surprise.
29. The backlash against the edicts soon followed.
30. The kingdom's prosperity declined under the unwise edicts of the arrogant king.
31. The benevolent ruler eased many of the harsher edicts issued by the previous king.
32. The deluge of edicts had the opposite effect the leader intended.
33. The contradictory edicts caused widespread confusion.
34. The arbitrary edicts were seen as petty tyranny.
35. The company quickly retracted the most onerous edicts after employees revolted.
36. The autocrat justified his harsh edicts as necessary for security.
37. The CEO's visionary edicts changed the company for the better.
38. The unchecked stream of new edicts eventually crippled the economy.
39. The president's progressive edicts expanded civil rights and liberties.
40. He overturned several of his predecessor's more oppressive edicts.
41. His first official acts were to rescind many of the former dictator's harsher edicts.
42. Critics blasted the company's authoritarian edicts.
43. The sudden edicts caught citizens completely unaware.
44. The harshness of the government's new edicts shocked the nation.
45. The religious leader's arbitrary edicts often contradicted scripture.
46. The contradictory edicts issued in rapid succession sowed confusion.
47. The socially progressive edicts won the leader widespread praise.
48. The emperor issued a long series of arbitrary edicts aimed at exerting greater control.
49. The harsh edicts served as a reminder of the leader's tyrannical nature.
50. The arbitrary edicts only seemed designed to provoke defiance.
51. The new leader's first acts were to overturn many of the oppressive edicts of the previous regime.
52. The religious leader's arbitrary edicts strayed from established doctrine.
53. The harshness of the new edicts caught citizens by surprise.
54. The contradictory edicts left citizens unsure how to comply.
55. The CEO's enlightened edicts reshaped company policies for the better.
56. The sudden edicts made people question the leader's competence.
57. The harshness of the tyrannical edicts led to widespread defiance and rebellion.
58. The progressive edicts expanded civil liberties and social programs.
59. The edicts imposed strict new restrictions and punishments.
60. The arbitrary edicts raised questions about the leader's motives.

Common Phases

1. issue an edict - To officially declare or announce an edict.
2. go against edicts - To disobey or act contrary to official edicts.
3. bring in new edicts - To introduce or enact new official rules and regulations.
4. lift edicts - To cancel, rescind or abolish official rules and restrictions.
5. impose strict edicts - To enforce stern or rigorous official rules and decrees.
6. override previous edicts - To supersede or disregard earlier official proclamations.
7. disregard edicts - To ignore or pay no attention to official rules and prohibitions.
8. enforce edicts - To compel obedience to officially declared rules and restrictions.
9. present harsh edicts - To declare strict or punitive official rules and orders.
10. contradict previous edicts - To state officially declared rules that oppose earlier proclamations.

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