Egomaniac example sentences

Related (6): Narcissist, self-obsessed, arrogant, self-important, vain, self-centered.

"Egomaniac" Example Sentences

1. He was such an egomaniac that he demanded constant praise and attention.
2. The director was an egomaniac who insisted that everything revolved around him.
3. The pop star was known as an egomaniac who cared more about himself than his fans.
4. Her boss was such an egomaniac that he took credit for all of her hard work.
5. The CEO was an egomaniac who thought his opinions were the only ones that mattered.
6. The spoiled child acted like an egomaniac who expected everything to go his way.
7. The actor was known as an egomaniac who loved talking about himself.
8. The writer was such an egomaniac that he refused to consider any critiques of his work.
9. The team hated playing for the coach because he was such an egomaniac who only thought about winning.
10. The politician acted like an egomaniac who thought very highly of himself and his own opinions.
11. The other students avoided him because he acted like an egomaniac who cared about nothing but himself.
12. The professor was notorious as an egomaniac who only wanted to talk about himself and his theories.
13. The athlete was known as an egomaniac who cared more about fame than his teammates.
14. The artist was known to be an egomaniac who demanded to exhibit his art in the best locations.
15. The comedian acted like an egomaniac who relished any chance to talk about himself.
16. His egomaniacal tendencies eventually cost him all of his friends and colleagues.
17. The woman acted like an egomaniac, refusing to accept any flaws in her ideas.
18. The egomaniac constantly bragged about his accomplishments and wealth.
19. The boss's oversized ego and egomaniacal tendencies made him impossible to work for.
20. The writer's egomania was evident in the way he refused any edits to his work.
21. The reporter's egomania caused him to repeatedly interrupt other speakers.
22. Many found the egomaniac's constant bragging to be off-putting and obnoxious.
23. The actor was known as an egomaniac who liked to talk about himself in interviews.
24. His egomaniacal tendencies alienated potential friends and clients.
25. The other children avoided the egomaniacal boy who thought only of himself.
26. The egomaniac wrote himself into the story as a hero in every chapter.
27. Her egomania prevented her from considering any counterarguments to her theories.
28. The egomaniac thought himself superior to all those around him.
29. The egomaniac's inflated sense of self-importance grated on everyone's nerves.
30. The pop star was known as an egomaniac who seemed to care only about fame and fortune.
31. The CEO's egomania prevented her from acknowledging flaws in the company's strategy.
32. The student acted like an egomaniac who thought he was better than his classmates.
33. His egomania made it impossible to have a productive discussion with him.
34. The author's egomania became evident through the self-aggrandizing tone of his memoir.
35. The egomaniac's self-centered nature caused problems in all of his relationships.
36. The child's egomania made it so only his wants and needs seemed to matter.
37. The writer's egomaniacal tendencies damaged her professional reputation.
38. The coach's egomania eventually caused the whole team to revolt.
39. The leader's egomania prevented her from considering alternative viewpoints.
40. The actor's egomania eventually drove away his costars and crew members.
41. The academic's egomania began to negatively impact morale within his department.
42. The professor's notorious egomania made colleagues reluctant to work with him.
43. The egomaniac's ego became so inflated he refused to admit any mistakes.
44. His egomania prevented him from acknowledging any shortcomings in his work.
45. The professor was notorious for his egomania and dismissive attitude toward students.
46. The businessman was known as an egomaniac who cared only about making more money.
47. The governor's egomania made him incapable of compromise.
48. The athlete's egomania eventually caused problems with his teammates and coaches.
49. The CEO's egomaniacal tendencies strained his relationships with employees and partners.
50. The author's egomania shone through in her self-aggrandizing and conceited writing style.
51. The critic's egomania was evident in her dismissive and superior tone towards other artists.
52. His egomania eventually destroyed his business and personal relationships.
53. The parents avoided the egomaniacal child who seemed to care about no one but himself.
54. The politician's egomania eventually caused problems with his colleagues and constituents.
55. The investor's egomania and need for attention damaged relationships with potential partners.
56. The professor was notorious for his egomania, wanting only to talk about his own theories.
57. Her egomaniacal tendencies began to harm her credibility as a journalist.
58. The coach's egomania resulted in tension and resentment among the players.
59. The author's egomaniacal tendencies were evident in the fawning praise given to himself in the biography.
60. The musician's egomania eventually took a toll on the band's chemistry and success.

Common Phases

1. The arrogant actor was an egomaniac who thought he was better than everyone else.
2. The self-absorbed CEO behaved like an egomaniac, caring only about promoting his own image and interests.
3. My ex was such an egomaniac that our entire relationship revolved around him and his needs.
4. The doctor had an inflated sense of self-importance and was an utter egomaniac.
5. The social media influencer acted like a complete egomaniac, obsessed with selfies and followers.
6. His excessive self-love and self-absorption made him an obnoxious egomaniac.
7. My boss is such an egomaniac that he takes credit for all of our hard work.
8. The egomaniacal dictator considered himself the only wise ruler of the country.
9. The hip hop artist's behavior revealed him to be nothing more than an egomaniac concerned only with fame and riches.
10. Egomaniacs thrive on the admiration of others and require constant attention and praise.
11. The egomaniac politician believed he was the only one able to fix the nation's problems.
12. No one could stand working for the egomaniacal CEO for very long.
13. The young entrepreneur acted like an egomaniac, refusing any advice not handed down by himself.
14. The painter's massive ego and egomaniacal behavior eventually alienated all of his friends and family.
15. The egomaniac star athlete believed he was above the rules that applied to everyone else.
16. The author's colossal ego and egomaniacal ways led to tension within the writer's group.
17. Thankfully my son grew out of his brief egomaniac phase during adolescence.
18. She accused her ex-husband of being an egomaniac who cared about no one but himself.
19. The egomaniacal company founder thought his employees existed only to serve his needs and wishes.
20. The egomaniac demanded constant praise and admiration for even the most mundane accomplishments.
21. Her overinflated self-regard and egomaniacal manner put people off.
22. The egomaniac's rant made it clear that he thought he was better than everyone else in the room.
23. The egomaniac journalist wrote countless articles glorifying his own achievements and actions.
24. I could no longer tolerate living with such an egomaniac who cared nothing for my feelings and wishes.
25. The aspiring young singer's behavior revealed her to be nothing but an egomaniac convinced of her superior talent.
26. His self-centeredness and egomania eventually cost him the friendship of everyone who had ever cared about him.
27. The egomaniac's delusions of grandeur and overinflated self-image kept him from seeing his own shortcomings.
28. You will never get anywhere in life if you act like such an egomaniac rather than learning to work with others.
29. The egomaniac writer relentlessly published poems and essays exalting his own brilliance and genius.
30. The egomaniacal musician need constant praise and adulation to feed his massive ego.
31. The arrogant professor behaved like a total egomaniac, expecting his students to worship him.
32. The egomaniac never considered anyone's perspective but his own.
33. His egomania and arrogance meant he had no real friends, only sycophants feeding his massive ego.
34. The political candidate's narcissism and egomania made him completely unfit for public office.
35. She quickly grew tired of the egomaniac's incessant boasting and self-serving lies.
36. The egomaniac nurse presumed she knew better than all of the doctors how to treat patients.
37. Eventually people grew tired of the egomaniac's constant need for attention and affirmation.
38. No one could put up with the egomaniac for very long before losing patience with his overbearing attitude.
39. The egomaniacal CEO surrounded himself with sycophants who told him only what he wanted to hear.
40. The egomaniac viewed her lack of friends as a result of jealousy rather than her own overbearing personality.
41. The narcissist's egomania alienated everyone who genuinely cared for her.
42. The egomaniacal behavior eventually cost him his job and nearly ruined his marriage.
43. You cannot reason with an egomaniac; their own grandeur blinds them from seeing other viewpoints.
44. The egomaniac's constant demands for attention became insufferable.
45. Eventually everyone grew tired of the egomaniac's constant self-aggrandizement and praise-seeking.
46. The egomaniac's condescending attitude belied his lack of genuine achievement or wisdom.
47. Only other egomaniacs and sycophants can stand being around such egomaniacal behavior for very long.
48. The egomaniac thought his every opinion was absolute truth and rightfully deserved to be followed.
49. The egomaniac's self-obsession eventually cost him the love and respect of everyone he claimed to care about.
50. You cannot win an argument with an egomaniac; their inflated egos blind them to reason and truth.
51. The egomaniac's grandiose delusions of grandeur made him believe he was destined for fame and fortune.
52. The egomaniac lived in a self-constructed fantasy world of his own greatness and genius.
53. The egomaniac's massive ego eventually blindsided him to the truths he needed most to see.
54. The egomaniac's narcissistic personality disorder was obvious to everyone but himself.
55. The egomaniac could not comprehend why no one appreciated his "brilliant" ideas and genius wit.
56. The egomaniac behaved as though the world existed merely as a stage for his own performance.
57. The egomaniac's constant boasting and bragging eventually lost their power to impress others.
58. His egomania meant he took no real pleasure or satisfaction from his purported achievements.
59. The egomaniac viewed honest criticism as a personal attack rather than an opportunity for growth.
60. The egomaniac demanded constant validation that his sense of self-worth depended on.

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